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A Taco Bell chalupa is mexican food in thew same way a fortune cookie is chinese food. That notwithstanding, chalupas possess a deliciousness that transcends mere adjectives.

Wike says it is indeed a food style originating in the area south of Mexico City and around those parts, including Oaxaca.

Taco Bell, however, would make your observation correct because they did indeed modify it for the United States.
well, for the record, I like Chalupas even in the native style. I might like Americanized Chinese better, though. . . . .
I beg to differ mon frere. I know the story of which you refer, and it has never been forbidden to be told. If anything it is skipped because it is not understood. There is something else similar that does not make sense to me as well. Forbidden or not allowed sure paints a different picture my friend.

uhhhmnmmmmmm.. . . . .

looks like I sorta got around in the end to just agreeing with you. . . .
Wike says it is indeed a food style originating in the area south of Mexico City and around those parts, including Oaxaca.

Taco Bell, however, would make your observation correct because they did indeed modify it for the United States.

This is why I was careful to specify the Taco Bell chalupa. I'm a big fan of more authentic mexican food, but I like good ol' stinky Taco Bell every once in a while.
well, for the record, I like Chalupas even in the native style. I might like Americanized Chinese better, though. . . . .

In Korea there are thousands of mom & pop chinese restaurants, and the food is nothing like americanized chinese... it's much more the regular everyday food. Delicious.
In Korea there are thousands of mom & pop chinese restaurants, and the food is nothing like americanized chinese... it's much more the regular everyday food. Delicious.

This would be good news if I had any prospect of going to Korea.

In the Philippines, "Chinese" food is something else again.

More Chinese folks live in the Philippines than Taiwan. Could be true of Brazil and Indonesia too.
This would be good news if I had any prospect of going to Korea.

In the Philippines, "Chinese" food is something else again.

More Chinese folks live in the Philippines than Taiwan. Could be true of Brazil and Indonesia too.

Official estimates of ethnic Chinese abroad vary immensely. 4 million or 2 million in the US. . . . take your pick.

30 million or 50 million worldwide, take your pick.

One site admits that unofficial estimates in the Philippines run around 10%. Part of the problem might be the container traffic and the common Chinese practice of reticence in showing up in public. . . . family of ten living in the back room of a restaurant, and only one admitted on the census. . . .

My idea of the situation in Brazil may be the exaggeration of my sister in law. . . .

Thailand, Burma are the leading centers according to official sources.
This is why I was careful to specify the Taco Bell chalupa. I'm a big fan of more authentic mexican food, but I like good ol' stinky Taco Bell every once in a while.

I missed the emphasis/point the first time. Thanks for correcting me.
Official estimates of ethnic Chinese abroad vary immensely. 4 million or 2 million in the US. . . . take your pick.

30 million or 50 million worldwide, take your pick.

One site admits that unofficial estimates in the Philippines run around 10%. Part of the problem might be the container traffic and the common Chinese practice of reticence in showing up in public. . . . family of ten living in the back room of a restaurant, and only one admitted on the census. . . .

My idea of the situation in Brazil may be the exaggeration of my sister in law. . . .

Thailand, Burma are the leading centers according to official sources.

One writer on the subject discusses the assimilation of Chinese into the Pinoy population. "Chinoy". Ferdinand Marcos banned the teaching of Chinese in Chinese schools, and made them all legal immigrants and citizens. Even in the seventies when I was there I knew of fairly large cities that were mostly Chinese, and of areas of ancient Chinese immigrations/settling. The Philippines is an oriental "melting pot" with Spanish and American "mestizo" being fairly common, but not as common as Chinese mestizos. If you could find out how many have at least "some" Chinese, it's be getting up to the 25% or more.

On Taiwan, the "Formosan" natives are related by language and genetics to the filipinos.
Today there is a very pronounced trend for the Chinese businessmen to be the top dogs in the Philippines, and as a result there is an ongoing crime wave of kidnappings of Chinese kids for ransom. One Chinese businessman recognized the voice of the kidnapper of his kid, and could identify him. The kidnapper was caught red-handed. . . .. but still has not landed in jail. Just paid some payola to some judges and is still on the lam.
OK, I give. I've been talking about Crime and Punishment, and the mind of Dostoyevsky in relation to psychiatric maladies such as sociopathy.. . . . .

well, not here but with someone who has a MSW and works in a prison with these types. . . . .

she thought there was a good story in Psychology Today about a Mormon self-confessed "sociopath" who has written a book about herself. Talk about over-diagnosis as trending today. . . . .

