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What's changed is the level of reporting dysphoria, not children's reactions to it.
The level of reporting dysphoria you've admitted to has risen along with the level of hospitals reporting admissions for treating the injuries of kids who deliberately harmed themselves, and the level of reporting deaths due to teen suicide. I do hope it is a talking point because we should be talking about this.
The idea that things like identifying as transgender is encouraged or even pushed aggressively is a good way to identify someone who has no ****ing clue what they're talking about. I say that as the parent of someone who is transgender. I wanted nothing more than for that **** to go away and for my kid to "change their mind" about it. Despite my feelings on the issue I felt compelled to love my child and support them. It didn't take long to realize that my child being transgender meant that they had real enemies in our society who would love to hurt them, either through ostracization, legislation or outright violence. In that realization I knew I had to do more than to support them, I had to fight for them, in every sense of the word.

Now for a fun musical interlude

As much as any layman. You pretty much described my point.

That's a social difference, not a medical one.


Where's evidence he "cashed out"?

There’s plenty of folks reporting that he sold it. It’s a moot point I guess. It’d be pretty damning if he’s ******** on the vaccine while holding millions of their stock. You could argue he’s less of a piece of **** for doing that.

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The idea that things like identifying as transgender is encouraged or even pushed aggressively is a good way to identify someone who has no ****ing clue what they're talking about. I say that as the parent of someone who is transgender. I wanted nothing more than for that **** to go away and for my kid to "change their mind" about it. Despite my feelings on the issue I felt compelled to love my child and support them. It didn't take long to realize that my child being transgender meant that they had real enemies in our society who would love to hurt them, either through ostracization, legislation or outright violence. In that realization I knew I had to do more than to support them, I had to fight for them, in every sense of the word.

Now for a fun musical interlude

Right? It would be so much easier if I could go back to thinking about my sons, or the boys, and I hate how much trouble they're going to have in their life over this. But I hate more the pain they've already felt having to try to deny that part of themselves, and I'm doing everything I can to support it. I'm not certain where they will end up - they're 27 - they have been taking some hormones, and want to start waxing, but I don't want to know WHAT they want to wax, specifically. I don't think they're going to do a big transition, but what do I know? I just need to keep loving them like I did before.
The level of reporting dysphoria you've admitted to has risen along with the level of hospitals reporting admissions for treating the injuries of kids who deliberately harmed themselves, and the level of reporting deaths due to teen suicide. I do hope it is a talking point because we should be talking about this.
That's a narrow time slice and age range. For example, suicide rates by teens fell between 1995 and 2000 (see table below). That certainly was not from decreased acceptance of dysphoria. Further, the states that are the most trans-friendly have the lowest rates of suicide.

Your correlation does not hold up over a longer period of time, or comparing state-by-state.
Do you have a source for more ethical, educated, and interesting trolls?
These same 2-3 posters are boring. It’s the same schtick page after page after page, no matter how many times their lazy *** posts are blown up. At least trolls on other platforms are funny or somewhat intelligent. And the way they’re trashing most of the threads on this site, it’s exhausting to get anything of value here.
These same 2-3 posters are boring. It’s the same schtick page after page after page, no matter how many times their lazy *** posts are blown up. At least trolls on other platforms are funny or somewhat intelligent. And the way they’re trashing most of the threads on this site, it’s exhausting to get anything of value here.
What's funny is that they get rotated out every few months, but the new ones are always spewing the same old schtick. Almost like they get their talking points from the same places.
I am indeed a vortex of truth and accuracy, sucking down the inaccuracies.

I'm fairly sure that your Trump hypothetical is illegal, and also a betrayal of trust given by the donors to those charities. By contrast, experimenting on viruses is legal, and (to the degree that it helps strengthen vaccine preparation) in the public interest.

I asked something like this before: What other businesses do you demand R&D transparency for? What happens to protecting intellectual property and proprietary secrets if we require R&D transparency?

How does Pfizer benefit from confirming/denying the employment status of the interviewee?

Many people with credibility believe it's possible covid originated in a lab, almost no one with credibility believes it's probably or likely.

Name one group of Americans forcibly vaccinated.

There are no soft-on-crime DAs, period. There are some who understand that jailing people for small offenses increases crime overall.

Yes, "facts have a liberal bias" is a common joke, originated by noted conservative Stephen Colbert (the character, not the actor). It's one of those jokes that's an appropriate response to conservatives who complain that fact-checkers don't support them often enough. Fact-checkers would be friendlier to conservatives if they deviated from the facts less often.

