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Lets talk about these crazy organisms we call Women.

My wife will wake me up at like 4 am sometimes to knock the boots, it kind of pisses me off to be honest, I mean I have to work at 8. But she is super hot, and way good at sex, so beggars cant be choosers.
I think it has more to do with your relationship as indicated by the fact that you come on Jazzfanz to discuss your sex life, let alone expect to gain some type of valuable insight from this demographic.
I think this is a poor stereotype on your part Bean and that your sexual activity dropped for no other reason then you suck in between the sheets. You're like that player with a ton of talent, Tyreke Evans perhaps, and you showed great flashes early on, but once the time came for you to step up and **** her good, you blew it.
Hey Bean, maybe you should turn gay. I mean, the stereotype says that they get off all the time.
Misread the "organism" part (missed the "n" and "i").

So disappointed as it would have been a heck of a thread otherwise. Well, as they say, nothing to see here...move along.
it started at sea lvl... now its lower, lets just hope the levy holds or all who have posted in this thread will be taken out with it.

That's ok. Just go to the superdome. I am sure the powers that be will care for all of us.
I love women. I think most of them are beautiful and entertaining. I've worked in situations where there were no women and then in similar situations with women and they usually make life more enjoyable. Although I have to say that in Navy boot camp some divisions are all male and some are male and female. In that situation I was glad I was in an all male boot camp division. On a ship, however, I can't imagine being on an all male ship. Many people said it was heaven on earth, more laid back anything goes atmosphere, but I enjoyed the presence of women while spending long stretches of time at sea.

In more intimate situations I think if a guy has a clue and the motivation to put in the work to make his woman "happy" he'll be rewarded many times over. Hopefully even very conservative men understand that putting in the work is not bad or dirty, but I fear that far too many do feel that way. It's a very unfortunate situation for the women who love them.
I love women. I think most of them are beautiful and entertaining. I've worked in situations where there were no women and then in similar situations with women and they usually make life more enjoyable. Although I have to say that in Navy boot camp some divisions are all male and some are male and female. In that situation I was glad I was in an all male boot camp division. On a ship, however, I can't imagine being on an all male ship. Many people said it was heaven on earth, more laid back anything goes atmosphere, but I enjoyed the presence of women while spending long stretches of time at sea.

In more intimate situations I think if a guy has a clue and the motivation to put in the work to make his woman "happy" he'll be rewarded many times over. Hopefully even very conservative men understand that putting in the work is not bad or dirty, but I fear that far too many do feel that way. It's a very unfortunate situation for the women who love them.

I've been saying this for years. If you provide a quality experience to a woman, it does not have to be anything intimate, then that woman is much, much, much more likely to give you more opportunities to give them that experience again. Wether it is just fun, a good convo, a nice dinner, physical intimacy of some sort...

You give them quality and they will give you quantity.