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Game Thread Feb 12, 2024 07:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Warriors

Added to Calendar: 02-12-24

Couldn't bear to watch the game as I bet against the Jazz tonight for the easy money (sorry but the writing was on the wall). Hate to say it but I think those trades killed team morale which was bound to happen after dealing 3 very competent rotation players. Sounds like Tay had a bad night but even if he played well there's really no way they were going to be able to replace the production of KO and Simone.
The thing I’m kinda pissy on… the backcourt was working. Key was starting to do well off the bench… Dunn with the starting group. So now we aren’t going to see just how good that Collins/Kessler/Lauri frontcourt is because the guard play is dookie. Or maybe the front court causes the dookie backcourt… like when you are experimenting you need to change one variable at a time to see what works. Just throwing **** against the wall ain’t it.

Terrible effort tonight. Terrible selfishness.

The team also refused to throw it to the corner to Taylor for threes. JC put up some horrid layup attempts THT also had some dandies in the second half. That was a masterpiece of dog ****. If Will isn’t in on the tank then I can’t really explain what teh effs that was.
Once we hit our stride this season, we were basically playing two separate 5-man squads much of the time. The substitutions patterns (other than perhaps closing games on occasion) were remarkably stable. We had very few injuries and were able to form cohesion with those squads with rotation patterns generally.

It took a long time for Hardy to figure out what those squads should be and a long time for them to get used to each other. But once they did, we really took off and were able to play with relative purpose, force, and physicality.

Now, in addition to a loss of talent, the carefully honed-combinations that had fueled our run no longer exists. Whether Hardy can get something like these back again is an open question. We lack overwhelming on-ball talent that is able to just run the show because of their excellence. So there's no doubt it's going to take time before we know where to find our shots, how to complement each other on the court, and what we're trying to collectively accomplish. Until then, it will be hard to play with the force and physicality that it takes to win consistently. Like tonight, we'll miss shots we should make and have too many turnovers.

We'll need patience.
I don't really know what to say about this game honestly...... or team actually.

The squad with Vander, Malik, and Conley were all such a shocker and then we decided to trade them all for essentially a top 4 protected Lakers pick.

Here we are in 2024 and we trade Simone, Ochai, and KO for a 2nd round pick and a really late 1st.

So here we are again, in limbo, to do the same thing we've been doing for the past years. We'll probably sign some euro dude this offseason, draft 3 players again, and some other dudes from the g-league, and then trade 3 rotational players for picks and suck again for the rest of the season.

When is the turn around or change? We keep hearing about championship contention but we're too proud or stupid (in my eyes) to tank properly when we need to
Once we hit our stride this season, we were basically playing two separate 5-man squads much of the time. The substitutions patterns (other than perhaps closing games on occasion) were remarkably stable. We had very few injuries and were able to form cohesion with those squads with rotation patterns generally.

It took a long time for Hardy to figure out what those squads should be and a long time for them to get used to each other. But once they did, we really took off and were able to play with relative purpose, force, and physicality.

Now, in addition to a loss of talent, the carefully honed-combinations that had fueled our run no longer exists. Whether Hardy can get something like these back again is an open question. We lack overwhelming on-ball talent that is able to just run the show because of their excellence. So there's no doubt it's going to take time before we know where to find our shots, how to complement each other on the court, and what we're trying to collectively accomplish. Until then, it will be hard to play with the force and physicality that it takes to win consistently. Like tonight, we'll miss shots we should make and have too many turnovers.

We'll need patience.

Only 28 games left, I don’t think there’s time for patience. Even if there was 60 games left, I’m not sure there’s much for Hardy to figure out. This isn’t a team built to succeed. If we continue this rough patch through the break, chances are that we completely pull the plug again like last year. I don’t think we’ll even see an attempt to turn it around.

Whether the Jazz FO says it or not, they want their pick back.
That was a dreadful performance. Seems as though Hardy put George into the starting lineup to give more spacing….he's just not a good player right now so this is often going to be the result. I also just don’t think Kessler-Collins is going to work with Hardy.

