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Jazz at Nets, 3/26, 5:30PM MT--KFNZ, ROOT, WFAN, YES

Wow, so nice to login for a quick moment of revelry as a fan about a win and find JazzFanzHaterz in full swing. :-(
Astute post. And I totally relate to it. I am happy for the team when they win, even though my desire for a second lottery pick wants to be mad with the W. And I am glad for the losses that ensure the second lottery pick, even though it is hard to root against the guys I love so much. This is a great group of guys. And even though Jefferson isn't the future of the Jazz I really like him and would love for him to get to the playoffs. QUESTION: Has Jefferson EVER made the playoffs before?
Win, Lose - either way I'm happy AND sad.

Nope. Big Jeff has not sniffed the POs...he was so excited to come here mainly because he thought playing with Deron would get him there. Then KOC wisely blew that team up, brings in his successor, and all Jeff does is help the young bigs get better. How can you not like that kind of a character guy. As a player he is not perfect, but he is better than Boozer and a heck of a team player as well as being an offensive gift from God.

I'm unequivocal in wanting the Jazz to make a run at the play offs this year. It will just build in our team a sense that management believes in them, and that the Utah Jazz fight for every game.

Just think about those poor fans whose team packs it in, year after year they strengthen a culture of losing. I want the Jazz to build a culture in this team of over achieving...even if it cost us a pick that would be offset by the players growing into a team that believes in themselves. I think we have the young talent in Burks, Hayward, Kanter, and Favors to be a great team down the road. People rant about developing them by giving them PT, I think winning helps develop them even better. Let them earn the PT on a PO team and they will be much better off.

Uhmm I believe in Jefferson's rookie year the Celt's did make the PO's.

Yep just looked it up to be safe:

But that's just simply not true. So why would he do that?

Nah, Bjunior is a Super Hero. His power is being able to physically see job security. When Corbin and Miller gaze into each other's eyes he sees the bond of an unbreakable job.

Guys job security being high or not was not the point. It was just the unimportant part of the point. You can instead tell Ty that I will buy a round of beer tonight if that's gonna ease him to trust the kids a little more. Really!

~And besides, I do appreciate Ty's work with growing the team chemistry that they lacked showing for the last couple of seasons.
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On the other hand, there are people who think extremely opposite:

"GOOD MOVE: Jazz head coach Tyler Corbin didn't give his starters a full workload -- none of them spent more than 33 minutes on the floor -- but did provide his main guys with just enough playing time to get the job done." (By Adam Figman, for NBA.com Game Recap)
Okay, then answer me this Mr Know it all... If Jordan was lets say, out for the season that year... Do you really think that team would have been any better than a .500 ballclub??

Just name me ONE of those Bulls players that did ANYTHING after leaving the Bulls?? JUST ONE!

I remember those years VERY well...
Apparently you don't. The '93-'94 Bulls were that team without Jordan, and they were a very, very good team. Why did most of those players not amount to much 5 years later? Probably because IT WAS ****ING 5 YEARS LATER. The team got old, but they were an extremely good team.

P.S. Steve Kerr won some championships with the Spurs as a key role player.
Deron is quickly starting to turn into the NBAs version of "Randy Moss"... I play when I want to play... I'm starting to be glad we got rid of him... Seems like a good move now...

Hey Deron, why don't you take a page from Michael Jordan?? He played with a bunch of 2nd rate scrubs aside from Scotty Pippen too... But he was a LEADER... Something you will never be... Oh and he's got about 6 championships to show for it!

I thought comparing Deron's situation with Jordan's was a bit of a stretch. If you wanted to make a case of Deron's poor leadership you don't needed to look further back then the very same Nets under the rule of Jason Kidd.

He managed to carry his team every single time to the play-offs during his tenure with the Nets, including two NBA finals and one conference finals appereances, playing along with 'superstars' like Kenyon Martin! and Richard Jefferson, a bunch of no names, rookies and washed up veterans, and that while nursing a blown out knee which would have ended the career of many others.
Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter or Kenyon Martin (pre-serious injury) in the worst conference that the league has seen isn't a bad situation. And if we're to bitch about characteristics of our players, Deron hasn't been arrested for beating his wife.

Fanbases and especially Jazz fans just need to have villains. That's really what this is all about.