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I'm so dead.

Be careful. The whole reason I can't run any more is because of MA injuries. I've had 8 surgeries due to MA.

Sweet. When the zombie apocalypse arrives you totally have a spot in my camp.

But really dude, that's awesome. Good luck!

I'm not very good at sports myself. I was in band in high school and went to a lot of competitions with that. This is still a performing art. I've mad respect for anyone going into any competition or performance. It's not easy to hop in front of the world and let them judge you mercilessly.
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I really do love you people.

Just for clarification, this is not MMA. I'm am far too big of a ***** for actual MMA. This is grappling. Submission wrestling, BJJ, Judo, whatever. Lot's of styles, one goal -- turn your body into a weapon, and make your opponent quit. No punching, kicking, kneeing, elbowing, etc. Why would I risk my Money Maker? Fools.
BJJ? I've never had one of those.
I really do love you people.

Just for clarification, this is not MMA. I'm am far too big of a ***** for actual MMA. This is grappling. Submission wrestling, BJJ, Judo, whatever. Lot's of styles, one goal -- turn your body into a weapon, and make your opponent quit. No punching, kicking, kneeing, elbowing, etc. Why would I risk my Money Maker? Fools.

So basically you and some other dude rub your nasty bodies on each other until someone chickens out?