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Stupid Pet Peeves

I don't have a problem with companies trying to be profitable, believe me. But why can't it be on the back of service, selection or price? It's like we've gotten to the point where subterfuge is expected from the companies we do business with.

Realistically, all marketing is some form of subterfuge. Like organic and anti-GMO. It's all marketing.

Speaking of pet peeves, organic lovers. Hate em. and smelly hippies.
Hmmmm. what brand if you don't mind me asking? I mean, that's quite a discrepancy in warmth. Are you a hot or cold sleeper? Was the bag synthetic or down?

Valandre. Cold. Polyester.

Though I don't always sleep "cold". I don't even use blankets half my nights, but I usually start with a pile then kick them off.
People who can't handle cold weather (*******).

Totally agree. Like seriously, you're not going to die because it's a little chilly outside. Act like an adult and stop being weak.
When I get an email from an alleged professional who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're". I don't care how amazing your product is, I immediately lose interest in what you're saying if you can't figure out simple third grade English.
I don't have a problem with companies trying to be profitable, believe me. But why can't it be on the back of service, selection or price? It's like we've gotten to the point where subterfuge is expected from the companies we do business with.

As someone who is in marketing, how will you know what to buy unless I tell you?
The distinction between a straight flush and a royal flush

They're the same. All straights and flushes are ranked according to the highest card that makes the hand. And no one calls a T-J-Q-K-A straight a royal straight.

Bottom line, if you've got a straight flush you're gonna win the hand.
The distinction between a straight flush and a royal flush

They're the same. All straights and flushes are ranked according to the highest card that makes the hand. And no one calls a T-J-Q-K-A straight a royal straight.

Bottom line, if you've got a straight flush you're gonna win the hand.

The very best hand possible obvi deserves its own name.

"OMG, I got a straight flush to the ace!"


"OMG I got a Royal Flush!!!"

PS: I know you know this, but you can def lose a hand with a straight flush.
Gap-filling drivers. You're trying to turn left across several lanes of traffic. You should be able to get through, but then....one lousy vehicle fills what would have been the space you used to make your turn. Now you're stuck waiting a few more minutes.
Assholes that when turning left at a light turn in to the far right lane for no god damned reason.
People who use "compliment" instead of "complement", or vice versa.
People who use "their" instead of "there", or vice versa.
People who use "its" instead of "it's", or vice versa.
People add apostrophes to words when none are needed.
People who use "compliment" instead of "complement", or vice versa.
People who use "their" instead of "there", or vice versa.
People who use "its" instead of "it's", or vice versa.
People add apostrophes to words when none are needed.

I never would have guessed that these would be on you're list of pet peeves.
I hate it when guys spit on the ground, that's why I don't watch baseball.

My mom was crazy about how bad she hated it when people would spit. She drilled into me pretty hard about basically never spitting ever for any reason and especially not in front of a female.