This is what we have to live with though. We gave up on the chase for the playoffs, now the season is about Key and TH. Rookies just aren’t going to help you win unless they are exceptional.

With Hendricks, it appears that he’s lacking a baseline level of skill/awareness. It can only be improved with reps, so we’re going to have to live with it.

This is the reality of win-win, result doesn’t matter basketball.
I think the team came out okay. They seemed to be in a good head space but quickly got frustrated. GS was very very physical especially with Lauri. He probably could have got a whistle every possession. Then the second half all sorts of frustrations started boiling up with each other or in general. Tons of missed little things.

We got about 2 more games to figure things out before it's a wrap for play in. Which isn't a big deal either. All I want to see the rest of the year is keyonte being more consistent and Hendricks showing flashes. Oh plus no one getting major injuries.
We need to reconfigure AT LEAST two of the guards to turn into off ball players who are just denied of dribbling unless its a straight line drive or a clear matchup advantage. If we dont do that, its gonna stay super ugly for the rest of the year. Right now everyone is reconfiguring the pace every time they touch the ball which essentially kills any advantage previously created. You cannot have 3 conductors in one orchestra.

Also what the hell is up with everyone not named Kris Dunn going under every damn screen? Either fight to go over, deny them from using the screens or call a decisive switch. Cannot just submit and go under all day against guys like Step and Klay. Secondary defenders in these situations also need to be active and assertive. Too many times they just layed back leaving the primary defender on an island.
Honestly, this team is almost unbearable to watch. Here we go again. We traded rotational players mid-way through the season for absolutely nobody and the fans are led to believe this is some sort of championship plan? I'll be surprised if this team can win 10 games to end the season. There is ZERO transition defense. None. We have 2 players that play defense and they have been barely get any playing time (Dunn and Walker). Getting 2 , maybe 3, more rookies in this garbage draft is going to help us? Our 2 rookies that play right now are YEARS away from being manageable. It just sucks
I think those of us that are holding on believe that the Gobert/Mitchell trades will give us enough assets to land a star to pair with Lauri. Our other picks pan out like Keyonte and we become true contenders......

That's what it's gonna take for us, truth hurts but we choose this path. I was at the game tonight and damn is it easy to be Steph Curry Warriors fan.
The thing I’m kinda pissy on… the backcourt was working. Key was starting to do well off the bench… Dunn with the starting group. So now we aren’t going to see just how good that Collins/Kessler/Lauri frontcourt is because the guard play is dookie. Or maybe the front court causes the dookie backcourt… like when you are experimenting you need to change one variable at a time to see what works. Just throwing **** against the wall ain’t it.

Terrible effort tonight. Terrible selfishness.

The team also refused to throw it to the corner to Taylor for threes. JC put up some horrid layup attempts THT also had some dandies in the second half. That was a masterpiece of dog ****. If Will isn’t in on the tank then I can’t really explain what teh effs that was.
When the crowd was quiet there was a fan that loudly yelled "Will Hardy you suck".
I'm all for letting the new guy grow, but it was a funny moment.
I gotta say I'm feeling a bit bad for Hardy. The FO keeps breaking stuff that he has just spent months fixing. Did it last year at the DL, did it (unintentionally) in the offseason by acquiring Collins and not trading away one of the vet guards and now did it again.

I'm not sure thats a thing that bothers Hardy as he seems to be on board with the program, but its certainly true.
Can anyone find a possession from this game where Keyonte actually played D?
Come on now, don't "****" on the kid.


On a more serious note – the Warriors mercilessly hunted both Key and Hendricks every time they were on the floor. Keyonte trying to deal with some of those high ball screens looked like a fly going against a windshield.

He's just nowhere near ready for a starting role in the NBA. Of all the questionable decisions Hardy has made, this one smells the most like a front office order.
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