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Jazz Workout Tracker

Summer camp guy maybe, but not someone to draft especially at 9,16, or 28 and maybe not even at 60 if we bought back in.
6'8" lanky ball handler, weak, athletically slow but functionally fast. That's a common profile of a scrub who makes into the league two years later after much setbacks. It is not unheard of.
I do remember in the season ending interviews that the media said that Zanik and Ainge said they would be petty tight lipped about who they are working out. Unlike before where most everything was announced to the local media ahead of time.
i watched that dude a few times at dayton. if i weren't watching specifically for him i wouldn't even have known he was out there.
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This guy doesn't even pass the Homey test to be on the Stars. 5 ppg per game in college? Are you kidding me.
Hey, DL can spot a Doke-level talent a mile away!

Oh yeah, he isn't drafting now. But if he was, this Mike guy would be our first choice when we get the 2nd pick in the lottery.