If you'd like to compare a list of disproven conservative narratives to disproven liberal narratives, I can match you five-for-one (a particularly amusing and stupid conservative narrative is litter boxes in schools for students who identify as cats). BTW, the Hunter Biden laptop is still in the news, Smollett was convicted (so the story is over), and Sandmann had his case dismissed (so the story is over). That's why the latter two have disappeared from the news.

Float, float on.
You are a vortex of inaccuracy. It's hysterical that I make the point that the media has a consistent record of exhibiting a liberal bias in reporting stories and your response is that my examples are invalid because the media has now corrected the initial liberal bias. That was my point! I have no idea what you're talking about what the litter boxes. I will never deny that there are wackos on both ends of the spectrum, though.

The only way you would come anywhere close to matching the numbers of stories that have initially been reported with a liberal bias and then later corrected vs those with a conservative bias is by completely misunderstanding or changing the rules of the game, which I am certain I could count on you to do.
You are a vortex of inaccuracy. It's hysterical that I make the point that the media has a consistent record of exhibiting a liberal bias in reporting stories and your response is that my examples are invalid because the media has now corrected the initial liberal bias. That was my point! I have no idea what you're talking about what the litter boxes. I will never deny that there are wackos on both ends of the spectrum, though.

The only way you would come anywhere close to matching the numbers of stories that have initially been reported with a liberal bias and then later corrected vs those with a conservative bias is by completely misunderstanding or changing the rules of the game, which I am certain I could count on you to do.

I didn't say anything about "correcting a liberal bias". I said two of the stories are resolved (so there is no more news), and the third is ongoing, despite your claim it's not being covered.

You seem to share a persecution complex that is so common among conservatives. I'll try to stop feeding it.
That's a narrow time slice and age range. For example, suicide rates by teens fell between 1995 and 2000 (see table below). That certainly was not from decreased acceptance of dysphoria. Further, the states that are the most trans-friendly have the lowest rates of suicide.

Your correlation does not hold up over a longer period of time, or comparing state-by-state.
The correlation does hold up, and strongly. Suicide is not a univariant phenomenon, and so there are variations between states but the most trans-friendly states are seeing a rise in self harm and suicide as they grow increasingly supportive of those living out gender dysphoria. Your fake correlation of suicide rates in supportive versus less-supportive states only works if you cherry-pick your data points. For instance, Colorado has a high level of support and also one of the highest levels of suicide in the 10-14 age group.

The reality is that those pushing this type of acceptance are in a cult. It is a popular cult but it is still a cult. The mysticism of it being possible for a girl to be trapped in a mans body or vice versa relies on the same woo-woo-bull of magical deities that exist beyond the physical. There is a girl's body in the girl's body because that body is all there is. The XY chromosomes are in all the cells and the organism is structured to make ova gametes. It makes zero difference that the girl brain on a particular girls is drawn to fashion choices, or wants to be called by a name, or thinks the grass is greener, or whatever. Humans are arguably the most adaptable animal that has ever existed, and it is sick to twist that ability into creating an adaptation that will result in that individual leaving the gene pool.
That's a narrow time slice and age range. For example, suicide rates by teens fell between 1995 and 2000 (see table below). That certainly was not from decreased acceptance of dysphoria. Further, the states that are the most trans-friendly have the lowest rates of suicide.

Your correlation does not hold up over a longer period of time, or comparing state-by-state.
That is some old *** data...
The correlation does hold up, and strongly.
Not based on the evidence you have provided so far. In fact, your graph looks a lot like the graph for cell phone usage.

Suicide is not a univariant phenomenon, and so there are variations between states but the most trans-friendly states are seeing a rise in self harm and suicide as they grow increasingly supportive of those living out gender dysphoria.
All states are seeing a rise in suicide, regardless of how trans-friendly they are.

Your fake correlation of suicide rates in supportive versus less-supportive states only works if you cherry-pick your data points. For instance, Colorado has a high level of support and also one of the highest levels of suicide in the 10-14 age group.
Thank you for demonstrating cherry-picking by using the outlier example of Colorado.

The mysticism of it being possible for a girl to be trapped in a mans body or vice versa relies on the same woo-woo-bull of magical deities that exist beyond the physical.
I would really like to believe you are not this stupid, that you do understand that development is complex and multi-faceted, that you can have mismatches in gender just as much as you can have eyes of different colors. No mysticism needed.

The XY chromosomes are in all the cells and the organism is structured to make ova gametes.
Except for the girls bodies that are not, of course.

... creating an adaptation that will result in that individual leaving the gene pool.
We have plenty of babies coming into the world. We don't need everyone to have one.