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GOP Debate Threads

I'm officially taking a break on this subject, it's not healthy to get uptight about this group of clowns they've thrown at us.
First remove the safe haven the US has created for ISIS by funding the Syrian Rebel Army, where many ISIS members are known to have come from.
I was responding to your assertion that the comment about shooting down Russian jets was madness. I think you mischaracterized the comment. Now it feels like you're trying to move the goalposts. Do you really think it's madness to actually enforce a no-fly zone in Syria?
I was responding to your assertion that the comment about shooting down Russian jets was madness. I think you mischaracterized the comment. Now it feels like you're trying to move the goalposts. Do you really think it's madness to actually enforce a no-fly zone in Syria?

I do, given the chain of events that have led to this situation. But seriously I don't feel like elaborating any more on my thoughts about foreign policy. I'd be more than glad to discuss it over a coffee or what not. I'm very angry, I feel betrayed by my government and I just want to take Jazzfanz for what the name implies, being a Jazz fan. This debate has officially become a turning point for me in this matter.
I do, given the chain of events that have led to this situation. But seriously I don't feel like elaborating any more on my thoughts about foreign policy. I'd be more than glad to discuss it over a coffee or what not. I'm very angry, I feel betrayed by my government and I just want to take Jazzfanz for what the name implies, being a Jazz fan. This debate has officially become a turning point for me in this matter.

Quitter ;)
I heard a lot of attempts to engage in war.

Trump: Shutting off the internet to Iraq and Syria
Christie/Fiorina/Cruz: Shooting down Russian planes over Iraq and Syria
Rubio: Mass ground troops back in Syria and Iraq
Graham: We are already engaged in WW3

Then Paul is the other extreme. Quick bury our heads!

Things got pretty "shouty" yesterday. Otherwise it was a lot of fun.

Fiorina is totally done. At this point I'm surprised she's still polling high enough to be on the stage.

Poor Rand Paul reads as too much of a weirdo and a wonk for this party.

Rubio and Cruz have both figured out that their path to the nomination goes through each other. That could actually lead to an interesting death struggle that leads into a convention fight. Can't wait!
Things got pretty "shouty" yesterday. Otherwise it was a lot of fun.

Fiorina is totally done. At this point I'm surprised she's still polling high enough to be on the stage.

Poor Rand Paul reads as too much of a weirdo and a wonk for this party.

Rubio and Cruz have both figured out that their path to the nomination goes through each other. That could actually lead to an interesting death struggle that leads into a convention fight. Can't wait!

Yeah this was the death kneel for most of them. Carson, Paul, Fiorina, Bush, Huckabee, Graham, Santorum and Kasich are all done, imo.

This looks like a 4 man race now. Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Christie. Reason I include Christie is he is starting to make some headway in NH and I think the shift to national security works in his favor.
We all know which Democrat is getting the nomination. It is a woman who has become so comfortable lying to the American public that she believes there is nothing wrong with it. Amazingly, the media forgives/ignores her behavior again and again and again. If the Republicans can't find a candidate who can beat this unapologeticaly dishonest woman it will be a very sad day for this country.

LOL - republicans are fine when their guys lie but get bent out of shape when others do. Bush/CHeney/Rumsfield/Rice all lied and continue to lie. Politicians lie. both side **** stinks. Liberals don't have to make conservatives look bad. GOPers say stupid crap all the time and then cry about the media conspiracy. How about providing some solutions instead of bashing Obama, the democrats, and media?
LOL - republicans are fine when their guys lie but get bent out of shape when others do. Bush/CHeney/Rumsfield/Rice all lied and continue to lie. Politicians lie. both side **** stinks. Liberals don't have to make conservatives look bad. GOPers say stupid crap all the time and then cry about the media conspiracy. How about providing some solutions instead of bashing Obama, the democrats, and media?

