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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

The point is, he's not alt right, no matter how many times you say he is. It doesn't work that way. As much as people want to label this Jew a Nazi, alt right, white supremacists, and link his supporters to Charlottesville, it's just not true. I've spoken about things that are understandable about why people don't like him in the past, and don't care to continue.

He's not alt right. It's cute people think so though.


It feels like saying he's not alt right is splitting hairs. He said "alt right is garbage", buuuuuuuuuuuut... :rolleyes:

It feels like saying he's not alt right is splitting hairs. He said "alt right is garbage", buuuuuuuuuuuut... :rolleyes:

Splitting hairs yet he denounces the alt right and has been the victim of the alt right countless times. It's not splitting hairs at all. It's people being misleading and using buzzwords to attack him so it makes him seem morally bad.

I like Ben Shapiro. I think he's grown over the years and matured into a better person than what he has been in the past. He's owned his mistakes too.

That said, he still says things that bothers me or exaggerates things and uses buzzwords to demonizing the left. He does, pretty much what every politician does, but he's learned to monetize it and become successful.

I follow him as much as I like his page on Facebook and will occasionally read an article that's posted - and I'll watch YouTube videos of him. I take him with a grain of salt, but I do generally agree with what he says.

I think it's dishonest to link him or his followers with Charlottesville. That's like being simple minded to link the Dallas police shootings with the BLM.

There are extremists in our country no doubt about it. The extreme left or the alt right do not represent the left or the right. Granted, Trump has his followers and a lot of them do have their stereotypical beliefs, but I will not lable all Trump supporters as racists, Nazis, etc because I know it's not true.

I would love for their to be a political savior for our country and be someone both the left and the right trust and will follow. Our country needs a great leader and unity. The more I've educated myself about politics I've realized I, too, have become divisive, think I'm right, mock people's political stances, etc. I don't want to have that mindset anymore. Would love if the next president was the guy we think presidents are when we're in elementary school.

Edit: I just reread this and thought wtf am I even trying to say. Lol
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Has anyone seen the video of the antifa guy in (Portland) cowardly verbally attacking a lady on the corner of a street? He's swearing at her and implies her husband must beat her. She then turns around and says she's a widow and her husband died in 9/11. The guy then starts saying how he's glad he's in the grave and he must have been a POS immigrant sodomizer.

Finally, some guys come to protect to old lady and the guy runs off like a little bitch.

I bet this guy who disgustingly attacked this lady probably whines about how Trump treats women.

The antifa is pure garbage (for the most part.) A bunch of uneducated cowards.
This guy, Steve Wilson, was fired from his job today due to his inappropriate behavior. *slow clap*

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Steve Wilson is no longer an employee of SEI. His behavior does not represent the values of our organization or the high expectations that we have for our employees. <a href="https://t.co/5v3fH4ENMX">pic.twitter.com/5v3fH4ENMX</a></p>&mdash; Self Enhancement Inc (@SelfEnhancement) <a href="">October 21, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I really enjoyed the part about how Democrats are supposed to consider the Constitution bad, and then right into criticizing Kapernick for using his free speech rights. It was either a complete lack of self-awareness or a double-cross satire, hard to say.
That video was dishonest trash, which is exactly what one should expect from that dollar store Tomi Lahren.
Very well done, and summarizes many of the reasons why I'm not a Democrat. Of course it is stereotyping, and obviously it also ignores all of the many issues with the Republican party.

Ignoring all the many issues with the Republican Party is the only way many people aren’t democrats today. Democrats might not have all the answers. But the other party is so wrong on so many issues. Voting 3rd Party is essentially voting for republicans. Want to defeat the nationalism on the right? Vote democrat
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Voting 3rd Party is essentially voting for republicans.

This is fundamentally wrong. It's no more accurate than the Republicans saying "voting 3rd party is essentially voting for Democrats." And frankly the odds of any one vote affecting the outcome of any specific election are infinitesimal, so I will vote 3rd party if I please, thank you very much.
This is fundamentally wrong. It's no more accurate than the Republicans saying "voting 3rd party is essentially voting for Democrats." And frankly the odds of any one vote affecting the outcome of any specific election are infinitesimal, so I will vote 3rd party if I please, thank you very much.

