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Global Climate Status Report

Hydrocarbons rule because they are cheapest. That’s the challenge

They do in fact establish the competitive challenge. But "they are the cheapest" for fundamental reasons like convenience, accessibility, simplicity/// and political manipulations. There is a technological establishment that is built around them, but there is opportunity..... and in terms of abundance and potential convenience under a yet-to-be-developed technological establishment... they can be beat.

Rockefellers' Rules begin with "Limit Access", "Shut down Competition, whatever the cost", and "Use Theirs First". Actually a pretty smart plan. But Trump is rocking the Rockefeller boat, and that is why he is being "deplatformed" politically with such extreme urgency.

I think Russia actually has more oil/gas than we do, more than the middle east, which is why we keep the proverbial boot on them, obstructing development every way we can.... and we can because we control a lot of the expertise for development. and the capital markets.

I think geological estimates of Uranium, Thorium.....fissionable materials are publicly understated. The production of deuterium is regulated, licensed. But in terms of abundance in nature and accessibility, deuterium is off the scale of every other potential source of energy.

Cold fusion was politically squashed, but research has continued, and pilot plants are being built today. Just expect them to be heavily regulated, regulated out of economic use.
They do in fact establish the competitive challenge. But "they are the cheapest" for fundamental reasons like convenience, accessibility, simplicity/// and political manipulations. There is a technological establishment that is built around them, but there is opportunity..... and in terms of abundance and potential convenience under a yet-to-be-developed technological establishment... they can be beat.

Rockefellers' Rules begin with "Limit Access", "Shut down Competition, whatever the cost", and "Use Theirs First". Actually a pretty smart plan. But Trump is rocking the Rockefeller boat, and that is why he is being "deplatformed" politically with such extreme urgency.

I think Russia actually has more oil/gas than we do, more than the middle east, which is why we keep the proverbial boot on them, obstructing development every way we can.... and we can because we control a lot of the expertise for development. and the capital markets.

I think geological estimates of Uranium, Thorium.....fissionable materials are publicly understated. The production of deuterium is regulated, licensed. But in terms of abundance in nature and accessibility, deuterium is off the scale of every other potential source of energy.

Cold fusion was politically squashed, but research has continued, and pilot plants are being built today. Just expect them to be heavily regulated, regulated out of economic use.

Oil and gas are cheapest because it’s so abundant, capital costs are low, it’s energy dense, and dependable. Renewables and nuclear can’t check all of those boxes.

Russia doesn’t have more oil than the US or Middle East. Production decline curves, gas to oil ratios, and water / gas floods and secondary recovery methods allow us to estimate competitor reserves. Saudi Aramco finally released reserves estimates from the Ghawar field once they went public. Russia isn’t touching Ghawar.

But again, it boils down to economics. You can have all the oil in the world and if it’s not economic you can’t produce it.
Oil and gas are cheapest because it’s so abundant, capital costs are low, it’s energy dense, and dependable. Renewables and nuclear can’t check all of those boxes.

You missed "highly compatible with the current infrastructure", which is the real reason oil/gas are preferred.
You missed "highly compatible with the current infrastructure", which is the real reason oil/gas are preferred.

Part of it no doubt. Trillions of dollars are invested in existing infrastructure with 50 to 70 year life cycles. You don’t just throw that out. Oil and gas is responsible for 85% of our electrical generation. It will be a long time before it is over thrown.

The most damning plot of all

So here is an article from a clearly bought-and-paid-for anti-development source.... on the Grand Staircase thing....

The article described an area cut from Grand Staircase that is particularly rich in Late Cretaceous vertebrate remains, especially dinosaurs. In fact, it was described as one of the best dinosaur graveyards remaining. It adopted the point of view of vertebrate paleontologists. What do you imagine their opinion would be if mining coal meant impacting that dinosaur graveyard? Their position is to be expected. You say anti-development. It could also be described as pro-preservation of a paleontological resource, pro-preservation of America's paleontological heritage, including for future study by science. I doubt the scientists involved had to be "bought and paid" by anyone who was anti-development to adopt the position expressed by the article. I could have written the article, because I love paleontology, without anti-development sources buying me.

Pretty sure @Red is a subscriber to this.

If by "this", you mean preserving my nation's paleontological heritage, and learning about a distant past in the Earth's history via excavation and study of that rich resource, then sure, I subscribe to that. Love of science in general, love of paleontology, love of advancement of knowledge, sure, those are admirable goals I support. The monument was created in the first place, in part due to its rich paleontological treasures. I have no problem with that rationale for its creation.
The article described an area cut from Grand Staircase that is particularly rich in Late Cretaceous vertebrate remains, especially dinosaurs. In fact, it was described as one of the best dinosaur graveyards remaining. It adopted the point of view of vertebrate paleontologists. What do you imagine their opinion would be if mining coal meant impacting that dinosaur graveyard? Their position is to be expected. You say anti-development. It could also be described as pro-preservation of a paleontological resource, pro-preservation of America's paleontological heritage, including for future study by science. I doubt the scientists involved had to be "bought and paid" by anyone who was anti-development to adopt the position expressed by the article. I could have written the article, because I love paleontology, without anti-development sources buying me.

