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Protestors storm capital

I'll be honest here, dude. I've seen about 10 posts from you in the last few days whining about Thriller calling you alt-right, and none from him calling you that. Maybe he has, and I've missed it, but you're sounding positively obsessed. I don't care, really, but that's the way it is.

"I’m not alt right I’m not alt right!”

He takes an alt right position every time. So even if he’s not overtly alt right, he’s obviously consuming large amounts of alt right material and ignorantly recycling their biased garbage."

The Thriller

Literally a page back so mmmkay you seen my posts but can't read others?

I don't know what to tell you? Maybe read better?

Why would I make this up?

The **** people tell themselves.
More on the delusion of the Republican party and how they continue to deny truth.

The New York Times: How Republicans Are Warping Reality Around the Capitol Attack.
So I was thinking the best way forward was to let things cool off, to take the high road and try to heal the divisions in our country by turning the other cheek.

Then they stormed the Capitol. After that, I expected there to be a lot of remorse on the part of republicans. I hoped they would have some second thoughts about supporting DJT through four years of his gaslighting and subversion.

Unfortunately, there has been prescious little of that. Too many people are just turning the page on this like it was a prank at the PTO meeting. There are still too many people living in Trump's alternate universe. Where he is the only source of truth.

I'm afraid the only way we break this hold on the minds of the "patriots" is to hold them accountable to the furthest extent of the law; to make an example of these misled fools to discourage more nonsense.

As long as Trump has a bullhorn he will use it to stir up trouble. We have to take it away from him. Maybe when people see what happens to those who blindly follow the wizard they will wake up and stop listening to his rantings. Maybe. If not, we are...

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Oh @Archie Moses, your lack of self-awareness as always is easy to point out. I'm not the only person on this board to notice this pattern of you taking the alt-right's position every single time one these situation arises. Earlier in this thread:
I'm pretty sure we've discussed Parlor in years past, but you may have forgotten.

Whenever you bring in a false talking point (which happens regularly), it is invariably a right-wing talking point. You never seem to read the crazy left-wing stuff. So, even if you are not alt-right, you seem to rely on them for a lot of information.
In another thread the last time we had this type of discussion:

Oh that's weird, Archie posting another video from a loony alt-righter.

I'm sure it's just another mistake though.
Archie the reason ive said that is because you're constantly posting content from alt right media. This isn't a terribly complicated situation here.
And your becoming overly defensive (as @gandalfe said, mentioning me 10 times in the last few pages) fits a pattern:
Also lol that you think I'm the offended one while you've been frothing at the mouth calling me out seven or eight times in the last week.
Perhaps some introspection is in order?

If Zombie and I keep triggering you with the same accusation, maybe it warrants a thoughtful response on your part? Maybe it's your conscience calling? You can either assume that all 3 of us, One Brow, Zombie, and I are biased against you or maybe you have a problem?

Admittedly, I've been the most aggressive calling you alt right. If you aren’t alt right you can start by prove it. At best, your media literacy just sucks and you refuse to look inward as to why so many keep levying this accusation against you. At worst, you're alt right and just dishonest about it. But at this point, I'm not sure it matters. This has been brought up several times now and you refuse to do anything constructive about it. So I'm edging more towards you know you're alt right but just lack the character to admit it.

Since I know you're going to react hyper defensively and attack me personally like a rabid chihuahua, let me just state that I'm quite happy both professionally and personally. I'm now tenured at a job I love. I love my students and the content I teach. I've received very high reviews and good feedback. So again, maybe all my students are wrong and you're right or maybe you're just wrong about me?

My wife and I are happily married and celebrating our 5th anniversary this year. We will finish landscaping our new home in Lehi in a few months. We just purchased a cute Golden Doodle puppy and are expecting our first child! I survived covid (it wasn't a joke), the wife tested negative, and we hope that with the vaccine this year we can spend a lot of time traveling and bbqing this summer with friends and family.

