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Green Alternates

Sorry if this has already been posted, I've been gone awhile...are the Jazz keeping their Green Alternate Jerseys from last year?? I hope so and don't see why not...looking forward to the season!!

In a radio interview, Randy Rigby stated that once they've changed the design of their uniform, they must wait 2 years until they can introduce an alternate. Even though the green alternates are very similar to the new uniforms, they cannot play in them for two years.

Unless you have LeBron James on your team, then you get 13 jerseys.
Aren't the Greens considered "Retro", and not "Alternates"?
I thought there was a difference.

The Alternates were the baby blues right?
In a radio interview, Randy Rigby stated that once they've changed the design of their uniform, they must wait 2 years until they can introduce an alternate.

As posted by Rev, using the green throwbacks would not be "introducing" a new uniform, since they've used them already. Is tehre any definitive info out there?
It's hard for me to believe that even if it's fanzz(who still sells the green jersey at full price). doubt they would go all season with no alternate, since there is money to be made.

btw the baby blue alternates are retired , i just bought a d-will & a memo one for really cheap
Do we have any brown throwbacks that we can wear when we want to **** on the Lakers?
I swear I've seen brown ones of this style but can't find a pic anywhere so hear is the black & gold version
The Cavs were allowed to wear about 20 diff. unis the last few yrs, just a hunch but that'll get dwindled down to about 2 now...on twitter, the person repping the Jazz said the greens are out :(