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NFL Offseason

Tebow: Coach, have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior?
Rex: What the **** you talking about?
Tebow: Coach, Jesus died for your sins.
Rex: Seriously? You're gonna bring that **** in here? What kind of slapdick mother****er are you?
Tebow: Coach, it's all for the Greater Glory. Jesus is Lord!
Rex: Tim, whaddaya think Mary Magdalene's feet were like? You like feet, Tim? I like feet. Now let's go have a Goddamn snack.
Tebow: *dies*
Tebow: Coach, have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior?
Rex: What the **** you talking about?
Tebow: Coach, Jesus died for your sins.
Rex: Seriously? You're gonna bring that **** in here? What kind of slapdick mother****er are you?
Tebow: Coach, it's all for the Greater Glory. Jesus is Lord!
Rex: Tim, whaddaya think Mary Magdalene's feet were like? You like feet, Tim? I like feet. Now let's go have a Goddamn snack.
Tebow: *dies*

Even funnier, isnt the Jets coach Mormon?
Man, Goodell broke it off in Payton's ****! I can't believe he got a full year suspension.

Can somebody remind me how many games Bill Belichick was suspended for when he was busted for rampant cheating? (rhetorical)
Even funnier. That there's a current snag in the trade and the deal could fall through which means, and I'm not kidding with any of this, that he would end up with the Rams.


That's fine. The Rams need all the help they can get and if having Christ on their side means a few more wins then....

Can he coach the team too? Ya know, with Gregg Williams suspended indefinitely and all...

You think losing Gregg Williams is a loss? I was not a fan of the hire, so this is a definite blessing in disguise, in my eyes. The 49ers lit up his defense, for **** sake.
You think losing Gregg Williams is a loss? I was not a fan of the hire, so this is a definite blessing in disguise, in my eyes. The 49ers lit up his defense, for **** sake.

They should let a fan coach the team...at least the home games...they'd sell the **** out every game.
This Peyton Manning non-sense has ruined a couple of my favorite things: Absolutely loathing the Broncos with every fiber of my being and the Jets.


What a dumb move... Tebow to NY....


Why pay Sanchez millions and then trade assets (that could have been used to bring in targets for him) for Tebow?

Were the Jets struggling to sell tickets last year? I didn't think so....

And why do this move? I don't think it improves their team...

Where was Jacksonville? I think this was a missed opportunity for them. They sure could have used something... Anything! To get excited over!


What a dumb move... Tebow to NY....


Why pay Sanchez millions and then trade assets (that could have been used to bring in targets for him) for Tebow?

Were the Jets struggling to sell tickets last year? I didn't think so....

And why do this move? I don't think it improves their team...

Where was Jacksonville? I think this was a missed opportunity for them. They sure could have used something... Anything! To get excited over!

Yeah, pretty dumb. Even if you are just using him as a Wildcat/Goalline QB, it's a bad move because whenever ever Sanchez is sucking it up (he will) the crowd is going to chant for Tebow. If he didn't have this huge following of blind fans, he could be pretty good in creative packages and in goal-line.
Yeah, pretty dumb. Even if you are just using him as a Wildcat/Goalline QB, it's a bad move because whenever ever Sanchez is sucking it up (he will) the crowd is going to chant for Tebow. If he didn't have this huge following of blind fans, he could be pretty good in creative packages and in goal-line.


It screws Sanchez.... Which makes no sense to me. They committed over 30 million dollars in him this offseason. Why make life even harder for the guy? You've made your commitment, now build around him! If you didn't think he was that great, THEN WHY DID YOU RESIGN HIM????

Now the circus err Tebowmania is gonna speak up every time Sanchez throws an incomplete pass... It further screws Sanchez over since those draft picks could have been used for something that actually helped the offense. As it stands, who do they have on offense? A bad O-line, depleted WR core, old/crappy RBs, a new OC, and a brand new RB that wants to be QB???

It screws over the team, since this move doesn't help them...

It doesn't really "help" New York, since their goal isn't/shouldn't be to get attention but to win. They already sell enough tickets, it's getting over the "hump" to win a superbowl. To me, this is the kind of move that is gonna get the GM and Coach fired. In fact, does ANYONE really see this ending well for Rex? I don't.... He might as well start sending his resume out to other clubs since he's going to soon be fired...

A team like Jacksonville? They just missed an opportunity. They needed to bring Tebow to their franchise... Sell some tickets, get that franchise back on its feet, and then later make the necessary moves to become a winning team...

All in all, I think it's just dumb.

On the bright side, Tebow is in New York! And... The way Sanchez has looked, might soon become the starter in one of the biggest spotlights in the world!
When I heard the trade hit a snafu I got all excited thinking somebody finally came to their senses and nixed it. Guess I should be used to it, I am a Jets fan after all. They always manage to dick things up.