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I'm pretty damn skinny. Not that bad tho. I packin some booty & some boobies
I'll be honest I'd wear those pants

Me too, when I was down to 138 lbs about 2 years ago I had some of my jeans tapered to look more 'trendy'. Now I've put on some weight and am at about 150 lbs, and those pants no longer fit me.

So yeah I would wear them but I'm no longer thin enough to wear them now, LOL ...
Me too, when I was down to 138 lbs about 2 years ago I had some of my jeans tapered to look more 'trendy'. Now I've put on some weight and am at about 150 lbs, and those pants no longer fit me.

So yeah I would wear them but I'm no longer thin enough to wear them now, LOL ...

How tall are you?