I’m quite content with where my life is and quite honestly find it pretty funny when a person of your intellectual capacity and character foam at the mouth while insinuating that I’m indoctrinating students and/or somehow unqualified for my position. I’ve worked very hard and have been very lucky to get to where I am. Luck that probably wouldn’t have happened had I been born a different skin color. I recognize this privilege and just wished POC could be treated like me. The fact that you keep questioning my qualifications to teach is yet another keen insight into your life which might benefit from some introspection? Think about it.

And that's probably all I have to say for you for now. Until next time a black man is executed by the police or right wingers commit acts of violence and you try to blame antifa/BLM!
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Oh @Archie Moses, your lack of self-awareness as always is easy to point out. I'm not the only person on this board to notice this pattern of you taking the alt-right's position every single time one these situation arises. Earlier in this thread:

In another thread the last time we had this type of discussion:

And your becoming overly defensive (as @gandalfe said, mentioning me 10 times in the last few pages) fits a pattern:

Perhaps some introspection is in order?

If Zombie and I keep triggering you with the same accusation, maybe it warrants a thoughtful response on your part? Maybe it's your conscience calling? You can either assume that all 3 of us, One Brow, Zombie, and I are biased against you or maybe you have a problem?

Admittedly, I've been the most aggressive calling you alt right. If you aren’t alt right you can start by prove it. At best, your media literacy just sucks and you refuse to look inward as to why so many keep levying this accusation against you. At worst, you're alt right and just dishonest about it. But at this point, I'm not sure it matters. This has been brought up several times now and you refuse to do anything constructive about it. So I'm edging more towards you know you're alt right but just lack the character to admit it.

Since I know you're going to react hyper defensively and attack me personally like a rabid chihuahua, let me just state that I'm quite happy both professionally and personally. I'm now tenured at a job I love. I love my students and the content I teach. I've received very high reviews and good feedback. So again, maybe all my students are wrong and you're right or maybe you're just wrong about me?

My wife and I are happily married and celebrating our 5th anniversary this year. We will finish landscaping our new home in Lehi in a few months. We just purchased a cute Golden Doodle puppy and are expecting our first child! I survived covid (it wasn't a joke), the wife tested negative, and we hope that with the vaccine this year we can spend a lot of time traveling and bbqing this summer with friends and family.

I’m quite content with where my life is and quite honestly find it pretty funny when a person of your intellectual capacity and character foam at the mouth while insinuating that I’m indoctrinating students and/or somehow unqualified for my position. I’ve worked very hard and have been very lucky to get to where I am. Luck that probably wouldn’t have happened had I been born a different skin color. I recognize this privilege and just wished POC could be treated like me. The fact that you keep questioning my qualifications to teach is yet another keen insight into your life which might benefit from some introspection? Think about it.

And that's probably all I have to say for you for now. Until next time a black man is executed by the police or right wingers commit acts of violence and you try to blame antifa/BLM!
Not being from Utah but having lived here a short time, I think anyone who has grown up here has been unconsciously indoctrinated by views of White Privilege more than many other places (probably not as bad as the solid South, I don't think) because LDS was originally very racist. Even in more liberal eastern sections of the U.S., it is hard to overcome. So, maybe Archie (who I believe is a native of Utah) is triggered by this. He seems to have good intentions and a good heart, so I think he will eventually come around.

In June 2016 in Sacramento at least ten people were stabbed and injured at a rally of the Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP), a group that extremism experts have classified as neo-Nazis.

The subsequent investigation, led by the California Highway Patrol (CHP), focused on the anti-fascist counter-protesters injured in the stabbings, with records showing that police worked with white supremacists to identify leftist activists and pursue criminal charges against the stabbing victims.

The lead CHP investigator, Donovan Ayres, repeatedly stated in police records that he viewed the neo-Nazis as victims and the anti-fascists as suspects. In court, he repeatedly called TWP the “permitted party”, since it had a permit for a rally, and in a phone call with a TWP leader, he said, “We’re looking at you as a victim.”

