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Marc Stein: Jazz-Warriors discuss pre-Lottery trade (Source says trade "likely")

We did the right thing not making a deal with GSW. Now we need to make another deal for a mid-round pick. We'll get a good player if we can get a pick in the middle of the first.
They're going to get a horrible pick or a pick with tremendous injury problems! This blows!
Well it wasnt meant to be i guess.

Positive side....

We get to do this all over again, and dream about next years draft.

I believe we will look back be glad it worked out the way it did.
Hahah at the awkward Hornets owner. "Thank you... this is my wife, and this is my daughter". "We just want to win it all, OKAY?"

- Craig
Jesus Christ......are you ****ing joking me? This is insane. The only thing missing from the NBA now is Vince McMahon.
I'll be honest. I think the league wants the Warriors to be successful. They're pushing for the Ws to move to a new arena in San Francisco in the future, and the league was embarrassed by the owner getting rained on with boos on the night they were retiring Chris Mullin's jersey. Still, the Ws tanked gratuitously, and that can't be rewarded too much. So they get their pick at #7. Makes sense in the bigger picture. Norcal is a big market and the Kings are probably moving on.

Now lets see if the Jazz can make a deal with a player and/or TPE.