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Jazz vs Nuggets @ Pepsi Center (1.5.13) at 7:00 PM Mountain Time / Telecast on ROOTSPORTS

Instead of down 6 were down 11 because the ref decides to be a hero and make the first goaltending call like that in the history of NBA
That was a 6 point call. Should have been a foul and the dunk, but they took it a way which led to a 3 on the other end. Is this the Clippers we're playing?
Can't wait until this home stand starts so they can stop using it as the silver lining to our suckassness
This is pathetic, this team should be better than last year. Time for a new couch and a completely new system. I'm tired of watching guys run in circles while everyone stands around before chucking up a shot.
Without Mo though, the team is not an outside shooting threat from the PG spot, and defenses just camp in on our bigs.
Big Al 4-13... " Blah blah haters he's our best player " news flash it's REAL BAD NEWS if he's our best player