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Darft Jimmer Fredette.

David Stern

Well-Known Member
Seriously, let's trade AK right now for another pick so we have a chance at this kid. He's amazing. I don't think anybody here can say he isn't the best player in College Basketball right now. He'd be a perfect backup to Deron, we really need a scorer in that 2nd unit right now. People who say that he can't pass or that he isn't athletic enough to play in the NBA don't know what the heck they're talking about. Best case scenario is that he'll tear it up as our backup PG, so we'll be able to trade him for some really good players (a la Darren Collison)
Seriously, let's trade AK right now for another pick so we have a chance at this kid. He's amazing. I don't think anybody here can say he isn't the best player in College Basketball right now. He'd be a perfect backup to Deron, we really need a scorer in that 2nd unit right now. People who say that he can't pass or that he isn't athletic enough to play in the NBA don't know what the heck they're talking about. Best case scenario is that he'll tear it up as our backup PG, so we'll be able to trade him for some really good players (a la Darren Collison)

Cool story, Stern.
I believe someone covered this in another thread.
Jimmer will go in the 1st round, and we don't have a 1st round pick.

The End.
He is neither a PG or a SG in NBA standarts but I think his lack of size and length for 2 position and debates about whether he has real PG skills should not mean much. He can shoot the ball lights out from everywhere and can create his own shot as well as for others. He is great at that and that's enough for him to enter the NBA. He can become a valuable role player, momentum changer, like JJ Barea of Mavs. There are lots of NBA players who are known with 1 or at most 2 special abilities that were enough for them to attract some NBA franchises. Matt Bonner, Eddie House etc. their role is well defined and they are good at what they do.

Also, there are some players who are not great or consistently solid at even one area of the game of the basketball but have been favored by NBA teams, like Fesenko. He has not proven anything to me, actually. His size, length and surprisingly quick feet (for a man of his size) are enough. It's up to him to elevate his game to a new level. Well, we can only hope.
He is neither a PG or a SG in NBA standarts but I think his lack of size and length for 2 position and debates about whether he has real PG skills should not mean much. He can shoot the ball lights out from everywhere and can create his own shot as well as for others. He is great at that and that's enough for him to enter the NBA. He can become a valuable role player, momentum changer, like JJ Barea of Mavs. There are lots of NBA players who are known with 1 or at most 2 special abilities that were enough for them to attract some NBA franchises. Matt Bonner, Eddie House etc. their role is well defined and they are good at what they do.

Also, there are some players who are not great or consistently solid at even one area of the game of the basketball but have been favored by NBA teams, like Fesenko. He has not proven anything to me, actually. His size, length and surprisingly quick feet (for a man of his size) are enough. It's up to him to elevate his game to a new level. Well, we can only hope.

No offense, but have you watched him at all this season? He's a PG.
My favorite part about Jimmer's game is how much he elevates on his JS. Defenders have a hard time defending him because of it. Most shooters don't jump that high on their JS.
How does he compare to Ronnie Price when he lead the NCAA in scoring?

So did Ronnie Price in college. Just saying.

Jimmer has a lot better JS than Price's in college. Plus, Jimmer plays a lot better competition than what Price did here at UVU.
No offense, but have you watched him at all this season? He's a PG.

Yes I watched but do you really think he is a true PG? Can he distribute the ball efficiently when he faces bigger guards (and obviously quicker ones). I'm not sold on his game controlling, court-seeing abilities. He certainly is valuable already but those are some important areas of improvement for him. Eddie House is small for a SG and is not quick enough and does not have some essential skills to be a real PG in NBA level. Ilyasova is most efficient when he plays PF position which was his original position back in Europe, but he lacks size and length to match with NBA PFs and he is not quick, which causes lots of problems to him when he plays 3. Similar things can be said for AK47. If Jimmer gets better at his physical condition and ball-handling skills, he can be a better version of JJ Barea and much improved version of Eddie House IMO. Just my take. Considering his size/length and skillset, he is not a perfect fit for PG or SG position. If Millsap would be a 6'10 or 6'9 player with the same skillset, no way could he have selected from that low in draft. His rebounding records did not help. Size, length, athleticism tend to be more important for GMs. I sometimes do not appove this obsession, though.
Yes I watched but.

Dude, it's hard enough to watch Jimmer while living here in Utah. It's ok if you haven't watched him. It seems like you're regurgitating stuff written about him online. I've seen 3 full games of Jimmer this year and I've been impressed. I'm not saying he'll be a great NBA player, but I'm not going to say he's not going to suck either.
How does he compare to Ronnie Price when he lead the NCAA in scoring?

So did Ronnie Price in college. Just saying.

Huge difference between BYU's schedule and Utah Valley State College's.

Also, their games are completely different. Ronnie relies on his athleticism. Jimmer relies on his skills.

Unlike Ronnie, Jimmer can shoot. He's a basketball player playing an athletic sport. Ronnie Price is an athlete trying to play a sport called Basketball.
Dude, it's hard enough to watch Jimmer while living here in Utah. It's ok if you haven't watched him. It seems like you're regurgitating stuff written about him online. I've seen 3 full games of Jimmer this year and I've been impressed. I'm not saying he'll be a great NBA player, but I'm not going to say he's not going to suck either.

I've seen him play 1 time this year but watched the most of the NCAA tournament last year, saw him a couple of times last year, too. For international basketball fans, one with a little help from IP or Proxy changers might be able to use ESPN online network and can immediately follow CBS coverages when they broadcast the tournament games on the net or if he has private satellite providers. Anyway, you're right that with a little watching experience, it's hard to evaluate correctly. However, this is why you follow some forums and draft sites to consolidate your viewpoints, right?
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Huge difference between BYU's schedule and Utah Valley State College's.

Also, their games are completely different. Ronnie relies on his athleticism. Jimmer relies on his skills.

Unlike Ronnie, Jimmer can shoot. He's a basketball player playing an athletic sport. Ronnie Price is an athlete trying to play a sport called Basketball.

This exactly.

Also to the person who wanted to know about Jimmer's stats vs. Price:

Ronnie's Senior year he shot 42%, and 35% from three. This year, Jimmer shoots 48%, and 41% from three. Jimmer is obviously a much better shooter, who has his best games against big-time opponents. Also, he's averaging 4.4 Assists per game, versus Ronnie's 3 APG. Jimmer is a MUCH better pro prospect than Ronnie was, which is obvious because Jimmer is a first rounder.
Huge difference between BYU's schedule and Utah Valley State College's.

Jimmer is a MUCH better pro prospect than Ronnie was, which is obvious because Jimmer is a first rounder.

This isn't as relevant as you'd like it to be. Price could have played at better schools, but had a transfer under his belt coming to UVU and didn't want to make another (he turned down offers). Who knows how he would have been prospected if he had played for a larger school.

Obviously Fredette shoots better than Price did. Price also had to create a lot of his own offense and carried that team on his back.

I'm not knocking Fredette or anything, but I'd like to hear from someone who has actually watched both in college action.
This isn't as relevant as you'd like it to be. Price could have played at better schools, but had a transfer under his belt coming to UVU and didn't want to make another (he turned down offers). Who knows how he would have been prospected if he had played for a larger school.

Still doesn't change the schedule he played.

Obviously Fredette shoots better than Price did. Price also had to create a lot of his own offense and carried that team on his back.

Price carried the team because Dick Hunsaker wouldn't let anyone else shoot the ball or he would pull them from the game. True story.
I'm not knocking Fredette or anything, but I'd like to hear from someone who has actually watched both in college action.

I have. Fredette is better.