If by "this", you mean preserving my nation's paleontological heritage, and learning about a distant past in the Earth's history via excavation and study of that rich resource, then sure, I subscribe to that. Love of science in general, love of paleontology, love of advancement of knowledge, sure, those are admirable goals I support. The monument was created in the first place, in part due to its rich paleontological treasures. I have no problem with that rationale for its creation.
I'd be surprised if you didn't subscribe to the magazine. no slur intended.

It's pretty hard to be all things to all people. We all cut corners and put our chips down where we think the win is.
Just the facts, folks.

This is an El Nino year, with an augmented ocean warmth to boot. Tremendous snowpacks almost everywhere, flooding events/hazards/prospects distributed widely across the country.

Just the facts folks. The liberals will use climate change to get money, votes and power. Do a search of New York City under water by 2015. ABC news and Al Gore (democratic presidential candidate) predicted it. They are right about one thing...man is responsible for the bad things happening to the earth. "Matthew 24 - 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows." God with the wave of his hand can reverse all things regarding climate change, but he won't because he punishes the wicked. A mother in labor says take it I don't want it she screams, but the baby lives despite the attempted abortion. We will set the living baby aside and make it comfortable, and then the mother can make the decision to kill it. This is just one example of the wickedness of today's world. The scriptures also say in the latter days paraphrased the children will not respect their parents and there will be lack of love between parents and children. Read about all the parents killing their children and children killing their parents. You can not stop God's punishment by lowering carbon emissions folks, but you can get ready for Christ second coming. The scriptures tell us the earth will receive it's paradisiacal glory when Christ comes, that means it will return to the state it was in when Adam and Eve were in the garden of eden...no thorns or briars. Quit trying to save the earth for the creator of the earth will return and save it. Try to save yourself through faith in Christ, that is something you can do.
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Just the facts folks. The liberals will use climate change to get money, votes and power. Do a search of New York City under water by 2015. ABC news and Al Gore (democratic presidential candidate) predicted it.

Just the facts: it was one guy on ABC hyping up one special discussing worst-case scenarios, and Gore talking about what would happen if various ice sheets melts. I suppose facts don't really matter to you.

but you can get ready for Christ second coming.

Some nutjob who preached for a few months in Israel, went to Jerusalem, stirred up trouble, and got himself killed? They're a dime a dozen.
Just the facts: it was one guy on ABC hyping up one special discussing worst-case scenarios, and Gore talking about what would happen if various ice sheets melts. I suppose facts don't really matter to you.

Isaiah 1:18 -- Come now, and let us reason together - your quote
Want to do a little further research and see how many scientist, with government grants, supported it. Many many people believed Al Core. He traveled the world giving seminars and making money. Tell me do you believe in 12 year the world will end, if we don't take major climate change actions?AOC said that without getting rid of cars, planes, cows, etc. the world is doomed. Queston - is she related to Al Core in some way? Kidding of course.

Some nutjob who preached for a few months in Israel, went to Jerusalem, stirred up trouble, and got himself killed? They're a dime a dozen.
Just the facts: it was one guy on ABC hyping up one special discussing worst-case scenarios, and Gore talking about what would happen if various ice sheets melts. I suppose facts don't really matter to you.

Some nutjob who preached for a few months in Israel, went to Jerusalem, stirred up trouble, and got himself killed? They're a dime a dozen.

Isaiah 1:18 -- Come now, and let us reason together

Your quote from Isaiah. Ok now go and research how many scientist, with government research money agreed with them. Look up Al Gore's climate change seminars held around the world. Two say only 2 people believed it is highly disingenuous. Al Gore made millions off the people that believed him. You probably believe AOC don't you? We have to get rid of cars, planes, cows, modify every building in the United States to be green, etc. or the world will end in 12 years. Now admit that millions of people believed Al Gore.

"Queston - is she related to Al Core in some way? Kidding of course."

I knew the racist in you would come out at some point.
Isaiah 1:18 -- Come now, and let us reason together - your quote

Indeed. It works on many levels for me.

Want to do a little further research and see how many scientist, with government grants, supported it. Many many people believed Al Core. He traveled the world giving seminars and making money. Tell me do you believe in 12 year the world will end, if we don't take major climate change actions?

Gore was completely correct about what would happen if the ice sheets melted; it's a matter of basic physics. What he never did is give a date that they would be melted by.

AOC said that without getting rid of cars, planes, cows, etc. the world is doomed.

Do you never tire of repeating lies?
"Queston - is she related to Al Core in some way? Kidding of course."

