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I haven't followed the story any more than watching that video, but that's not reasoning, that's a throw away line meant to pull at heart strings. 98% of employers in America could say the same thing.
There might be some truth to what you’re saying. Maybe a lot of truth. But when business go under, jobs are lost. Period. And many, many, MANY businesses will be folding if they haven’t already which means a ton of job losses.

In short, the market will be overly saturated with candidates for jobs that no longer exist.

I'm just going to throw this out here.

Stock up on food. The supply chain has essentially been cut off, and it will take a while to re-supply it. We're going to see it with meat real soon, and produce is following.

I'm not an alarmist. I just truly believe we're headed towards a temporary food shortage.
I'm just going to throw this out here.

Stock up on food. The supply chain has essentially been cut off, and it will take a while to re-supply it. We're going to see it with meat real soon, and produce is following.

I'm not an alarmist. I just truly believe we're headed towards a temporary food shortage.

Thanks. Yeah, I have $400 in meat I’m picking up from my butcher tomorrow. I’m gonna make room for it as much as I can tonight because my electrician isn’t coming til Saturday afternoon to get me a 20+amp outlet in my garage for my new freezer...so the two fridge freezers are gonna have to do...and my mom’s who has a lot of space. Once that’s all in place, I’ll probably have my wife order as many frozen veggies and meat as possible from as many places as possible. Wegmans, Foodtown, ShopRite, and more meat again from that butcher as well as another butcher in my town.

Yeah, **** that judge and the headline from the Washington Post. Lol

The judge said, if she'd apologize, she wouldn't go to jail. Mind you, when I first read an article about this, I thought the lady was an idiot. Then I listened to her comments to the judge and explanation. What a tone deaf judge.

The irony is salon's and barber shops open up in TX on Friday and she's still gonna be in jail.

Gawd damn it.

Watch at 1:40.
Which one of you douchebags are gonna have a problem with her reasoning and say throw the books at her.

The land of the free.

I lived in Texas for four years. One thing l can tell you is don't mess with Texas. You tear up a court order and make a show of it in public they're gonna **** you up. That's just the way it is. They're more than happy to accommodate people looking to be martyrs.
There might be some truth to what you’re saying. Maybe a lot of truth. But when business go under, jobs are lost. Period. And many, many, MANY businesses will be folding if they haven’t already which means a ton of job losses.

In short, the market will be overly saturated with candidates for jobs that no longer exist.
Who were the people that want to go back to work during this pandemic?

Agreed though that the time couldn't be worse for those that lost the jobs or careers to search for a new one.
I lived in Texas for four years. One thing l can tell you is don't mess with Texas. You tear up a court order and make a show of it in public they're gonna **** you up. That's just the way it is. They're more than happy to accommodate people looking to be martyrs.

I understand to a certain degree. I work for a company from Texas and have for years. They're a special breed of people.

I'm all for banning people and shutting things down. But when people are trying to pay their bills and feed their kids, sending them to jail for a week and giving fining them is just absurd.
When I was at Ocean Grove on April 25 you can park right up to the boardwalk - there weren't any cones blocking the spots. We got there early and walked the beach for about an hour, when we walked back to the boardwalk there were hundreds of people. So we spent the rest of our time there in the car. I figured this would be the last time we'll be there for a while so not a surprise by the picture you took.

I've been staying away from the politics and instead listening almost exclusively to folks who have been studying stuff like this for years like Michael Osterholm and Ashish Jha and I'm not optimistic. I don't think we're going to see any football or basketball for the rest of the year at a minimum. When you think of outbreaks of staff infections and mersa spreading in football locker rooms - just think what this will do. One positive test will shut down the entire league. No one is going to invest the time and money to sustain a league with that small a margin of error.

Bro I’ve been saying this for over a month. It’s just common sense. There are about 300 guys in the NBA who play regularly. If just one of them has it, he’s easily spreading it to 3-4 guys in a game (I’m being generous—it’s probably more like double or triple that)...let’s assume those guys then spread it to the same amount of players their next game, let’s say two nights later. The league will have gone from 1 player to a minimum of 13 players having it within two days. And that’s being ultraconservative. It’s really probably more like 50 guys. Basically almost entire teams. They’re constantly touching, swatting, breathing heavily on one another. It makes no sense.

In golf, tennis, darts, etcetera, yeah sure, maybe. But football, basketball, hockey, and maybe even baseball make no sense. Same thing with schools. It’s retarded if we go back in the fall. The only way I would do it, and I mean only way, is if:

1. Students who’ve performed to a certain consistent academic level since we went out on March 16 can continue remotely in the fall. In my district, that probably accounts for about 30% of our students. So in a class of 25 kids on average, 7 of them could remain home in the fall and learn remotely.