Not it’s not. If you’re not fighting against Trump with the only force that can beat him, Democrats, then you’re helping him.

when voting numbers are suppressed, republicans win. Republicans stand for fascism these days. That means tax cuts Trump's buddies, cuts to women’s health care, cuts to minorities’ rights, and continued discrimination and violence against the media.

When voting numbers aren’t suppressed, the greater good prevails and democracy wins.

Not voting against the current party in control of all levers of government is just an acceptance of the status quo. The greatest demagogues of the past 100 years thrived when otherwise good people refused to unite against them. “Yeah, that Hitler has some weird ideas about Jews, but hey that economy doe! and the democrats I don’t agree 100 percent with.”

I don’t always agree with Tom Nichols or Max Boot, but I’ll gladly accept the help of Never trumper repubs if it means taking out our nation’s greatest threat.
New democrat campaign ad:

It certainly does a good job of reinforcing the Republican view of what Democrats are.

Effectiveness level 9/10 in strengthening the walls of the bubble so you don't have to think about or understand what other people are saying.
Great points. How do you feel about Democrats such as yourself telling people what Republicans believe?

Republicans stand for fascism these days.
When Republicans tell Democrats what they believe, they're engaging in spreading a type of deliberate misinformation that distracts the potential voters from the key issues, caricaturizes beliefs, ignores all nuance, creates straw-men, and empowers fascism to continue unabated. When Democrats tell Republicans what they believe, they're just dishing out the cold, hard facts.
Great points. How do you feel about Democrats such as yourself telling people what Republicans believe?

I believe most of the time democrats are repeating what Trump has stated on twitter and at rallies. I believe democrats are sometimes overwhelmed in refuting whatever Trump’s minions say that it’s often difficult to know what democrats stand for since they’re so busy shoveling out the garbage.

You really think that democrats engage in gaslighting to the same extent as republicans these days?

Look at the primary accusations democrats have leveled on republicans over the past two years:


Are we really so wrong? Is this really hyperbole?

So I guess to answer your question, absolutely I feel like democrats more accurately describe republicans than republicans describe democrats. We still live primarily in the world of facts, not alt facts.

In just the past 48 hrs your Republican Party has done nothing about:

It’s president bragging about being annationalist. And then calling for his followers (republicans) to QUOTE, “Make nationalism great again” UNQUOTE.

Blatantly stoke the fires of nativism abou this caravan. He claimed that “unknown middle easterners” were traveling with them. When called out on this he admitted to having zero evidence.

Nothing to sanction SA for killing a journalist.

Called for imprisoning Beto O’Rourke at Ted Cruz’s campaign rally.

But please, swat at the knats of the DNC. Your republican party is a complete nationalistic/fascist mess.
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When Republicans tell Democrats what they believe, they're engaging in spreading a type of deliberate misinformation that distracts the potential voters from the key issues, caricaturizes beliefs, ignores all nuance, creates straw-men, and empowers fascism to continue unabated. When Democrats tell Republicans what they believe, they're just dishing out the cold, hard facts.

Most of the time democrats are just repeating whatever trump said in a tweet or rally that he held. Our message is usually overwhelmed by the extreme and offensive rhetoric of the right.

Andrew Gillum was unknown outside of Florida until his opponent warned voters to not, “monkey it up” by voting for Gillum (an African American).

Most Americans weren’t aware of this caravan until trump brought it up in a tweet.

What new Republican incited controversy will the media waste time discussing this week?
Serious question. Does anyone on here actually look at both sides and evaluate what is actually fact and what is distorted opinion? What this means to me is looking what both the liberal sites put out (CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, Huffington Post, NY Times, etc.) and what conservative sites put out (FoxNews, newsbusters.org, dailywire.com, hotair.com, etc.) It means looking for truth and lies. It means looking for obvious media bias on both sides. It means acknowledging that there are two sides to every argument. This means the economy, jobs, climate change, abortion, gun rights, capitalism vs. socialism, etc.

The democrats/liberals on here seem to actually believe that they are the great truth speakers and the republicans/conservatives are "morons" or "idiots" for refuting the false information you say. Just because there are more liberals on this site it appears that conservatives do not have an opinion. I could spend all day refuting the liberal garbage and post articles and videos but it is not worth my time. Everyone on here has pretty much made up their mind anyways.

Believe it or not, there are two sides here and I as a conservative get pretty tired of the old condescending, name calling crap the liberals spew out.

Have a great day everyone!