The best part about this is how evidence points to Hillary lying less than the entire pool of Republican candidates.
The best part about this is how evidence points to Hillary lying less than the entire pool of Republican candidates.
Eye of the beholder, I guess. I will grant you that politicians lie, but I haven't seen evidence of any of the current Republican candidates doing anything like her. The only logical reason for her private server is that she believed she was above the law and wanted the ability to erase her conversations. If a lesser government official had done this they would be terminated and punished without question. The only reason there is a debate about it is because she is powerful.
Let's measure truthfulness using an agenda driven fact checker. Lol. No doubt that Trump plays loose with the truth. I don't think it's calculated lies so much as a willingness to say anything without knowing or even caring about the actual facts, and I am strongly opposed to him as president. Trump's lies are a completely different brand than Hillary's calculated lawyerly attempts to avoid the law. If it comes down to Trump v.s. Hillary, though, God help us all.
This spending bill is hilarious. Democrats who want higher gasoline prices to push energy efficiency and have a huge problem with the current account deficit are against exporting oil. Republicans who want lower gasoline prices and don't care much about the deficit want to export oil.
Personally, I'm not at all surprised that Trump is currently sitting with his largest lead. He's the creation of decades of GOP fear mongering and xenophobia and right wing media loud mouthing.

You can't indoctrinate the uneducated in this country for decades and teach them that the proper way to debate politics is to shout down your opposition and expect Honest Abe Lincoln to emerge from the wreckage.

The GOP created this. "They Built that!"

Moderates have been squeezed and eliminated, minorities have been demonized, the constitution ignored, and the truth trampled for 2+ decades now. Trump is the perfect candidate for Rush and Fox News whether they want to claim responsibility for their love child or not.

I'm not a Clinton fan. Sanders isn't electable. But I'll take her 100 percent of the time over the dangerous (fascist) GOP. They may own the gerrymandered House but keep'em the hell outta the White House!

Personally, I don't know how any educated adult can vote GOP these days. Their last debate was downright scary. Charge families of terrorists with terrorism??? Government censored Internet??? More defense spending??? Walls to surround our nation??? Mass deportations (without adjusting our entire economic policy which encourages immigration)??? Carpet bombing the Middle East???

Yeah this isn't gonna end well...
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Bern is like that kid in 6th grade that ran for class president promising less homework and longer recess.

As opposed to "fiscally responsible" repubs who propose lower taxes, greater defense spending all without increasing the deficit???

Derp derp...
Personally, I'm not at all surprised that Trump is currently sitting with his largest lead. He's the creation of decades of GOP fear mongering and xenophobia and right wing media loud mouthing.

You can't indoctrinate the uneducated in this country for decades and teach them that the proper way to debate politics is to shout down your opposition and expect Honest Abe Lincoln to emerge from the wreckage.

The GOP created this. "They Built that!"

Moderates have been squeezed and eliminated, minorities have been demonized, the constitution ignored, and the truth trampled for 2+ decades now. Trump is the perfect candidate for Rush and Fox News whether they want to claim responsibility for their love child or not.

I'm not a Clinton fan. Sanders isn't electable. But I'll take her 100 percent of the time over the dangerous (fascist) GOP. They may own the gerrymandered House but keep'em the hell outta the White House!

Personally, I don't know how any educated adult can vote GOP these days. Their last debate was downright scary. Charge families of terrorists with terrorism??? Government censored Internet??? More defense spending??? Walls to surround our nation??? Mass deportations (without adjusting our entire economic policy which encourages immigration)??? Carpet bombing the Middle East???

Yeah this isn't gonna end well...
^Hack job.
Yes. I agree. The fascist GOP right now most certainly is.
The extreme right and the extreme left are both toxic. They have extremist opinions, and they twist the words and intentions of the other side. I agree that there were some things said in the debate that do not reflect the country I want to live in (that's partly the point of having a debate so that we can flesh these things out). In some cases your characterization of what they discussed is completely different than what they actually discussed.

I also see a lot being done by the left that I strongly disagree with. The accusation that no educated person could support a republican candidate is simply an attempt by people with leftist views to silence the opinions they don't agree with. Educated people definitely can and do support the GOP.
The extreme right and the extreme left are both toxic. They have extremist opinions, and they twist the words and intentions of the other side. I agree that there were some things said in the debate that do not reflect the country I want to live in (that's partly the point of having a debate so that we can flesh these things out). In some cases your characterization of what they discussed is completely different than what they actually discussed.

I also see a lot being done by the left that I strongly disagree with. The accusation that no educated person could support a republican candidate is simply an attempt by people with leftist views to silence the opinions they don't agree with. Educated people definitely can and do support the GOP.

Keep in mind, commenting "hack job" is no different from this intellectual-silencing that you appraise as a thing commonly seen in leftist circles.

The GOP is a complete cluster**** right now-- which is good. Pretty much guarantees another Dem victory :)