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John Stockton Claims He Had Proof of 1000 Athletes Dying of Vaccine

Talking to you is like stepping into quicksand.
I am indeed a vortex of truth and accuracy, sucking down the inaccuracies.

LOL that there are no explosive claims in that video. "They'd rather we not, but we do these selected structure mutations to try to see if we can make them more potent." That's one of many very concerning direct quotes from this Pfizer executive. If one of Trump's accountants said, "We hide income by transferring money to Trump's charities and then allow Donald to use it to operate his helicopters and golf courses," would you tell me that the quote was no big deal and that the public should not demand a full explaination?
I'm fairly sure that your Trump hypothetical is illegal, and also a betrayal of trust given by the donors to those charities. By contrast, experimenting on viruses is legal, and (to the degree that it helps strengthen vaccine preparation) in the public interest.

I asked something like this before: What other businesses do you demand R&D transparency for? What happens to protecting intellectual property and proprietary secrets if we require R&D transparency?

LOL that we should not demand transparency. LOL that there is any reason other than obfuscation for Pfizer to hide the employment status of this individual. LOL that nobody with credibility believes that COVID may have originated in a lab. LOL that Americans have not been forcefully compelled to get vaccinations. LOL that there are no soft on crime DAs who were elected with Soros money. LOL that actual facts have a liberal bias. Again and again supposedly fact checked and debunked versions of stories have turned out to be true, and the error is virtually always on the side of the liberal narrative. Hunter laptop, Jessie Smollette, Nick Sandman, and so many more, Shocking stories disappear from the news cycle because they are literally overwhelmed by the additional shocking stories that follow on their heels.

I'm going to relax and float to the surface now. Peace out, Jazzfanz.
How does Pfizer benefit from confirming/denying the employment status of the interviewee?

Many people with credibility believe it's possible covid originated in a lab, almost no one with credibility believes it's probably or likely.

Name one group of Americans forcibly vaccinated.

There are no soft-on-crime DAs, period. There are some who understand that jailing people for small offenses increases crime overall.

Yes, "facts have a liberal bias" is a common joke, originated by noted conservative Stephen Colbert (the character, not the actor). It's one of those jokes that's an appropriate response to conservatives who complain that fact-checkers don't support them often enough. Fact-checkers would be friendlier to conservatives if they deviated from the facts less often.

If you'd like to compare a list of disproven conservative narratives to disproven liberal narratives, I can match you five-for-one (a particularly amusing and stupid conservative narrative is litter boxes in schools for students who identify as cats). BTW, the Hunter Biden laptop is still in the news, Smollett was convicted (so the story is over), and Sandmann had his case dismissed (so the story is over). That's why the latter two have disappeared from the news.

Float, float on.
That is a very strange study- since when are 19 year olds considered children?
Why not? There is little biological difference between 16 and 19.

Also why is like every kind of accident listed as one cause of death?
They list the ICD10 codes on the chart. How do you think the ICD10 codes should be broken down?

So covid sits just above the flu as a "leading cause of death".
We also recommend vaccinations for flu.

Are they even counting covid deaths correctly? To me, it looks like they added 18 and 19 year olds so they could get covid deaths to even be relevant. This study looks like crap to me honestly.
Are you claiming covid deaths among 18- and 19-year-olds are so numerous they carry the covid death rate for the entire cohort? If you look at the first chart, it's the <1 year cohort that have the highest death rate, by far, from covid.

Bill made 500 million from the vaccines and cashed out- now that he made a bunch of money he's ******** on the vaccines too.
What's your evidence for "made 500 million from the vaccines and cashed out"?

He's listing well-known opportunities for improvement, and supporting the idea of better vaccines.
Dr. Leana Wen on CNN talking abou the overcounting of covid deaths - the Washington Post also had a story with in the last month or so about the debate.
Dr. Wen doesn't even understand what the different causes of death are listed as.

If a patient with a chronic, non-lethal kidney condition catches covid and dies, then they would be alive if not for catching covid. I'm very comfortable in saying covid killed those people.

I know it's fun complaining about your treatment from other posters...
I don't complain about my treatment. My concern is generally directed at treatment towards other people and children in particular.

I believe kids need structure, don't need to be fed a diet of victimization or hate, and under no circumstances should dysphorias be encouraged. When the CDC released a report a few days ago showing depression and suicidal ideation rates at never-seen-before levels, that registered a zero on my surprise meter. There is a direct correlation between the level of societal acceptance of gender identities disconnected from biological sex, and suicidal ideation. The increase in transgender characters on television correlates directly to increases in this type of mental illness among our youth. I don't have any problem with the consistency between my being unhappy with the state of things and increases in suicide. The idea that you get ever happier as ever more dysphoric kids end their lives has me shaking my head. Your support for acceptance of non-genetically determined gender identity is not benign. It is sick and I will continue to complain about it.

As for the guy in the video, meh.
Why not? There is little biological difference between 16 and 19.
I'm not sure this is true. Still there is at least one important societal distinction made when you turn 18 and that is that you are an adult. Not a child.
They list the ICD10 codes on the chart. How do you think the ICD10 codes should be broken down?