2. The remaining 18 could come in on split schedules, 9 in the morning, 9 in the afternoon.

But even then, there are just waaaaaaaay too many issues with it. First, how do we know all students entering are Covid clear? And staff members as well. Additionally, do we really expect to suddenly get that many test kits...for people not showing symptoms? I’ve heard rumors of a certain district by mine and candrews who wants their teachers to test for antibodies. But ignoring HIPAA law for a sec, even if every teacher agreed to have that test done (they wouldn’t), does that prove anything? Does that ensure safety for said teachers? According to the CDC, it doesn’t. And even if we still got through all those issues somehow, and school starts, then what? Kids taking masks off by accident. Taking them off at lunch to eat, in fairly close proximity to one another. Touching desks, door knobs, going to the bathroom, touching faucet knobs, handrails in the stairs. How would changing classes work? Kids walk six feet apart? It’ll take ten minutes just to get to the next class. And even if we still somehow organized all that in a way that makes sense, who’s to say one of us, staff or student, doesn’t contract the virus from someone at home, bring it to school and spread it? Oh yeah, if we even got everything as organized as some Nazi death camp, guess what. Many old teachers would use all their sick days. No subs would want to come in. There is no way schools would get enough subs to run ****. Maybe I’m wrong and many who’ve been laid off would do it, but I’m not so confident.

There are just way too many negative variables at play for it to make much sense. My high school has a laptop for every kid. The middle schools pretty much do. Just use more Abbott money to buy more and have remote learning all of next school year. Or in the fall at a minimum.
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You start the nba when every player is tested on a regular basis, maybe 2-3 times a week.
Seriously, if we’re that starved for watching competition, start airing online Madden games between NFL players. NBA2K between nba players. And I mean like every day and night. Not just once in a blue moon.

Have these guys create online forums for games. Shooter games, chess, whatever. People would flock. It would pass the time. But **** starting sports back up just so some rich people can maintain their wealth.
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And sorry but Apple should step the **** up and provide laptops to a bazillion districts and students. **** them too.
But when people are trying to pay their bills and feed their kids, sending them to jail for a week and giving fining them is just absurd.

Everyone is trying to pay their bills and feed their kids. It's not like those of us who aren't defying orders by judges are just living it up during this lock down. We either all follow the rules or no one follows the rules. What makes this lady special? She's apparently just one of dozens of middle class white women who have suddenly come to believe that a haircut is a right on par with free speech or voting.

I for one would be perfectly happy if one of the consequences of this pandemic was the permanent closure of all hair salons and barber shops. I've cut my hair once in the last decade, and miraculously, I'm still alive.
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The other day, when touring the Arizona plant making masks, Trump was asked why he was not wearing a mask. He answered that he did wear one, “backstage”, but not onstage, not when the cameras were on him.

That was a very telling observation. Every president, every politician, will know when the cameras are on them, and act accordingly, I guess. But, what Trump’s observation tells us is:

The Presidency is a TV show to Trump. Every day, Trump plays the President on TV. But, the emperor has no clothes, and those of us who detest how low we have sunk with this man in the Oval Office understand this is an unqualified narcissist who is playing the President on TV, having turned the office of Chief Executive into “The Apprentice. Oval Office Edition”. This is a fake presidency, and, boy, has the joke ever been on us.

And here's the thing. He wants his TV show renewed in November. Getting an up and running full testing regimen, and contact tracing, would result in a realization of the full extent of the pandemic in the United States, and that would produce poor ratings for his Presidential TV show. Getting the federal government too involved risks blame on Trump, also damaging to his ratings.

His calculation: open the country, revive the economy, and live with the deaths, and this is the best path to renewing the Presidential reality tv show. I don't think that's a winning strategy, but to Trump renewing his TV show outweighs the lives of Americans. 8 days of the week.
Everyone is trying to pay their bills and feed their kids. It's not like those of us who aren't defying orders by judges are just living it up during this lock down. We either all follow the rules or no one follows the rules. What makes this lady special? She's apparently just one of dozens of middle class white women who have suddenly come to believe that a haircut is a right on par with free speech or voting.

I for one would be perfectly happy if one of the consequences of this pandemic was the permanent closure of all hair salons and barber shops. I've cut my hair once in the last decade, and miraculously, I'm still alive.

I gave myself a haircut a few weeks ago. I have a mullet now because I had no idea how to cut the back.

I don't think she's special. I'm just not on board with throwing her in jail longer than the ban on salons/barber shops. That's just silly.
The other day, when touring the Arizona plant making masks, Trump was asked why he was not wearing a mask. He answered that he did wear one, “backstage”, but not onstage, not when the cameras were on him.

That was a very telling observation. Every president, every politician, will know when the cameras are on them, and act accordingly, I guess. But, what Trump’s observation tells us is:

The Presidency is a TV show to Trump. Every day, Trump plays the President on TV. But, the emperor has no clothes, and those of us who detest how low we have sunk with this man in the Oval Office understand this is an unqualified narcissist who is playing the President on TV, having turned the office of Chief Executive into “The Apprentice. Oval Office Edition”. This is a fake presidency, and, boy, has the joke ever been on us.

And here's the thing. He wants his TV show renewed in November. Getting an up and running full testing regimen, and contact tracing, would result in a realization of the full extent of the pandemic in the United States, and that would produce poor ratings for his Presidential TV show. Getting the federal government too involved risks blame on Trump, also damaging to his ratings.

His calculation: open the country, revive the economy, and live with the deaths, and this is the best path to renewing the Presidential reality tv show. I don't think that's a winning strategy, but to Trump renewing his TV show outweighs the lives of Americans. 8 days of the week.

He never wore one. It doesn’t look manly to his own self-image (neither does spray on tanning, but I digress).

The reality is that mask use would be far greater if he, Pence and everyone else did wear one. As a result, we are seeing unrest in communities, boycotting of businesses and another sign of blind sheep that think their rights are being infringed.