Thank you. I appreciate thatOdd thread to post it in but it sounds like you are doing a great job raising your kid. Kudos.
I’m no military mind, but since people were understandably upset at how long it took Israel’s forces to arrive, maybe had they been closer….Maybe they viewed it as a good excuse to flatten Gaza and let it happen. Collateral damage.
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Accurate. Don't forget to mention that this left wing government's reign was impacted by the assassination of Yitzakh Rabin in 1995 by right-wing Israeli extremists that are now openly praised by members of Bibi's cabinet. Furthermore, the 2-state solution has since been rendered impossible due to the zeal with which the illegal settlement campaign that has proceeded in the West Bank. Unless one of you could show me a map of a two state solution that every Israeli wouldn't laugh and tear apart.The time for a comprehensive peace treaty and actual Palestinian statehood has long passed. The best chance for it was sometime between 1993 and 2000.
On the Israeli side, it was the last time there were anything resembling left-of-centre governments. The entire electorate has shifted to the right in the past 25-30 years. Part of it is that the religious, Haredi sector of the society has higher birthrates and has been proportionally growing in size. They have also been more politically active, after decades of only partial involvement in what they see as secular politics. I don't have to tell you how they feel about Palestinians or security issues in general. They also don't have to serve in the army, so hey, of course you'll support IDF operations.
Another part of this is the massive post-Soviet immigration to Israel. The country had 5 million people in 1990 and then proceeded to receive more than a million new immigrants from the former Soviet republics over the next decade. This population is largely secular with some not even being legally Jewish. They are fairly liberal on social issues, but hard-line on security stuff. To give you an indication of their political importance, at its peak in 2009, the largely Soviet immigrant-supported Yisrael Beiteinu party held an eight of all seats in the Knesset.
Finally, there has also been a general hardening of Israeli views on Palestinians and the peace process in the aftermath of the Second Intifada and all the violence of the last couple of decades. Until this recent Hamas rampage, there had also been a sense that Israel can keep a tight leash on both Gaza and the West Bank without much cost.
On the Palestinian side, the turn of the millennium was the last time there was a united leadership and some sense of political direction. Arafat both commanded the allegiance and respect of most Palestinians, and had enough credibility as a veteran of the struggle to be able to offer some concessions. Now you have what are essentially two Palestinian para-states with leaderships that fought a civil war. Neither are democratic in any sense. Hamas is Hamas, and Fatah seems to have lost all credibility among even the residents of the West Bank. Abu Mazen is 88 years old and hasn't allowed elections in almost 2 decades because Fatah would almost certainly lose them. His deputies and other close associates in the PLO are 70+ as well.
There's simple a sense of there not being anyone on either side willing or able to negotiate.
1) Palestinians are not responsible for the Holocaust -- why are they bearing the burden for European crimes against humanity?Sometimes, I wish I could be gentile just for a little bit, so I could be shocked and surprised at the existence of antisemitism and treat it as something novel and unusual. Must be nice.
It's very easy to look at all this out of context, like the last 1000 or so years of history didn't happen. Like antisemitism exists because of Israel and not the other way around. Israel exists because the rest of the humanity has proven itself utterly unable and/or unwilling to ensure the basic, physical protection Jewish people. Over and over and over again.
Calling for the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish state is antisemitism. It doesn't matter what form that takes. It doesn't matter what language you use. It doesn't matter if you cloak it in "decolonization" or "one-state solution" or "everyone should get along" or "a state where it doesn't matter if you're Jewish or Muslim." If the logical conclusion of your argument is that the Jews should not have their own, Jewish state, it's antisemitism.
And gentiles need to stop talking about what antisemitism is or isn't and need to stop trying to define it. Rashida Tlaib or the Queen of Jordan are not the arbiters of what antisemitism is, of who is a Jew, or of how Jews feel about the State of Israel. None of this is new. These are all well-known, tired anti-Jewish tropes and believe it or not, we've seen and heard them before.
1) Palestinians are not responsible for the Holocaust -- why are they bearing the burden for European crimes against humanity?
2) With this mindset, Zionists need to stop talking about what is and isn't colonization, or apartheid. Which -- perhaps this is fair to you! But in this discussion I want you to consider where do you fit in the voice of the Palestinian who had nothing to do with the concentration camps, and are now forcibly evicted with no right to return?
