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Roe v. Wade is going down

Trickle down works!

Again, how does this help anyone? This is example 1,749,540,847,094,864 on how the cure is worse than the disease. Abortion laws are becoming so restrictive that they’re having a negative effect on the health care of all. I really don’t know how the “pro life” movement in this country live with themselves other than they’ve convinced themselves that tribalism is more important than actual policy or outcomes.

Just what a disaster for people. Hopefully voters hold those who have passed these restrictions to account! Unfortunately, I doubt they will. Ruralists are caught in a death loop. They vote politicians in who make their lives harder. In this case, Republican policies that end up closing hospitals and health care centers in rural areas. Then they exercise their grievances by voting for more extremist republicans who make their lives even worse. Tough cycle to break. Not sure if it can be broken if policy outcomes don’t matter.

I’m not a fan of abortion. I do believe in choice. I’m certainly not willing to punish my fellow citizen by taking away their health care all so my tribe can win. We had a baby spend 2 weeks in the NICU and our hospital was merely 20 mins away. I can’t imagine what it would be like to travel long distances for health care.

Elections have consequences
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Trickle down works!

Again, how does this help anyone? This is example 1,749,540,847,094,864 on how the cure is worse than the disease. Abortion laws are becoming so restrictive that they’re having a negative effect on the health care of all. I really don’t know how the “pro life” movement in this country live with themselves other than they’ve convinced themselves that tribalism is more important than actual policy or outcomes.

Just what a disaster for people. Hopefully voters hold those who have passed these restrictions to account! Unfortunately, I doubt they will. Ruralists are caught in a death loop. They vote politicians in who make their lives harder. In this case, Republican policies that end up closing hospitals and health care centers in rural areas. Then they exercise their grievances by voting for more extremist republicans who make their lives even worse. Tough cycle to break. Not sure if it can be broken if policy outcomes don’t matter.

I’m not a fan of abortion. I do believe in choice. I’m certainly not willing to punish my fellow citizen by taking away their health care all so my tribe can win. We had a baby spend 2 weeks in the NICU and our hospital was merely 20 mins away. I can’t imagine what it would be like to travel long distances for health care.

Elections have consequences
Tribalism has been more important than policy for over 2 decades now. It is just the "new" status quo. Party lines are no longer drawn in the sand, they are separated by an iron curtain no less real than the one that used to separate east and west Germany and patrolled by millions of clueless twitter users and yokels who can't tell their asses from holes in the ground, but believe literally everything their party leaders tell them to, regardless of how morally ambiguous, obviously wrong, or outright evil it objectively is.

Welcome to the beginning of Gilead.

I really don’t know how the “pro life” movement in this country live with themselves
The so-called “pro choice” crowd sounds like 1940’s German apologists. The reality is that today more black babies in New York are killed than are delivered. The most dangerous place for a black person in America is in a mother’s womb. Auschwitz, Dachau, and Buchenwald combined don’t come close to the number of lives ended in American abortion clinics.

Substituting ‘Master Race’ for ‘Women’ and the propaganda is identical. The Fuhrer was democratically elected and elections have consequences. Master race rights! Their gas chambers, their choice!

I have no problem living with myself with my beliefs that neither Jews nor babies should be killed. What I have trouble wrapping my head around is when people express moral outrage at the idea of killing babies and Jews being viewed the same as killing non-babies / non-Jews.
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On the chart you linked, the number is in cell I9. In New York there were 1,228.3 black babies killed via abortion for every 1,000 black babies who were delivered.
In New York County (aka Manhattan), as I mentioned above, but not in New York City or the the state of New York, which is what most people mean when they say "New York". If you mean New York County, just say Manhattan.

...And your excuse is akin to holocaust denial of the basis that not all of the Jews were killed.
The goal of the Holocaust was to kill all Jews. The goal of abortion rights is to let women choose when to give birth and how many babies they have. There is not a black baby shortage right now, and the black population of Manhattan is not decreasing.
The goal of abortion rights is to let women choose when to give birth and how many babies they have.
The goal of the Master Race was to let the Master Race choose when Jews would be allowed to survive and how many Jews a society should have. In these parallel scenarios, Jews and babies have the same rights: none. The advocates arguing for your side focus solely on how criminal it is to take power away from the Master Race who are very open about their desire to use that power to kill those the Master Race considers unwanted.

I am not sad about taking away the right to kill from would-be killers. I find it weird when I hear the positive spin of someone who succeeded in life due to the light cast from the desk lamp made from human remains.
The goal of the Master Race was to let the Master Race choose when Jews would be allowed to survive and how many Jews a society should have. In these parallel scenarios, Jews and babies have the same rights: none.
There is no master race for abortions. There are just individual women making their own choices.

The advocates arguing for your side focus solely on how criminal it is to take power away from the Master Race
You mean, women. Yes, we complain that you are taking power from women. I enthusiastically acknowledge that.

who are very open about their desire to use that power to kill those the Master Race considers unwanted.
You mean, individual women refuse to enslave their bodies to the need of another person.

I find it weird when I hear the positive spin of someone who succeeded in life due to the light cast from the desk lamp made from human remains.
I find it weird you to want to enslave women for the sake of bits of flesh that are not people, when you insist that once they are people, you want the government to offer as little help as possible.
...for the sake of bits of flesh that are not people
This is where we disagree. I think Jews are people. When I first heard the statistic shown in cell I9 of your linked chart my jaw hit the floor because I also think black people are people. We are all human beings and carrying out the deliberate killing of any of us should be a crime.
Al really went off the rail there comparing women to nazis. Not too surprised to be honest.
I would never do that because I'm not a bigot. Some Germanic people killed Jews and some did not. Some women kill babies and some do not. It is an ideology that is sick, not a particular set of genetic markers. However, if you want to compare the ideology of being "nazi" with the ideology of being "pro-choice", the former killed 6-10 million while the latter have killed more then 50 million in America alone.
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Al really went off the rail there comparing women to nazis. Not too surprised to be honest.
Yeah he did.

