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Flowers for JazzAvenue's wife (yes this is serious)

Those of you who have sent the money to @colton, please PM me if you would like to have your username on the card. You can draw it in Paint and send me the JPEG, you can write it on a piece of paper and then take a photo or scan it, I just think it'd make it more personal if you actually wrote out your username by hand. I did mine basically like a signature.

I figure if we do it like this, maybe @JazzAvenues can print it and write "to wife's name" so we don't need to see and know her name.

Venmo sent. Thank you JA, JA's wife and Colton. Here's to many more nights alone for JA's wife.

What did the big flower say to the little flower?

Hi bud!
Those of you who have sent the money to @colton, please PM me if you would like to have your username on the card. You can draw it in Paint and send me the JPEG, you can write it on a piece of paper and then take a photo or scan it, I just think it'd make it more personal if you actually wrote out your username by hand. I did mine basically like a signature.

I figure if we do it like this, maybe @JazzAvenues can print it and write "to wife's name" so we don't need to see and know her name.

View attachment 10280

Sounds good. Having people hand write out their user names is a great idea.
Sent 5, don't need credit, just glad to pay back so many belly laughs...

I think the more names on the card the better. It's not a matter of credit, it's a second way of letting her know we appreciate her and JA.
Those of you who have sent the money to @colton, please PM me if you would like to have your username on the card. You can draw it in Paint and send me the JPEG, you can write it on a piece of paper and then take a photo or scan it, I just think it'd make it more personal if you actually wrote out your username by hand. I did mine basically like a signature.

I figure if we do it like this, maybe @JazzAvenues can print it and write "to wife's name" so we don't need to see and know her name.

View attachment 10280
I have some malfunction in PM when I click on "image" it gives me only an option of typing the url..can't join the image while here it works normally. So I will just post it here:
I use Venmo all the time and I’ve never paid a fee to send, receive, or deposit money.

I know. My point was, so many people look at me weird when I say I don’t have Venmo and use PayPal, iPad if implying that Venmo is so much better. TMK, it’s not. I don’t see why I need to use it and can’t just stay with PayPal.
If you have joint account, you can only have one Venmo account on it. Anti-fraud measure, I guess, but tremendously annoying.
Interesting, I didn't know that. My wife and I have separate Venmo accounts and a couple of shared bank accounts, but it turns out her Venmo is linked to a different shared bank account than my Venmo is linked to.
I know. My point was, so many people look at me weird when I say I don’t have Venmo and use PayPal, iPad if implying that Venmo is so much better. TMK, it’s not. I don’t see why I need to use it and can’t just stay with PayPal.
And it's important to know that according to Venmo (owned by the same company that owns PayPal) it is NOT intended for making commercial transactions, buying or selling things, etc.. What that means is that they offer absolutely zero protection in the event a transaction you made using Venmo goes bad.

The first time I used Venmo I was selling an old used car. Guy shows up to buy it, decides he wants it, we agree on $2000. He asks if I can accept Venmo. I was like, well I have PayPal, do you have PayPal? He didn't want to use PayPal, his daughter (who was there) had told him about Venmo and he wanted to use Venmo. I was like, sure if I can see you sent the money on your phone and I get confirmation in my account then that's fine. We both spend like 20 minutes installing Venmo, connecting to each other, he's trying to get his funds into his account, blah blah. So he shows me that he sent the money, I get confirmation on my phone, he drives away with my car.

Next day Venmo app tells me there is a hold on the funds, we need to verify our accounts. I verify my account right away. I text, call, leave voice messages for the guy telling him he needs to verify his account. Now, he doesn't have the money either, at this point. It is being held by Venmo. The guy takes his sweet *** time after I'm bugging him daily about this. He was nice and polite and answered my calls here and there, but he was in no kind of hurry and it took him like 9 days. Meanwhile I call Venmo customer support a few times. They tell me I need to get him to verify his account. I was like "ME?" I need to do this? I told them he was a guy who bought my car and I have no power to make him do anything. That's now my money and I'd like it please. Well, they made it nice and clear that Venmo is intended for "friends" to transfer money to each other. Not intended for commercial transactions and that money was going to sit in Venmo until the guy verified his account and that's that.

So anyway. If you are selling something or buying something DON'T USE VENMO! If you're chipping in on a pizza, sure. But don't use Venmo for business. That's not what it's for.
And it's important to know that according to Venmo (owned by the same company that owns PayPal) it is NOT intended for making commercial transactions, buying or selling things, etc.. What that means is that they offer absolutely zero protection in the event a transaction you made using Venmo goes bad.

The first time I used Venmo I was selling an old used car. Guy shows up to buy it, decides he wants it, we agree on $2000. He asks if I can accept Venmo. I was like, well I have PayPal, do you have PayPal? He didn't want to use PayPal, his daughter (who was there) had told him about Venmo and he wanted to use Venmo. I was like, sure if I can see you sent the money on your phone and I get confirmation in my account then that's fine. We both spend like 20 minutes installing Venmo, connecting to each other, he's trying to get his funds into his account, blah blah. So he shows me that he sent the money, I get confirmation on my phone, he drives away with my car.

Next day Venmo app tells me there is a hold on the funds, we need to verify our accounts. I verify my account right away. I text, call, leave voice messages for the guy telling him he needs to verify his account. Now, he doesn't have the money either, at this point. It is being held by Venmo. The guy takes his sweet *** time after I'm bugging him daily about this. He was nice and polite and answered my calls here and there, but he was in no kind of hurry and it took him like 9 days. Meanwhile I call Venmo customer support a few times. They tell me I need to get him to verify his account. I was like "ME?" I need to do this? I told them he was a guy who bought my car and I have no power to make him do anything. That's now my money and I'd like it please. Well, they made it nice and clear that Venmo is intended for "friends" to transfer money to each other. Not intended for commercial transactions and that money was going to sit in Venmo until the guy verified his account and that's that.

So anyway. If you are selling something or buying something DON'T USE VENMO! If you're chipping in on a pizza, sure. But don't use Venmo for business. That's not what it's for.
Holding the money is a value/profit stream for them. Large amounts of money held like this generating interest in the short-term is a "float" and can be large amounts when it is all added up. In short, there is no incentive for them to help you complete the transaction as they make more money the longer your money sits in limbo.
Holding the money is a value/profit stream for them. Large amounts of money held like this generating interest in the short-term is a "float" and can be large amounts when it is all added up. In short, there is no incentive for them to help you complete the transaction as they make more money the longer your money sits in limbo.
I've hated this skimming that happens everywhere... ****ing banks.
Those of you who have sent the money to @colton, please PM me if you would like to have your username on the card. You can draw it in Paint and send me the JPEG, you can write it on a piece of paper and then take a photo or scan it, I just think it'd make it more personal if you actually wrote out your username by hand. I did mine basically like a signature.

I figure if we do it like this, maybe @JazzAvenues can print it and write "to wife's name" so we don't need to see and know her name.

View attachment 10280
Calling @JazzAvenues - I'm getting a little nervous. I'm sitting on a bunch of contributions and you haven't yet contacted me about how I can get them to you before Valentine's Day, as a surprise for your wife. My plan is to send them to you tomorrow around noon. Please message me!
Calling @JazzAvenues - I'm getting a little nervous. I'm sitting on a bunch of contributions and you haven't yet contacted me about how I can get them to you before Valentine's Day, as a surprise for your wife. My plan is to send them to you tomorrow around noon. Please message me!
I have sent the address for Dr. JazzAvenues to you in a conversation. Cheers, a most appreciative JazzAvenues
Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. Remember the deadline is tomorrow noon!