3) For the record, thousands of non-gentiles worldwide are risking their lives protesting against this apartheid regime and the tens of thousands of civilians they are murdering, because they are suspecting that tethering a religion to a genocidal regime is actually bad for a religious populace in the long-term.
4) Zionist Jews are also not the only arbiter of what is or isn't anti-Semitism. Is supporting right-wing Nazi governments who otherwise support Israel anti-Semitic? Do right wing Israeli movements knowingly worsen tensions for diasporic Jews worldwide in order to justify migration towards Israel -- and if so, is this anti-Semitic?
5) A nation's right to exist is weakened when it resorts to tens of thousands of murdered civilians in order to sustain it. Growingly, the global opinion is recognizing this as well. I suspect the response will be further commitment into war crimes.
- George
The Palestinians are bearing the burden of allowing the perpetrators of the October 7 rapes and murders to use them as human shields. The Palestinians are bearing the burden of refusing every peace agreement ever offered. The Palestinians are bearing the burden of initiating wars and losing, including wars the Palestinians initiated against Jordan and Syria.1) Palestinians are not responsible for the Holocaust -- why are they bearing the burden for European crimes against humanity?
This entire narrative is fiction. The only part that is true is the forcible eviction, but it wasn't from Israel. Initially the forcibly evicted were from Egypt along with Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat who himself was born in Egypt. Then Yassir Arafat led the Palestinians to attack King Hussein in Jordan and lost. King Hussein then forcibly evicted tens of thousands of Jordanian citizens who were ethnically Palestinian. The same happened in Syria a decade later. Only a tiny percentage of those in the West Bank or Gaza Strip had parents or grandparents who ever resided in what is now Israel proper and nearly every one of those left of their own free will to aid the Arab armies in 1967.2) With this mindset, Zionists need to stop talking about what is and isn't colonization, or apartheid. Which -- perhaps this is fair to you! But in this discussion I want you to consider where do you fit in the voice of the Palestinian who had nothing to do with the concentration camps, and are now forcibly evicted with no right to return?
It is worse in Europe but even here in America there was a mob in Philadelphia a few days ago that gathered outside a restaurant to chant how they were complicit in genocide due to being owned by a Jewish family. That mob wasn't brave. The mob wasn't risking their lives. There is nothing remotely noble about threatening Jewish families or students in America simply for being Jews.3) For the record, thousands of non-gentiles worldwide are risking their lives protesting against this apartheid regime and the tens of thousands of civilians they are murdering, because they are suspecting that tethering a religion to a genocidal regime is actually bad for a religious populace in the long-term.
I couldn't have put the modern nazi mindset any more succinctly. Nazis are claiming the Jews are controlling their levers of power to make angry mobs "worsen tensions for diasporic Jews worldwide in order to justify migration towards Israel". If a young girl was raped so much that her pelvis was broken then that is the fault of the Jews. If a family owned restaurant in Philadelphia was threatened it was the fault of the Jews. It is always the fault of the Jew in their mind and those opposing the Jews are valiantly "risking their lives".4) Zionist Jews are also not the only arbiter of what is or isn't anti-Semitism. Is supporting right-wing Nazi governments who otherwise support Israel anti-Semitic? Do right wing Israeli movements knowingly worsen tensions for diasporic Jews worldwide in order to justify migration towards Israel -- and if so, is this anti-Semitic?
This is where we finally agree. The Palestinians who hide behind civilians and build infrastructure for making war beneath hospitals have no right to demand their nation exist. They are the worst kind of scum. There is a reason Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Israel are all refusing to take them.5) A nation's right to exist is weakened when it resorts to tens of thousands of murdered civilians in order to sustain it.
Please bow out, and the adults of the forum have a conversation on this topic. The Palestinian dehumanizing rhetoric worked in a pre-2021 world, but the jig is up. You’re on the losing team.Taking these nazi talking points one by one:
The Palestinians are bearing the burden of allowing the perpetrators of the October 7 rapes and murders to use them as human shields. The Palestinians are bearing the burden of refusing every peace agreement ever offered. The Palestinians are bearing the burden of initiating wars and losing, including wars the Palestinians initiated against Jordan and Syria.
This entire narrative is fiction. The only part that is true is the forcible eviction, but it wasn't from Israel. Initially the forcibly evicted were from Egypt along with Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat who himself was born in Egypt. Then Yassir Arafat led the Palestinians to attack King Hussein in Jordan and lost. King Hussein then forcibly evicted tens of thousands of Jordanian citizens who were ethnically Palestinian. The same happened in Syria a decade later. Only a tiny percentage of those in the West Bank or Gaza Strip had parents or grandparents who ever resided in what is now Israel proper and nearly every one of those left of their own free will to aid the Arab armies in 1967.