I think it is "normal" for people. . . . for most people for sure. . . .for such a large majority of folks, to be once in a while manipulative, self-absorbed, and conscienceless about the effects of their deeds, or even compulsive about some aspects of these sorts of things. Lying is a matter of simple "street smarts" for most of us. You just don't say "the wrong things". It's such a normal thing we might think someone who doesn't is the one with the deviation from normalcy. . . .

And sure, the smarter you are, the better you can do these things. I could debate whether Napoleon was a sociopath or just a shrewd politician and general. . . . . he did what he had to do to win. . . . . he did it with the uttermost in self-discipline, planning, and determined follow-through with his plans.

Nope. To be a clinical case of a psychiatric disorder, I think we have to eliminate obviously functional and rational instances resembling the diagnostic criteria. . . .. or else we'll have to start calling Obama and Reid and Pelosi "sociopaths" for passing Obamacare while cooing

"We've got to pass this so we can see what it is"

while setting up 196 new government bureaucracies with the power to do invasive evaluations of every aspect of individual lives, and empowering them to dictate to folks what the circumstances of their lives, and the length of their lives. . . is going to be.

My topic du jour is psychiatric overdiagnoses.

One Brow says man is a social animal. . . . ultimately denies anything more than chemistry as essential to life. . . . well, let's say "chemistry" in the context of the grander expanses of time, space, energy and matter I suppose. But what I think he has been preaching is a denial that there is anything else that we can't prove or demonstrate objectively to the most hardened believer in "man". That meaning, of course, to exclude "God" or similar extrapolations into the vast unknown realms we have so far just waved our hands at and declared "I believe"s about.

So what is the distinction between man the social animal and the clinical diagnosis of a sociopath?

So here's the article I read last night, about an author, a local lawyer, nice Mormon lady. She really sounds pretty normal to me. Why do we need to give folks like this special attention and create a diagnostic profile for them???


I don't have a problem labeling Obama and Pelositine sociopaths, so I'm not really following how the "functional and rational" instances of inhumanity should be excluded.

We are so fascinated by psychopaths that we are unwilling to deal with them as the plague they have become. Their psychopathy has become the excuse for leniency and study rather than the evidence of a lost cause.

Why can't we just remove them so the people who show signs of humanity,ability to connect with other humans in a loving way, can thrive?
This is why I was careful to specify the Taco Bell chalupa. I'm a big fan of more authentic mexican food, but I like good ol' stinky Taco Bell every once in a while.

We did the Taco Bell chow today. I ordered a Beef Chalupa. Nice. I asked my wife what a Chalupa was, and she said it was a "Mexican Falafel". I love Falafel.
I don't have a problem labeling Obama and Pelositine sociopaths, so I'm not really following how the "functional and rational" instances of inhumanity should be excluded.

We are so fascinated by psychopaths that we are unwilling to deal with them as the plague they have become. Their psychopathy has become the excuse for leniency and study rather than the evidence of a lost cause.

Why can't we just remove them so the people who show signs of humanity,ability to connect with other humans in a loving way, can thrive?

Well, according to the Bible, there will be a time when the world will be as wicked as it ever was, and then there will be some consequences.

I think God plans to do just this in ushering in the Millenium.

My point is that in a democracy, what is "normal" determines the perspective or focus of government. If we are all very well described by the clinical diagnosis, we are a sick society. But this is also one of the unhappy characteristics of "Democracy". In a "Democracy", will the government undertake to make nuthouse cases out of the vast majority of it's people?

I offer this as a first proof we are no longer a democracy, but a fascist totalitarian State. . . . a wannabe fascist totalitarian World. . . . and we have the professional psychiatrists to prove it. They have a diagnosis for everyone. . . . well, for everyone who isn't "somebody", and we are at the point of having enough laws to throw everyone in jail for one reason or another. . . . well. . . . unless you are one of the elite who is above the silliness of "law", and for courts are empowered to order mass medications of all of us. . .. except of course, if you're "special" somehow. . . . .

I really don't think ordinary people with fairly routine excessive tendencies all need to be "fixed", or labeled with a sophisticated-sounding malady that for most of us just means "clever" and "selfish". And I do sincerely believe we should not be rounding up our Napoleons in every avenue of life, folks who by strategy and focus attain some kind of dominance in their chosen field of labor. . .. elites, so to speak.... . At most, I think we should choose political leaders who show the better characteristics of service and faithfulness to the rights of the common man. And I definitely do not think this nice LDS lady who actually realized how awful she's been on an instance or two is a pathological case. There are many who have never confessed their sins.

most clever, selfish unrepentant sinners are not pathological cases either. Just people who need to admit their wrongs and decide to cut a better path.
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