We also recommend vaccinations for flu.

Are you claiming covid deaths among 18- and 19-year-olds are so numerous they carry the covid death rate for the entire cohort? If you look at the first chart, it's the <1 year cohort that have the highest death rate, by far, from covid.
Did you happen to look and see what was by far the second highest group?
What's your evidence for "made 500 million from the vaccines and cashed out"?

He's listing well-known opportunities for improvement, and supporting the idea of better vaccines.
Stock trades are private, but you can find his- this article mentions his original investment - https://endpts.com/biontech-partner...-equity-investment-novartis-sells-china-unit/
I think because he is investing by way of a "charity" I think you might be able to find his SEC paperwork
I'm not sure this is true. Still there is at least one important societal distinction made when you turn 18 and that is that you are an adult. Not a child.
Pediatricians will often continue to see patients until they are 21, or even older in special circumstances. So, if pediatricians don't, I have no problem with counting them medically as children.
Dr. Wen doesn't even understand what the different causes of death are listed as.
Do you?

If a patient with a chronic, non-lethal kidney condition catches covid and dies, then they would be alive if not for catching covid. I'm very comfortable in saying covid killed those people.
Do you know what a comorbidity is? Like the scenario you mentioned they would and should be listed as comorbidities. That is why a death certificate has like four areas to list the "cause of death". The person would list the immediate cause of death- I don't even think it makes sense to list covid here (this should be like cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest). There is also another section to immediately following that to list "other significant conditions leading to the cause of death" which in your scenario would include Covid, kidney condition, etc.
A study claiming clear histological definitive evidence of spike protein damage leading to death as a result of vaccination without the presence of Covid infection itself. "Misinformation" or nah ??? Something that should make anyone ask wtf or just something to dismiss. I'm sure the omnipotent vortex of truth has an answer for all. And he's brought to you by Pfffiizzeerrr

Pediatricians will often continue to see patients until they are 21, or even older in special circumstances. So, if pediatricians don't, I have no problem with counting them medically as children.
Cool logic- let me try
Since I can carry someone on my health insurance until they are 26 they should be considered children and they should have also be included in this study. I wonder why they were not? Maybe because once they are 21 they might have another category called drunk driving and they didn't want to explain how drunk driving was a leading cause of death for "children" and covid was now 9th on the list.

I cant believe we legally let "children" smoke in this country
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Cool logic- let me try
Since I can carry someone on my health insurance until they are 26 they should be considered children and they should have also be included in this study. I wonder why they were not? Maybe because once they are 21 they might have another category called drunk driving and they didn't want to explain how drunk driving was a leading cause of death for "children" and covid was now 9th on the list.
This may be the dumbest thing I read today.
I know pretty stupid logic right?
Why can't you just admit the study seems odd and misleading? That's all I'm saying? I looked at it for 5 seconds and saw red flags.
18 is an absolutely arbitrary age for someone to be considered an adult.

Brains and bodies are still developing - I remember when Kobe Brystan was a rookie, he was out a few games because his knees hurt, turns out it was growing pains, he grew another couple of inches that year. Brains don't finish developing until you're in your mid-20s, especially for males.

I get what you're saying, but you seem to think that 18 is magic, and I'm here to tell you that it's not. 21 would be a more logical age for people to be considered adults, honestly, but we're used to 18 being the standard (in this country - in the UK it's 16, in Canada it's 19, in NZ it's 20, in Puerto Rico and Mississippi it's 21).
A study claiming clear histological definitive evidence of spike protein damage leading to death as a result of vaccination without the presence of Covid infection itself. "Misinformation" or nah ??? Something that should make anyone ask wtf or just something to dismiss. I'm sure the omnipotent vortex of truth has an answer for all. And he's brought to you by Pfffiizzeerrr

This is anecdotal- everyone know that ALL people respond to EVERY medication exactly the same. Nothing to see here. Brought to you by PFIZZZZER
I believe kids need structure, don't need to be fed a diet of victimization or hate, and under no circumstances should dysphorias be encouraged.
Who's encouraging dysphorias? That sounds like another right-wing talking point.

There is a direct correlation between the level of societal acceptance of gender identities disconnected from biological sex, and suicidal ideation.
Evidence, please.

The idea that you get ever happier as ever more dysphoric kids end their lives has me shaking my head.
What's changed is the level of reporting dysphoria, not children's reactions to it.
As much as any layman. You pretty much described my point.

I'm not sure this is true. Still there is at least one important societal distinction made when you turn 18 and that is that you are an adult. Not a child.
That's a social difference, not a medical one.

Did you happen to look and see what was by far the second highest group?

Stock trades are private, but you can find his- this article mentions his original investment
Where's evidence he "cashed out"?
A study claiming clear histological definitive evidence of spike protein damage leading to death as a result of vaccination without the presence of Covid infection itself.
Is this side effect more or less likely to occur as a comorbidity of catching covid, and when caught, which will be more severe? My understanding is that a greater number of those who get covid will suffer myocarditis, and their cases will be more severe, than with vaccines. I'm open to correction if you have evidence.