It is worse in Europe but even here in America there was a mob in Philadelphia a few days ago that gathered outside a restaurant to chant how they were complicit in genocide due to being owned by a Jewish family. That mob wasn't brave. The mob wasn't risking their lives. There is nothing remotely noble about threatening Jewish families or students in America simply for being Jews.
I couldn't have put the modern nazi mindset any more succinctly. Nazis are claiming the Jews are controlling their levers of power to make angry mobs "worsen tensions for diasporic Jews worldwide in order to justify migration towards Israel". If a young girl was raped so much that her pelvis was broken then that is the fault of the Jews. If a family owned restaurant in Philadelphia was threatened it was the fault of the Jews. It is always the fault of the Jew in their mind and those opposing the Jews are valiantly "risking their lives".
This is where we finally agree. The Palestinians who hide behind civilians and build infrastructure for making war beneath hospitals have no right to demand their nation exist. They are the worst kind of scum. There is a reason Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Israel are all refusing to take them.
For those who think themselves safe from this type of targeting on account of not being Jewish, maybe you should start paying attention to how these same groups are now starting to target Christmas tree lighting ceremonies. These rape and murder apologists/supporters like George are a cancer. It doesn't help to not condemn it due to the adherents being primarily on the political left. Most leftists do not agree with George W's opinion. Say something.
not to sound callous but his more liberal counterparts would be dropping bombs on Palestinian babies with similar zeal.Not to sound callous but this war in Gaza is a handy distraction for the crisis ridden Netanyahu government.
Nazism was stronger back in the late 1930's but we beat you back then and if forced to do so we'll beat you again.Please bow out, and the adults of the forum have a conversation on this topic. The Palestinian dehumanizing rhetoric worked in a pre-2021 world, but the jig is up. You’re on the losing team.
- George
Please bow out, and the adults of the forum have a conversation on this topic. The Palestinian dehumanizing rhetoric worked in a pre-2021 world, but the jig is up. You’re on the losing team.
- George
Propaganda. Here is the important line of the article: "Biden's remarks, made to donors to his 2024 re-election campaign..."Biden accuses Israel of indiscriminate bombing:
Biden says Netanyahu must change, Israel losing global support
U.S. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that Israel is losing support over its "indiscriminate" bombing of Gaza and that Benjamin Netanyahu should change, exposing a new rift in relations with the Israeli prime
Propaganda. Here is the important line of the article: "Biden's remarks, made to donors to his 2024 re-election campaign..."
The part of Israel's incursion using heavy bombing in Gaza already wrapped up. There is still plenty of fighting but it isn't the heavy bombing of the early days. Israel has brought in some huge pumps to flood all tunnels with Mediterranean sea water. Most are unaware the operation has entered this new phase because the images aren't as compelling as the earlier images of explosions. Biden's remarks weren't targeted to have Israel change anything. It isn't Israel losing support but rather Joe Biden that is losing support, and that makes me sad because his staunch support for Israel in this time has been the thing I've admired about him most.
The remarks critical of Israel came after recent polling showed Biden losing to Trump in areas he previously won, areas that have a large Muslim population like Michigan, home of Rashida Tlaib.
Muslim leaders in swing states pledge to ‘abandon’ Biden over his refusal to call for ceasefire
Warnings that president stance on the war risks losing support of community in states critical to his chances for
That isn't to say Biden is turning his back on Israel but he is making content such as the article above to appeal to the nazi crowd. In a different event Biden got on stage to affirm that he was a Zionist.
'I'm a Zionist': Biden reaffirms support for Israel
I chalk it all up to it being election season and politicians saying whatever they think will get them elected.
Nazism was stronger back in the late 1930's but we beat you back then and if forced to do so we'll beat you again.
Venture outside your bubble. This problem is rooted in Palestinian-Nazi collaboration. The leader of Palestinian nationalism following the reveal of the Peel Partition Plan in 1937 was Haj Admin al-Husseini, the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. With the outbreak of WWII, Haj Admin al-Husseini was an actual Nazi, in Germany, working for Adolf.Red card for false equivalence. If you're going to argue about this, please be intellectually honest.