Records show that Ayres formally recommended Cedric O’Bannon, a Black journalist who was filming the events and was stabbed during the demonstration, face criminal charges for conspiracy, rioting, assault and unlawful assembly noting he was “among the protesters”. The officer did not recommend anyone face charges for the stabbing. O’Bannon ultimately was not charged.
I just want to point out that Thriller called me a racist on page 8, mentioned me on page 15 and 16 and called me alt right before I ever mentioned him.

I must be obsessed with him and should never mention him after calling me a racist and alt right.

**** that guy. He's delusional.
Not being from Utah but having lived here a short time, I think anyone who has grown up here has been unconsciously indoctrinated by views of White Privilege more than many other places (probably not as bad as the solid South, I don't think) because LDS was originally very racist. Even in more liberal eastern sections of the U.S., it is hard to overcome. So, maybe Archie (who I believe is a native of Utah) is triggered by this. He seems to have good intentions and a good heart, so I think he will eventually come around.

What do you mean I'll come around? Seriously...
New footage of insurrectionists inside the chamber of the US Senate, rummaging through papers on senators desks, etc...

Warning, I see there is some strong language at times, as they look for information they can use against senators.

“I think Cruz would want us to do this. I think we’re good”.

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Not being from Utah but having lived here a short time, I think anyone who has grown up here has been unconsciously indoctrinated by views of White Privilege more than many other places (probably not as bad as the solid South, I don't think) because LDS was originally very racist. Even in more liberal eastern sections of the U.S., it is hard to overcome. So, maybe Archie (who I believe is a native of Utah) is triggered by this. He seems to have good intentions and a good heart, so I think he will eventually come around.
Good points. I’ve seen this a lot with family members and friends from high school who haven’t come around yet. They still don’t have the ability to think outside their LDS bubble or see things from the perspective of a nonmember or POC. Hopefully some day.

I think a lot of it depends on what they read. One of the first books to challenge my preconceived views was the book “Black Like Me.” It’s a book written by a white author who disguised himself as a black person. Fantastic. Recently I’ve read “White Rage”, “The New Jim Crow”, and “Fault Lines”, which has really helped. I think reading from different perspectives helps us to empathize with others. What do you think? What helps people change? I wonder if some of these concepts can help deprogram family members and friends who’ve become brainwashed by Trump and Qanon?
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New footage of insurrectionists inside the chamber of the US Senate, rummaging through papers on senators desks, etc...

That’s haunting. The violence and brutality is just incredible. Had that mob been able to get ahold of members of Congress, we would’ve seen a live streaming slaughter of House Democrats and Mitt Romney.

and once again, the “Big Lie” is behind some much of this:
Mogelson, a veteran war correspondent and a contributing writer at The New Yorker, had spent the previous ten months reporting on the radical fringe of Trump supporters, from anti-lockdown militias to fascist groups such as the Proud Boys. After Election Day, he interviewed Trump supporters who showed up at ballot-tabulation sites, and who believed the President’s lies that the results had been “rigged” and his victory “stolen.” At one post-election pro-Trump rally in D.C., Mogelson witnessed racist violence against Black residents of the nation’s capital. At another event, he watched the host of the white-supremacist Web program “America First” declare, “Our Founding Fathers would get in the streets, and they would take this country back by force if necessary. And that is what we must be prepared to do.”
And as you’ve pointed out many times @Red the Big Lie has consumed the GOP. Look at this survey:

“How Democracies Die” authors talk about the importance of political parties working together. You cannot have a functional democracy when one party rejects reality. And Tim Snyder has made it clear, post truth is pre-fascism. We are living in precarious times.
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I had read that right wing groups were hanging low this weekend knowing that police were in high alert. It’ll be interesting to see what terrorist acts they commit in a few months after Biden has been inaugurated and the focus shifts elsewhere:

Qanon going nuts right now. Claiming that Marshall law about to be declared keeping Trump in power.
And as you’ve pointed out many times @Red the Big Lie has consumed the GOP.
This complete disconnect from reality, for reasons that I would think any rational human being would instantly recognize as ludicrous, with but a cursory look at the evidence, on the one hand is incomprehensible to me, and, on the other hand, makes me realize this episode in our history will be a field day for social scientists forever. And it’s not a complimentary appraisal of human nature that can possibly emerge from an examination of Trumpism via the lens of social science.

