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Robyn Hayward - new Instagram post 7-27

Unless his play drops off hard then he will be a regular at the all star game for years to come no matter who he plays for. He's gained a lot of popularity by doing nothing this offseason. And I think non non Boston fans would think it was pretty cool if he ended up staying.

If this was a play for more popularity then it worked great.

Yeah, it matters a great deal whether he plays in the east vs the west. The west is a battle for all star spots. Not a given he makes the all star team every year in the west. That may be a big reason he's considering going East.
Hayward is probably going to have to average 25 next year to make the All-Star game.

If the Jazz are on a 60 wins pace and top 3 in the west, there is close to zero chance he doesn't make the ASG. Coaches reward winning.
Jesus **** this stupid ****, only a few more days. I hate how this type of **** plays out. Makes us as a city/fanbase look so helpless and weak. Were grown men and were living and dying by what a 19 year old immature girl is posting on Instagram. **** this earth.

Speak for yourself about being a grown man, but everything else about this post I couldn't have said better. OMGZ teh instagram is lit and I heard Robyn Hayward bought her daughter a green fidget spiner so dat means Gordon likes broccoli which is associated with Miami because of the produce!!
Would Robyn post this on social media knowing that they're leaving, especially finding out how touchy and delicate the whole situation was with her previous post that we're all aware of?

Yes she would. This is like a kids wet dream nowadays. Post one stupid image on the Attentiongram and have two cities weep or rejoice at the site of it. Robyn's dopamine centers must be flooded like she's shooting heroin atm.

but todorossovic is coming from serbia and yall better get ready for this absurd serbian music.

all I gotta say!

thats the kind of **** this guy likes.
I have a theory, which I think is pretty strong, that this whole thing is mostly about Hayward finally get recognition/attention. He has been talked about more this past month than he has been his entire career (by the national media).

Smart post, Cy. This is exactly what I've been thinking as well. I still believe there's a chance he might leave, but it's very clear to me (and I work in political communications) that this is a classic comms tactic - if the press is positive and hype is developing, you keep your head down and say absolutely nothing.
I have a theory, which I think is pretty strong, that this whole thing is mostly about Hayward finally get recognition/attention. He has been talked about more this past month than he has been his entire career (by the national media).

I have thought that Hayward is smarter than the average bear and is using social media to get a bigger footprint, like that clover leaf Instagram post, they knew that'd create an uproar, got him on the bleacher report etc. Smart marketing.
If Hayward chooses to stay and he brings us home a Championship.. greatest Jazzman ever???
Bump. This and the Boston clover posts were a nice touch.
Savage... evil... I'll bet she murders puppies in her spare time.
So Robyn mistakenly lets the cat out of the bag with the T-shirt picture and later post letters from 8th graders begging Gordon to stay.. in order to cover up her mistake all along knowing they were leaving Utah. Sorry this is plausible and if true all I can say is good riddance.
She had to turn off comments in her "leaving post". Updated it about being upset about the negative comments and threats.

Did she not realize we take our basketball really ****ing serious?

I think she believes it's as simple as her husband decided to take a new job with a new company. She's clueless.