I knew the racist in you would come out at some point.
Yep there it is folks when losing the argument break out the old race card. It is the liberal playbook. My comment had nothing to do with race, as both have made dire predictions for us if we do not take drastic measures to address climate change. If you liberals would read the scriptures you would know what is coming regarding climate change such as giant hail beating down crops, pestilence, famine, more violent storms, etc. are from God not man. Fact the democrats have become the anti-religion party.
Just the facts folks. The liberals will use climate change to get money, votes and power. Do a search of New York City under water by 2015. ABC news and Al Gore (democratic presidential candidate) predicted it. They are right about one thing...man is responsible for the bad things happening to the earth. "Matthew 24 - 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows." God with the wave of his hand can reverse all things regarding climate change, but he won't because he punishes the wicked. A mother in labor says take it I don't want it she screams, but the baby lives despite the attempted abortion. We will set the living baby aside and make it comfortable, and then the mother can make the decision to kill it. This is just one example of the wickedness of today's world. The scriptures also say in the latter days paraphrased the children will not respect their parents and there will be lack of love between parents and children. Read about all the parents killing their children and children killing their parents. You can not stop God's punishment by lowering carbon emissions folks, but you can get ready for Christ second coming. The scriptures tell us the earth will receive it's paradisiacal glory when Christ comes, that means it will return to the state it was in when Adam and Eve were in the garden of eden...no thorns or briars. Quit trying to save the earth for the creator of the earth will return and save it. Try to save yourself through faith in Christ, that is something you can do.

Thank you for your contribution here. Pretty hard to condense the end-time Apocalypse scriptural prophecies into something hardened commie (progressive is a damn lie claimed by liars who simply can't face the plain facts or simple truths of their own identity.) brainwashed bots will actually consider.

The UN/globalist agenda is the prophesied world rule which will destroy human liberty and by the sheer incompetence of self-exalting "experts" who have lost their common sense will bring in countless horrors on a world scale, and increased persecutions for all believers in God. China's Xi Jinpeng is just beginning his work....

Well, OB was in a cult for a while, some years ago.... and I understand his wife is actually a believer.....

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a challenge to discuss anything with, in my experience. They are so sure we should be calling Jesus "Jehovah" or whatever..... not sure I even understand. Monotheism really can't afford a "Jesus" being equal with "Jehovah". It makes people go nuts and start off into Trinitarian nonsense.....

Jesus said he was actually The Son, and that his Father was someone else. David said the Messiah would sit at the right hand of Jehovah.…. not the same person at all. One God. One Son of God.

OB is off his rocker calling the end time prophets who will be killed in the streets of Jerusalem for proclaiming the sins of the Jews "nutjobs". They have not done their mission yet. Maybe not so long from now.
Indeed. It works on many levels for me.

Gore was completely correct about what would happen if the ice sheets melted; it's a matter of basic physics. What he never did is give a date that they would be melted by.

Do you never tire of repeating lies?

AOC was widely reported for saying we have 12 years to fix everything or it's the end. That's no lie.

Perhaps you should review the calculations about how much ice there is still to be melted, and how much it will raise ocean levels. I think the calculations are off by around an order of magnitude. Source of the error??/ A lot of Antartica is pretty high elevation in terms of rock. About a thousand feet of ice on top..... Most of that ice will not melt even if the earth temp goes up 5C. The ice shelf is mostly under the ocean surface already. North pole, except Greenland, is pretty shallow ice.

So Al Gore is a real nutjob. Plain and simple. And his campaign was quite influential for millions of Americans. No lie.
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"Queston - is she related to Al Core in some way? Kidding of course."

I knew the racist in you would come out at some point.

I can't see any logical reason for you to introduce the racist slur here. I'm reporting your uncalled for insult.
"Queston - is she related to Al Core in some way? Kidding of course."

I knew the racist in you would come out at some point.

AOC is quite a pretty girl. I was looking for something JZ might have said that didn't just specifically relate to her ideas or reported news, and found nothing. I'd like to raise the barrier in here for low-level unwarranted insults.
Marxism/Communism/Socialism/Progressivism....even the Enlightenment.... systematically attacked simple religious belief in a wholesale manner..... The whole "modern" educated world became more or less cowed outta talking about "God". Marx called religion the "Opiate of the Masses" and made the elimination of religious belief fundamental to "the cause". Millions of people have been jailed or killed for simple belief....

But the fact remains, even if we can't define "God" or agree on what the concept is in our nature, we have no real way to change "God" one way or another. Human beings have an innate right of belief, conscience, and association. Government has no business attacking people for that sort of thing.
Well, OB was in a cult for a while, some years ago.... and I understand his wife is actually a believer.....

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a challenge to discuss anything with, in my experience. They are so sure we should be calling Jesus "Jehovah" or whatever..... not sure I even understand. Monotheism really can't afford a "Jesus" being equal with "Jehovah". It makes people go nuts and start off into Trinitarian nonsense.....

Jesus said he was actually The Son, and that his Father was someone else. David said the Messiah would sit at the right hand of Jehovah.…. not the same person at all. One God. One Son of God.

OB is off his rocker calling the end time prophets who will be killed in the streets of Jerusalem for proclaiming the sins of the Jews "nutjobs". They have not done their mission yet. Maybe not so long from now.

Clarifications that I'm not reallly interested in debating: I never actually joined the JWs. My wife is a believer who attends a local Methodist church. JWs also believe that Jesus and Jehovah are distinct beings.