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Police arrest Julian Assange at Ecuadorian embassy in London

you believe in a dream. It isn't real.

There you go again with that pathetic Marxist/Progressive dogma of "history" being on your side.

BTW, the wrong side of history you will find yourself on has nothing to do with the dialectic you so predictably insist on plugging me into, and in so doing, demonstrate once again, how obsessed with Marxism that you are, but rather your poor decision to support an elective authoritarianism in the United States. Poor choice. Very poor choice.
as for elective authoritarianism, the Founding Fathers determined to limit the scope and power and ability of any set of authorities or influential persons to gain control of the US government.

It is the Progressives you float with who have nearly destroyed that "balance".

It will stop Trump because he's not part of the cabal. It is my hope that it will also stop the "authorities" you believe in.
as for elective authoritarianism, the Founding Fathers determined to limit the scope and power and ability of any set of authorities or influential persons to gain control of the US government.

It is the Progressives you float with who have nearly destroyed that "balance".

It will stop Trump because he's not part of the cabal. It is my hope that it will also stop the "authorities" you believe in.

Just returning to an earlier mistaken assumption on your part, mistaken as I see it of course.

If I use the term "the wrong side of history", I am not referring to Marx or Hegel, or their interpretation of history. I am simply referring to the judgement of history, which often changes with the times.

History, as written, is always interpretive, when historians seek to explain causes and effects of historical events, for instance. Even the facts of history can and are debated, changing with the times as well, altered by new revelations. The past is immutable, but not our interpretation.

But, if I use that phrase, "the wrong side of history", I am thinking of the degree to which Trump undermines our democratic institutions, such as demonizing the institution of a free press, or eliminating as far as he can the independence of the Department of Justice. (I think there is a disturbance in the balance inherent there, and initiated by Trump. As well, his failure so far to understand separation of powers and the oversight role of Congress. In the latter case, he will simply ignore the House indefinitely. I surmise it is he who is undermining and helping foster what amounts to an elective authoritarianism. The trend toward an imperial presidency did not start with him, but he sure ain't helping).

On a far broader level, in terms of its impact on humanity at large, I can envision a harsh judgement by history of Trump's rejection of human caused climate change. So, for these various reasons, I judge strong supporters of Trump to likely be on "the wrong side of history", but not in the sense of a dialectic ala Marx, or an ever upward progressive trend.

And history is always open to interpretation, so of course I cannot extricate myself from my own background, or know with certainty the judgement pending in the future.

There is no constant but change, one cannot step in the same stream twice, and one era's condemnation may be replaced with another era's high praise. But you make a mistake confusing my use of that term with a Marxian interpretation of history, that's all. So, I am wanting to clear up that confusion you may have in my use of that phrase.
Well, you're entitled to your special view of yourself. I admit I lump you in with a social/political tide of "progressives" who may not adopt the title of Marx or Hegel or have a dialectical vision of history moving mankind "forward". Maybe the spirits of the Kiva have more of a claim on you.

I still think "The Resistance" is financed by perhaps Soros and guided by Obama, and endorsed by Hillary and a bunch of other "democrats" many of whom do have deterministic visions of social change and historical "progress".

I don't know what to think of Trump, really. I'm suspicious of some of the characters in his inner circle. I know he talked to Bill and Hillary before he announced his candidacy, and also went to meet with the current chief of the CFR. But I don't think anyone "owns" him..... and I think that is what is most concerning to the "authorities" guiding the progress of the World into a new era of fascism.

Again, I remind the reader of my "special definition" of "fascism". Coming from the Latin roots as " connections". The world has largely been run by people with effective "connections" enough to sustain their power somehow, whether priests or industrialists or warriors. It is hardly, really, "new" in any sense except in the current scope which is nearly "global".

I think it is the duty of rational humans to question authorities of every kind. political, social, religious, or scientific.

I do not share your conviction that we are on a dangerous precipice of climate change. I do not believe even .08% CO2 (twice the present level) is dangerous.

I believe it's stupid to just burn up fossil fuels because they're there and "cheap". I believe it's stupid to not pursue nuclear power technologies, including Uranium and Thorium resources, fusion of hydrogen, or LENR (cold fusion). I think the claim that our deep ocean trenches have enriched deuterium and tritium in the water, as well as heavier ionic salt concentrations, Rubidium, etc., is substantially true.... . "All" we need to do is drop a hose to 20,000 feet and pump......lol.

wind turbines require a lot of aluminum and magnesium metal (light and strong) and actually require a lot of electricity to make that metal. It takes some years for the turbines to repay the initial energy outlay.....

solar technology has run up the price of silver and some other resources, and pushing or subsidizing solar will run up the demand for those resources. The good news is that silver is being replaced with aluminum in new solar cells.

But perhaps the most overlooked energy is geothermal. Utah and Nevada are sitting on a fairly shallow bed of hot rock and almost anywhere west of the Wasatch to the Sierras could be favorably produced as electricity. I prefer that over whole valleys of the Sonoran deserts being glassed over as solar plants.

In short, our smart "authorities" are pushing a lot of crap in the crisis chatter about what we must do. I think a real market system would sort it out and make winners of the people who have good sense.

But most of all, I think the power grab.... the control.... being included in the climate change politics is toxic. Stupid.
More to the point, I like the similar assertion of a scientist who dreamed up the idea of the Benzene ring, who also said we have dreamed the world..... in our own terms and applied our own definitions.... not as it is but as we wish it to be, a sort of caution about believing our "dreams" too much.