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Is Hayward God?

When you have a question you ask google.

When google has a question it asks Gordon.

But if He's so powerful, can He make a rock that is so heavy that even He can't lift it?

Seriously, think about it.

Can he microwave a burrito so hot that even he can't eat it?
What has Hayward done? I know ill get some of you saying, "he played incredible defense against Kobe",,, ok and then what>>>>?????? I think Jazz fans are so bored and will take just about anything to boost their hopes for the Jazz. An un tatted lil white kid from Butler gets drafted by the Jazz, makes a free throw, and everyone is ready to put a statue of him next to the Stockton and Malone statue. Go Hayward.
What has Hayward done? I know ill get some of you saying, "he played incredible defense against Kobe",,, ok and then what>>>>?????? I think Jazz fans are so bored and will take just about anything to boost their hopes for the Jazz. An un tatted lil white kid from Butler gets drafted by the Jazz, makes a free throw, and everyone is ready to put a statue of him next to the Stockton and Malone statue. Go Hayward.

Not a statue. A Shrine.
I feel the need to re-post my Jazz Poetry that I had a vision about early last year:

Oh, Gordon my love
My desire burns white hot
Like the shades of the dove
My loins will quencheth not

Please, oh Gordon my sweet
I beg here on the ground
Hinder not thy sacred meat
Or the gentle touch of thy mound

Gordon, oh how you make me wail
Forever prodding my soul
How I long to hammer the nail
Into your gaping hole


Gods, let it be so.