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D-Will karma

Of course. What D-Will did was a little bush league; but it's not Malone putting 40 stitches in Isiah Thomas' head. Except for this board and a couple of other places no one even remembers it.
Malone did that to an opponent during a play. It's a little different that D-will did it to a teammate on a dead ball. Comparing apples to oranges.
Malone did that to an opponent during a play. It's a little different that D-will did it to a teammate on a dead ball. Comparing apples to oranges.

Didn't D Will chuck the ball at Hayward during a play when Hayward didn't do what D Will wanted him to do?
Didn't D Will chuck the ball at Hayward during a play when Hayward didn't do what D Will wanted him to do?
I thought it was going into a timeout. I could definitely be wrong about that. Either way it was not in the course of trying to make a play like Malone's was.
I thought it was going into a timeout. I could definitely be wrong about that. Either way it was not in the course of trying to make a play like Malone's was.

Hayward caught it and hit a three... Hayward was supposed to cut through though.

I lied... he eventually scored a layup. I knew he scored on the play.

You are supposed to cut through and take the defense with you... drives me crazy when I am playing with guys and they stop like that.
Okay I didn't remember that play much at all. Funny thing is Hayward keeps playing and scores and D-Will quits and stands around. I remember the after play yelling and thought he threw it at him then. My bad.
Still apples and oranges to Malone taking out Isiah.
D-Will was a cancer that needed rooting out, thought he was bigger than he was. Simple as that. Being a point guard in Jerry's system can do that to you. I think since then he's been humbled and seems like he learned alot. I would happy to have him back in a backup role. Everyone makes mistakes. I just don't think point guard dominated ball will ultimately win games and his play may not work with how the offense is run now. Stock was special, that's why it worked, at least until another cancer came along called Mark Jackson.
The press knew he was a jerk. They complained about it constantly. He wouldn't do interviews, made them wait long after the game was over until he left the locker room, and treated them with disdain. You had to be blind not to have seen Deron throw the ball at rookie Hayward. He was an arrogant jerk and that's why the Jazz traded him.

John Stockton was also uncomfortable with the press. When public figures are private people, the press finds it rankling, but to make a value judgment about a human being based on the fact that they were disinclined to open up to the press is something I will never understand.

Deron gave us everything we could have asked for. Did he get frustrated with Hayward once for not understanding what he was supposed to be doing during a set offensive play?


Nobody's perfect. Does it make him a jerk? Is it proof of his arrogance? I don't think so.

Does Deron Williams love basketball? Did he play his heart out for our team? Does he love his family? Is he a good father? A loyal friend? Has he ever said anything bad about Gordon Hayward, or about Jerry Sloan, or about Salt Lake City....?

Have some sense of perspective.
D-Will would be a lot better here than Brooklyn. He could actually do what he does best, run the pick n roll with a fluid PF who can finish around the rim or hit the 15' jumper.

Or he could refuse to run the plays that are called by Quin and just do what he wants. That was the source of the friction with Sloan and the reason Jerry wanted KOC and Greg to approve some form of disciplinary action. When you aren't even allowed to bench a player for insubordination, you know it's time to step down.
Is it believable that the clashes with D Will are what caused Sloan to retire? Sure. But having coached as long as he had, Jerry could have quit at any point. As for the suspension aspect of the story, I suspect that Jerry and management are probably the only ones who know the level of truthiness to it.
Well it was reported in the media that Jerry wanted to suspend Deron. Wasn't until Jerry quit that the denials over Deron behaving badly started. And I suspect that was a) because KOC/Miller had initially decided to keep him, and then b) didn't want his trade value to plummet if teams thought he had an attitude problem.
Deron gave us everything we could have asked for. Did he get frustrated with Hayward once for not understanding what he was supposed to be doing during a set offensive play?


Nobody's perfect. Does it make him a jerk? Is it proof of his arrogance? I don't think so.

Deron did give us a lot. He was ultra-competitive and ultra-talented. But we had a good team, too. As the Jazz worsened Deron became bitter and turned into a prima donna. He decided to take things into his own hands. When they lost he acted like he was the only one who was losing. He turned on his teammates and then turned on his coach. Up until Jerry decided to quit we as Jazz fans gave Deron the benefit of the doubt regarding his petulant attitude, because he was a winner. But post-Jerry all of Deron's transgressions came into focus.
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Deron did give us a lot. He was ultra-competitive and ultra-talented. But we had a good team, too. As the Jazz worsened Deron became bitter and turned into a prima donna. He decided to take things into his own hands. When they lost he acted like he was the only one who was losing. He turned on his teammates and then turned on his coach. Up until Jerry decided to quit we as Jazz fans gave Deron the benefit of the doubt regarding his petulant attitude, because he was a winner. But post-Jerry all of Deron's transgressions came into focus.

Please don't presume to speak for "we Jazz fans".
Why does it make you happy? Sure, it turns out that it was a great move by the Jazz to trade him, but he never (publicly at least) demanded a trade and I never heard anything about him pulling a Kevin Love and outright telling the Jazz that he'd be leaving.

We are all happy, deep down, so all of you boobs can jump off your moral high horses.

I will always love Williams.

Birds of a feather, bro. I wouldn't wipe YOUR *** with DuhRon's tongue.

Ummm, have you ever heard anything positive regarding him, the locker room, and the coaches? I sure haven't.

I'm sure David Locke said millions of knob-polishing things, because, you know, he's a mindless buffoon who just does what he's told.

Come on, Jazzfanz, stop spreading this irrational anti-Deron mythology. You're better than this.

Except it's not irrational, nor is it mythology. I have certain, um, connections with someone in the know, and so does my wife. Let me assure you that DuhRon was a complete piece of **** and was 100% of the reason Sloan quit. How bad does one person actually have to be to make one of THEE toughest, take no **** fro anybody, never-back-down coaches of all time just throw his hands up and say "F it!"?

Is it believable that the clashes with D Will are what caused Sloan to retire? Sure. But having coached as long as he had, Jerry could have quit at any point. As for the suspension aspect of the story, I suspect that Jerry and management are probably the only ones who know the level of truthiness to it.

I'm sure our Hall of Fame coach wanted to go out like that... Who wouldn't, right? The fact that Johnson followed puts an exclamation point on just how bad it was. Regarding the suspension business, that is all true.

I met Dwill after a Thunder game and he couldnt have been nicer.

Loved his game, his fire, and his cross over. He didnt drive Sloan away. Jerrys time was just up.

Sorry Rev, you're dead wrong on this one, dude.
We are all happy, deep down, so all of you boobs can jump off your moral high horses.

Birds of a feather, bro. I wouldn't wipe YOUR *** with DuhRon's tongue.

I'm sure David Locke said millions of knob-polishing things, because, you know, he's a mindless buffoon who just does what he's told.

Except it's not irrational, nor is it mythology. I have certain, um, connections with someone in the know, and so does my wife. Let me assure you that DuhRon was a complete piece of **** and was 100% of the reason Sloan quit. How bad does one person actually have to be to make one of THEE toughest, take no **** fro anybody, never-back-down coaches of all time just throw his hands up and say "F it!"?

I'm sure our Hall of Fame coach wanted to go out like that... Who wouldn't, right? The fact that Johnson followed puts an exclamation point on just how bad it was. Regarding the suspension business, that is all true.

Sorry Rev, you're dead wrong on this one, dude.

Thank you for boiling it all down to its essence.