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Not a gif but worth sharing.
This one is still open? Where the **** is nate and The Consensus?

Shhh, don't wake them. This is the best thread ever, and since it is popular but not actual Sunday School it is a target.
Shhh, don't wake them. This is the best thread ever, and since it is popular but not actual Sunday School it is a target.

I don't get it, is the argument that since the only images that can be funny contain sexual innuendo that this thread and the ones closed are the same and since that one was closed this one has to be?

Very well.


OMG! Look what those tentacle fingers are going to do to Stephen!
I don't get it, is the argument that since the only images that can be funny contain sexual innuendo that this thread and the ones closed are the same and since that one was closed this one has to be?

Very well.


OMG! Look what those tentacle fingers are going to do to Stephen!

No no no, it is that unreported posts were deemed not allowable for some unstated reason. It was stated that 2 posts were somehow deemed fract-worthy when they were admittedly never even reported. It has also been stated in the past that this thread, the GIF thread, has generated a lot of reports over the years. The worry is that the new millitant censorship will be extended to this fine thread with no warning nor regard for public opinion. In short, if the thread isn't Sunday School worthy it cannot survive, even if it is a wonderful distraction and celebration of the absurdity of everyday life and provides a nice chuckle for many, including many mods, which is often refreshing in our overly-harsh world and forum. But since there may have been poo, which no one sees in real life apparently, then the entire thread must burn. Don't excise the tumor, just bury the patient. Always great logic there.
No no no, it is that unreported posts

They were reported.

were deemed not allowable for some unstated reason.

The reason was stated. Much in the thread violated the Appropriate Content rule. "Appropriate Content: Members should remember this board is aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated. Excessive or graphic sexual innuendo will not be tolerated."

It was stated that 2 posts were somehow deemed fract-worthy

No one said ONLY 2 posts were. In fact, we closed the thread because there were far more than 2 posts that had crossed the line.

when they were admittedly never even reported.

The thread was reported.

Plus, where is it written that mods can only act on posts which are reported by other users? Why is that even part of your complaint?

It has also been stated in the past that this thread, the GIF thread, has generated a lot of reports over the years.

That's true, but actually this thread recently has been pretty good at staying within bounds.

The worry is that the new millitant censorship

What new militant censorship? Overstate things much?

will be extended to this fine thread with no warning nor regard for public opinion. In short, if the thread isn't Sunday School worthy it cannot survive,

Again, overstate things much?

even if it is a wonderful distraction and celebration of the absurdity of everyday life and provides a nice chuckle for many, including many mods, which is often refreshing in our overly-harsh world and forum. But since there may have been poo, which no one sees in real life apparently, then the entire thread must burn. Don't excise the tumor, just bury the patient. Always great logic there.

Poo was not the only issue, just one of them.