Repeat a lie often enough, the more people simply believe it. Repeat a lie that people want to believe is true, and they will be in lock step with you. Well, I guess we’re not living in the Age of Enlightenment anymore, lol. Irrationality triumphs over reason every time? Can it really be this easy to manipulate and control people? Damn, just beneath the surface of civilization. We are one very, very flawed species.

“This will be the face of the opposition to the Biden presidency, an incarnation that will make the tea party look civil and restrained. It is enraged and unhinged, consumed with lunatic conspiracy theories and, most important, utterly opposed to the fundamental precepts of a democratic system, especially the one that says sometimes your side wins and sometimes it loses”.

“Here’s the core of what brought us to this point: With the enthusiastic help of his party, Trump spent four years convincing his followers that the American political system is irredeemably corrupt and any election that does not produce the result they want is fraudulent by definition. Once they accepted that belief, Trump’s defeat would inevitably produce violence, as at least some of them conclude that ordinary politics — voting, organizing, lobbying, peaceful protest — will never give them what they want, and violence is the only alternative.

We’ve only begun to feel the consequences. This is going to be a very dark time for our country”.
Good points. I’ve seen this a lot with family members and friends from high school who haven’t come around yet. They still don’t have the ability to think outside their LDS bubble or see things from the perspective of a nonmember or POC. Hopefully some day.

I think a lot of it depends on what they read. One of the first books to challenge my preconceived views was the book “White Like Me.” It’s a book written by a white author who disguised himself as a black person. Fantastic. Recently I’ve read “White Rage”, “The New Jim Crow”, and “Fault Lines”, which has really helped. I think reading from different perspectives helps us to empathize with others. What do you think? What helps people change? I wonder if some of these concepts can help deprogram family members and friends who’ve become brainwashed by Trump and Qanon?
White Like Me? I read Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin and actually saw him speak in person. One of the most unforgettable speeches I ever heard in my life because he thought he was dying of skin cancer at the time from the skin treatments he underwent to change the color of his skin. He later died of something else, however.
"I’m not alt right I’m not alt right!”

He takes an alt right position every time. So even if he’s not overtly alt right, he’s obviously consuming large amounts of alt right material and ignorantly recycling their biased garbage."

The Thriller

Literally a page back so mmmkay you seen my posts but can't read others?

I don't know what to tell you? Maybe read better?

Why would I make this up?

The **** people tell themselves.
Look, I don't care about it, really. But you're being annoying, simply put.

I did a quick search. Thriller has mentioned your name once in this thread - Maybe he's referenced you by using a nickname or something, whatever. But he has included the string "archie" in a single post in this thread. Whereas you have said "thriller" 4 times. Again, I don't care enough to really go through and reread everything. I'm just saying that if you're annoying me and looking like a three inch fool to me, you may well be looking like that to others. If you care, you care, if not, whatever.
Read his book in jr high school... Great read. Would have been cool to hear him speak.
White Like Me? I read Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin and actually saw him speak in person. One of the most unforgettable speeches I ever heard in my life because he thought he was dying of skin cancer at the time from the skin treatments he underwent to change the color of his skin. He later died of something else, however.

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White Like Me? I read Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin and actually saw him speak in person. One of the most unforgettable speeches I ever heard in my life because he thought he was dying of skin cancer at the time from the skin treatments he underwent to change the color of his skin. He later died of something else, however.
Derp derp, White Like Me. Can I still blame my brain fog on covid? Yeah, Black Like Me, that’s the book.

I’ll fix it.

I read it early in college after my mission. Then bought a copy and have read it at least three times since. Such a good book. That lack of empathy for others is just to prevalent today.

Do you have other book suggestions?

Oh just remembered, Just Mercy is another incredible one.