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Buyout Options

Reggie Jackson sucks. Every minute he plays is a minute that Lou Will, Shamet or Pat Bev doesn't.

This is a win for every top team in the west BUT the Clippers lol.
Yeah... this one doesn't bother me really at all... I think its likely an injury insurance policy or a way to load manage Pat Bev (dudes had lots of bumps and bruises).
Though I think the big markets have an advantage, I don't think it's as big as sometimes we perceive it (not that it doesn't exist). It's similar to thinking the "cool guys" get all the girls. Part of the reason why is the belief that's perpetuated that... 'the cool guys get all the girls,' so all the other guys don't try as are or are intimidated. They end up not pursuing opportunities because they "know their place." Or are "realists" or some other lame excuse like that that tends to self-impose limits on themselves.

I agree we should try, but the advantage is pretty big. If we had a substantially bigger role that would be the advantage that nabs us someone imo.

The narrative from the start of the season was that we expected to be active on the buyout market. We should have been able to project at some point that the buyout market was gonna be bad. Its the same DLJZ get fixated on one thing (player, strategy, draft prospect) and don't deviate. There weren't a lot of players that moved for a couple seconds... not sure if teams weren't interested or teams weren't offering... hopefully we made some offers and were rebuffed, but I'm not convinced that was the case based on reading the tea leaves.

I'm hoping Udoh is their ace up the sleeve and that why they didn't address the backup center issue.
Unless Udoh was released outright from China he is unavailable as they resume their season on April 1 as it had been suspended because of the corona virus.
Unless Udoh was released outright from China he is unavailable as they resume their season on April 1 as it had been suspended because of the corona virus.
didn't see that news... My guess is there will be some dudes that won't be tryin to head back there though, but that doesn't look great. Ekpe got pretty good money to go over from what I understand... so I doubt he wants to get a buyout.

So Joakim Noah and Bogut are the only ones left... eff it, just start playing Juwan morgan.
didn't see that news... My guess is there will be some dudes that won't be tryin to head back there though, but that doesn't look great. Ekpe got pretty good money to go over from what I understand... so I doubt he wants to get a buyout.

So Joakim Noah and Bogut are the only ones left... eff it, just start playing Juwan morgan.

I had misunderstood the March 1 buyout deadline. It's not that someone has to sign with a team by March 1 in order to be playoff eligible, but only that anyone on an NBA contract who wishes to be playoff-eligible with a new team must be bought out by March 1. So anyone not on an NBA roster by March 1 can still sign later and retain playoff eligibility (I'm not sure if there's a deadline after that for playoff-eligible signings). So Bogut, whose season will end after March 1, would still be eligible (hard to know if Udoh would be, though, if Homey's info is correct).

(I had hoped to be able to either sign someone by March 1 or not, and be done with this whole add-a-player discussion, but it's apparently not that simple.)
I had misunderstood the March 1 buyout deadline. It's not that someone has to sign with a team by March 1 in order to be playoff eligible, but only that anyone on an NBA contract who wishes to be playoff-eligible with a new team must be bought out by March 1. So anyone not on an NBA roster by March 1 can still sign later and retain playoff eligibility (I'm not sure if there's a deadline after that for playoff-eligible signings). So Bogut, whose season will end after March 1, would still be eligible (hard to know if Udoh would be, though, if Homey's info is correct).

(I had hoped to be able to either sign someone by March 1 or not, and be done with this whole add-a-player discussion, but it's apparently not that simple.)
I sure hope so. Great news, if so. Of course, it could just be delaying the inevitable. We’ll see.
I sure hope so. Great news, if so. Of course, it could just be delaying the inevitable. We’ll see.
I'm pretty sure we won't do anything... I don't think they'd do anything super late in the season unless there was an injury...

I'm banking on our backup big problems being solved by Juwan Morgan (at least in part). Not sure how it happens, but if he can get 5 games or so of backup minutes I think he could win and keep the job.
Clips getting Reggie Jackson... very likely insignificant signing... this is what contenders do though... they add talent and contingency plans. Surprised he didn’t go to the Lakers.
LMFAO. WTF do they want him? He can’t possibly get off their bench, right. Even so, I’d rather see him play over the rest of their guards. Lol
This is also why the “we will be active in the buyout market” was hilarious. You think finding trades with limited assets is hard... go ahead and try to sign guys that can go to LA or Miami for the same money... hell even Texas is tax free. We are at a pretty heavy competitive disadvantage.
Good. Blessing in disguise IMO. I don’t think there is a center on the market I’d rather have over Bradley.
Unless Udoh was released outright from China he is unavailable as they resume their season on April 1 as it had been suspended because of the corona virus.

lmao. He’s not an upgrade over Bradley. I’m good
Dowsett is a whiney bitch. Can't stand him.

But he's absolutely right. The system is unfair. Reggie Jackson had an $18 million contract. Well, no team has $18 million of cap space so of course he was going to clear waivers. Now, he can sign for minimum for any team he wants. Contenders and/or teams from great markets get an unfair advantage. To me, that's garbage because the contenders have the ability to add a player that other team's don't have a chance to.

My proposal is that every team should be limited to one buyout player.
And maybe there should be some sort of compensation. Maybe a team loses their 2nd round pick or their 2nd round pick goes to the end of the 2nd round if they sign a guy who was bought out.
Lastly, I think teams should be able to use exception money or some other bigger amount of money to have a chance to pay more than a minimum contract. For example - maybe DeMarre Carroll goes to Utah if we could give him $3 million instead of minimum the rest of the season.

Currently, the system is unfair. In no other sport is a team adding a 7th, 8th, or 9th best player for nothing with less than half of the season left.
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So I feel like an alcoholic in rehab and am reaching the point of drinking cough syrup, so how about Jeremy Evans? Could be switchy. Not a sieve.
I really hate how the NBA works sometimes. It's pretty much impossible for small market teams like the Jazz to compete with the big market teams.

Big wings are assets comes playoffs. You can find midget guards who can contribute from literally everywhere. Kendrick Nunn this year for example. Or VanVleet last year. Last thing you should do is overpay for a midget guard unless they are perennial allstars
If you are a Conley fan don't click on this link.

Reggie Jackson hasn't misses a game since returning from injuries, including consecutive back to backs. Conley at his current physical condition is a solid candidate to bet your money on for missing an entire playoff series like the 2017 George Hill and 2018 Rubio, after everyone chanting “but we need him comes playoffs”
So I feel like an alcoholic in rehab and am reaching the point of drinking cough syrup, so how about Jeremy Evans? Could be switchy. Not a sieve.
How about some mouth wash... I hear Brandon Bass is doing well in the Chinese league.