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I felt good enough today that I got back to lifting weights. Did a pretty intense hour long lifting session. I have been wasting away lately between being sick, stressed out, and dieting. Weighed myself today and was down to 176. 2 months ago I was 205. I haven't been this light since I was about 25 years old probably.

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I felt good enough today that I got back to lifting weights. Did a pretty intense hour long lifting session. I have been wasting away lately between being sick, stressed out, and dieting. Weighed myself today and was down to 176. 2 months ago I was 205. I haven't been this light since I was about 25 years old probably.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

The coronavirus is your friend. This might add a half inch to your dick.
Well, this is absurd. Not surprising. Just further lies from a guy who just knows no shame. Rewriting history as only he sees fit. A real lowlife. This is what he does. The latest bullcrap:

"I've felt that it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."

Of course. Of course he did..


  • President Trump now claims he believed the coronavirus outbreak was "a pandemic, long before it was called a pandemic."
  • But in January he had explicitly played down such concerns when asked about that specific word, "pandemic," saying: "We have it totally under control."
  • Trump's revisionist claim came as he discussed aggressive measures to stem the progress of a pandemic that has rocked financial markets and led to widespread restrictions on travel, schools, restaurants and retailers.
Lol it really does look a bit bigger

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There is science behind this. Because you lose fat all over your body that includes the fat on your pubic bone right around your wang, so losing weight makes it appear longer. And gaining weight buries it in a wad of fat, so it is effectively shorter.

I figure I'll hit 4" once I lose 40 lbs.!!
A chilling scientific study helped upend both American and U.K. coronavirus response strategies.......

This is the study:


And here is a summary, from the Washington Post, no paywall. This certainly is sobering.


LONDON —Immediately after Boris Johnson completed his Monday evening news conference, which saw a somber prime minister encourage his fellow citizens to avoid "all nonessential contact with others," his aides hustled reporters into a second, off-camera briefing.

That session presented jaw-dropping numbers from some of Britain’s top modelers of infectious disease, who predicted the deadly course of coronavirus could quickly kill hundreds of thousands in both the United Kingdom and the United States, as surges of sick and dying patients overwhelmed hospitals and critical care units.

The report is also influencing planning by the Trump administration. Deborah Birx, who serves as the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, cited the British analysis at a news conference Monday, saying her task force was especially focused on the report’s conclusion that an entire household should self-quarantine for 14 days if one of its members is stricken by the virus.

The Imperial College group reported that if nothing was done by governments and individuals and the pandemic remained uncontrolled, then 510,000 would die in Britain and 2.2 million in the United States over the course of the outbreak.

These kinds of numbers are deeply concerning for countries with top-drawer health-care systems. They are terrifying for less-developed countries, global health experts say.

If Britain and the United States pursued much more ambitious measures to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, to slow but not necessarily stop epidemic over the coming few months, they could reduce mortality by half, to 260,000 people in the United Kingdom and 1.1 million in the United States.

Finally, if the British government quickly went all-out to suppress viral spread — aiming to reverse epidemic growth and reduce the case load to a low level — then the number of dead in the country could drop to below 20,000. To do this, the researchers said, Britain would have to enforce social distancing for the entire population, isolate all cases, demand household quarantines of households where anyone is sick, and close all schools and universities — and do this not for weeks but for 12 to 18 months, until a vaccine is available.
Still @ 800,000+ deaths a day for the next 90 days to hit the low end of your idiotic tweet @red. I see you're still pushing idiotic bs. You should be extremely proud of yourself. I just ask that anyone reading Reds conspiracies to do so by looking at the numbers and thinking for yourself. UK for example has 108 total deaths in 2 plus weeks. Red is telling you that somehow, someway, that number will suddenly jump to the millions. For example right now .003% of the UK is sick. For his fear mongering to happen that number would have to jump to somewhere around a WHOPPING 3% of the population. No other country is even remotely close to .05%.

Todays numbers that tell you a completely different story than the disgusting stuff @Red is pushing. Notice how sanctuary cities are getting hit the hardest? Wonder why? Oh and @silesian South Korea is doing pretty bad and they have 270,000,000 less people. You guys just love to spill idiotic CNN talking points that are not in the frame of reality. I think you both should stay away as you're doing nothing but harm with your blatant lies and fear mongering but you wont. 152 new cases and 7 deaths in South Korea isn't great at all for their population. Again i beg of both of you to please stop... We get it, you don't like Trump but for the love of God this is a tragedy. I understand that a good tragedy should never go to waste the but could you lay off your divisive rhetoric for a month at least?


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Still @ 800,000+ deaths a day for the next 90 days to hit the low end of your idiotic tweet @red. I see you're still pushing idiotic bs. You should be extremely proud of yourself. I just ask that anyone reading Reds conspiracies to do so by looking at the numbers and thinking for yourself. UK for example has 108 total deaths in 2 plus weeks. Red is telling you that somehow, someway, that number will suddenly jump to the millions. For example right now .003% of the UK is sick. For his fear mongering to happen that number would have to jump to somewhere around a WHOPPING 3% of the population. No other country is even remotely close to .05%.

Todays numbers that tell you a completely different story than the disgusting stuff @Red is pushing. Notice how sanctuary cities are getting hit the hardest? Wonder why? Oh and @silesian South Korea is doing pretty bad and they have 270,000,000 less people. You guys just love to spill idiotic CNN talking points that are not in the frame of reality. I think you both should stay away as you're doing nothing but harm with your blatant lies and fear mongering but you wont. 152 new cases and 7 deaths in South Korea isn't great at all for their population. Again i beg of both of you to please stop... We get it, you don't like Trump but for the love of God this is a tragedy. I understand that a good tragedy is the only Could you lay off your divisive rhetoric for a month at least?


I don't think it was red's tweet though

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I'm calling bull **** on Russia. They share a border with China yet are claiming that they only have 199 confirmed cases and 1 death.
What I'm seeing.

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus

In an analysis published Tuesday, Stanford’s John P.A. Ioannidis — co-director of the university’s Meta-Research Innovation Center and professor of medicine, biomedical data science, statistics, and epidemiology and population health — suggests that the response to the coronavirus pandemic may be “a fiasco in the making” because we are making seismic decisions based on “utterly unreliable” data. The data we do have, Ioannidis explains, indicates that we are likely severely overreacting.

“The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco,” Ioannidis writes in an opinion piece published by STAT on Tuesday.
Caught red-handed but nothing will happen to him (hope I'm wrong). Basically insider trading at its finest. Dude straight up dumped his shares of hotels and services with a quickness.

How is that insider trading? Having public knowledge that the virus is headed this way is hardly insider trading. He’s a scumbag for sure though.
How is that insider trading? Having public knowledge that the virus is headed this way is hardly insider trading. He’s a scumbag for sure though.
I think it has more to do with the intel briefings he got outlining what was likely to happen in a few weeks.

Maybe not ironclad enough to be criminal, but shady nonetheless.