The tell is when these anti choice folks use this kind of inflammatory rhetoric, but then don’t support the policies and programs that would mitigate unwanted pregnancies. Don’t like abortion? Okay, so support comprehensive sex education. Provide free contraception everywhere possible. Support young families with free quality education and daycare. Yet… are we even seeing any of these policies being proposed let alone passed in these red “pro life” states? If anything, they’re going in reverse. So the truth of the matter is it’s not about preserving life, it’s about preserving social hierarchies; male privilege.

Furthermore, if abortion really is akin to the Holocaust, shouldn’t we stiffen the penalties on men who impregnate women who don’t want to be impregnated? If a man has sex with a woman and impregnates her, should he spent decades in prison? Have his penis cut off? Be sentenced to death? What about a man who just ejaculates without impregnating a woman? Isn’t he committing a genocide of sperm?! The monster!

Seems a lot easier to punish a man who is fertile 24/7 than a woman who’s only fertile a few days a month. Shouldn’t young men have mandatory vasectomies until they’re in a committed relationship with someone who wants children? After all, shouldn’t preventing genocide be a top priority if indeed abortion is genocide?

Shouldn’t we go as far as we can to prevent genocide if abortion really is genocide?
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Yeah he did.

The tell is when these anti choice folks use this kind of inflammatory rhetoric, but then don’t support the policies and programs that would mitigate unwanted pregnancies. Don’t like abortion? Okay, so support comprehensive sex education. Provide free contraception everywhere possible. Support young families with free quality education and daycare. Yet… are we even seeing any of these policies being proposed let alone passed in these red “pro life” states? If anything, they’re going in reverse. So the truth of the matter is it’s not about preserving life, it’s about preserving social hierarchies; male privilege.

Furthermore, if abortion really is akin to the Holocaust, shouldn’t we stiffen the penalties on men who impregnate women who don’t want to be impregnated? If a man has sex with a woman and impregnates her, should he spent decades in prison? Have his penis cut off? Be sentenced to death? What about a man who just ejaculates without impregnating a woman? Isn’t he committing a genocide of sperm?! The monster!

Seems a lot easier to punish a man who is fertile 24/7 than a woman who’s only fertile a few days a month. Shouldn’t young men have mandatory vasectomies until they’re in a committed relationship with someone who wants children? After all, shouldn’t preventing genocide be a top priority if indeed abortion is genocide?

Shouldn’t we go as far as we can to prevent genocide if abortion really is genocide?
Honestly if they could find a low-invasive way to turn the reproductive ability on and off, with zero cost to the individual other than not being able to make babies until they choose to have it turned back on, I would be highly in favor of mandating that. Turn it off after they hit puberty so you don't have any more 15-year-old mothers, and make them make a decision when to turn it back on after they turn 18 or something. I could get behind that. Too bad there is no such thing. Vasectomies sound minor, but they are not, and they can cause real complications. I have a friend who had issues with infection and swelling after his that caused him to lose the ability to orgasm, and caused partial ED. But if that could be developed with minimal risk and minimally-invasive techniques of some kind, one way or the other, for the women or the men, then I could really get behind that.
This is where we disagree. I think Jews are people. When I first heard the statistic shown in cell I9 of your linked chart my jaw hit the floor because I also think black people are people. We are all human beings and carrying out the deliberate killing of any of us should be a crime.
I know you are doing your best to troll, but the argument with OB ends at the definition of a fetus/baby as a human being. You think the fetus is a human being, he thinks the fetus is a parasite. There is no middle ground there to be had, so the argument ends there. Until scientifically it can be definitively proven one way or the other it is a philosophical argument that cannot be won by either side, as both sides have points that really cannot be refuted. It ends in a circular argument.
I would never do that because I'm not a bigot. Some Germanic people killed Jews and some did not. Some women kill babies and some do not. It is an ideology that is sick, not a particular set of genetic markers. However, if you want to compare the ideology of being "nazi" with the ideology of being "pro-choice", the former killed 6-10 million while the latter have killed more then 50 million in America alone.
Yep, you crazy. Of course that was already established but thanks for the confirmation
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This is where we disagree.
Yes, and your hyperbole and distortions only disguise this. Until you, as a person, can be forced by the government to give up a body part for the life of another person, your hypocrisy will remain, and no amount of disingenuous nonsense will disguise it.
I know you are doing your best to troll, but the argument with OB ends at the definition of a fetus/baby as a human being. You think the fetus is a human being, he thinks the fetus is a parasite. There is no middle ground there to be had, so the argument ends there. Until scientifically it can be definitively proven one way or the other it is a philosophical argument that cannot be won by either side, as both sides have points that really cannot be refuted. It ends in a circular argument.
I don’t buy this argument at all. I think everyone understands that it is a human life. That is why the pro-choice crowd trails off with “I support a woman’s right to choose” with it being understood they aren’t talking about what toppings to have on a pizza or what to wear that day. The woman is choosing to kill a child.

It is no different from Shamaiya Hall deciding she didn’t want kids and so she killed 3 of them by stabbing them to death.

It is no different, other than the gender, than Chris Watts dropping his 2 daughters into an oil tank because he wanted to start a new family with a hot new girl.

Everybody knows it is a child we’re talking about, and children are a huge responsibility which some women don’t want to commit to so they go to a clinic to have the child killed while it is still legal to do so.