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Hillary Clinton says Tulsi Gabbard is a 'Russian asset' groomed to ensure Trump reelection

I think if you’re trying to alienate Democrats and liberals, going onto Tucker Carlson’s White Nationalist Hour is in the top 5 ways to do it. It’s just not a strategy for winning the Democratic nomination.

It does however serve Russia’s agenda in attacking fellow Democrats, accusing the DNC of corruption, and attacking the credibility of the mainstream media. Which is what she did on Tucker’s show. Feeding those who are already predisposed to that line of thinking with increased credibility because of her party’s affiliation.


She's not trying to get the nomination. Let's just quit that talk. She's trying to make a point about the military, which is one of the most important issues we as a nation need to face up to because it's been a problem for 70 f'n years! We are so brainwashed by militarism. Here's another article I wrote about it. I really don't care any longer what people think of me on here. These are my beliefs and they are not based on knee-jerk reactions but many years of reflection, probably more than most of the people here since I am older than most here and was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War:

Fellas it's true, I found a leaked video of Tulsi speaking Russian.

Tulsi is probably not going to have enough impact on the election to make a difference either way. She's an interesting candidate, but probably not strong enough to run as an independent.
Tulsi is probably not going to have enough impact on the election to make a difference either way. She's an interesting candidate, but probably not strong enough to run as an independent.

no, but she’s already a potential fall lady if the Ds lose.
As a fun exercise, any time you read an article and see the word “Russian,” mentally substitute it for “Mexican” and see how it sounds.
Tulsi is a Mexican asset...

Sounds weird.
Best one I saw, and I forget what the context it was, I’m sure it was the bombshell of the day, this was pre-Mueller report: “The man on the other end of the phone sounded Mexican.”
FWIW, Hillary said that Republicans were grooming Tulsi for a third party run, not Russia. Lots and lots of people got that part wrong.
FWIW, Hillary said that Republicans were grooming Tulsi for a third party run, not Russia. Lots and lots of people got that part wrong.
Well that doesn't make sense.
Well that doesn't make sense.
Its worth it to read the entirety of what she said in the context of the conversation.


I don't think she's wrong that a part of the GOPs strategy is to make the other side look as bad as Trump is. We've seen it already with the Biden stuff and the DNC server hoax. They know they probably can't win over many new voters so it makes sense to try to engineer a scenario where instead they try to siphon voters away from Democrats to a third candidate.

A string of Russian talking points. The focus on US policy towards Ghadaffi, in particular, is a tell. Multiple Kremlin-knowledgeable writers have focused on the death of Ghadaffi as a defining moment for current Russian thinking on the promotion of US values abroad.

Step down from what? She's not President. She hasn't worked in the State Department in seven years. Framing this race as one against Hillary Clinton is to no one's benefit: except Trump's and the Russians.

Not on our side.

A string of Russian talking points. The focus on US policy towards Ghadaffi, in particular, is a tell. Multiple Kremlin-knowledgeable writers have focused on the death of Ghadaffi as a defining moment for current Russian thinking on the promotion of US values abroad.

Step down from what? She's not President. She hasn't worked in the State Department in seven years. Framing this race as one against Hillary Clinton is to no one's benefit: except Trump's and the Russians.

Not on our side.

So a string of Russian talking points implies that she’s a Russian agent. I would argue then that Hillary is an asset to Wall Street, the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, CNN and The New York Times.
So a string of Russian talking points implies that she’s a Russian agent. I would argue then that Hillary is an asset to Wall Street, the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, CNN and The New York Times.

You could have just said Council on Foreign Relations.
Andrew Yang: “Tulsi Gabbard deserves much more respect and thanks than this. She literally just got back from serving our country abroad.”