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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

It baffles me that Republicans have offered to raise the debt ceiling but under circumstances where we stop such wreckless spending. Our government is an irresponsible machine speding money we do not have. What gets me is that the Biden administration is saying we will be out of money by June yet Biden just sent almost another HALF BILLION to fight a war that we should not even be in. Where is this money coming from? Now he wants to pay for money for kids dropping out of college? He is leaving the boarders open that is literally crippling cities that cannot take the financial weight. Biden has spent more in his first two years than Trump(who deserves blame for spending recklessly too though he was in a pandemic) in his pandemic years. That is absolutely insane.

Imagine the average citizen that is in debt. That person cannot even afford their next bills yet they go out and buy a new expensive unit of some sort like Biden giving a half billion to Ukraine (while depleting our own inventory which is even more money). Or offering to buy drop outs schooling. Republicans are saying "hey we can help but you gotta stop spending", Biden is saying "nope we have to keep spending and if you don't agree you are the bad person".

Who's being responsible here? And who is literally causing our economy to be over flooded with spending?
Yes. We should raise taxes. Thank you.
Yes. We should raise taxes. Thank you.
For who exactly? The rich? That's still not going to pay for anything as the rich themselves are only worth around 4 trillion total. You can tax them 100% and that would barely cover the cost of Bidens Ukraine war. I'm guessing you are being facetious though just like your abolish capitalism one even though you and I have discussed your distaste for Capitalism and your pro-socialist(Marxist) stances before when talking about healthcare and other issues.

Edit: and lol at the blatant trolling. If I were to do this I'd probably be in the Jazzfanz State Penitentiary for 30 to life.(sarcasm)
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For who exactly? The rich? That's still not going to pay for anything as the rich themselves are only worth around 4 trillion total. You can tax them 100% and that would barely cover the cost of Bidens Ukraine war. I'm guessing you are being facetious though just like your abolish capitalism one even though you and I have discussed your distaste for Capitalism and your pro-socialist(Marxist) stances before when talking about healthcare and other issues.
Stay on current topics for once.
Your hypocrisy regarding politics is an evergreen topic.

Remember when I pointed out the economic hardships this war is going to have upon us and was mocked , told I'm uneducated, called a troll and told that I'm just Dunning Krugering, for pointing out how we don't have the money or economic stability for this war between two **** corrupt countries? Just wanted to point that out.
I'm still waiting for an example of us suffering for supporting Ukraine.

View: https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1653550186457645063?s=20

Lol dude got fact checked in his own lie. And the audacity for this deadbeat grandfather who has literally disowned his own grandchild to even mention deadbeat. But Democrats love him! Deadbeat Joe. Disowning his own grandchildren and Democrats call him a good person. Boots are triggering but disowning a child is admirable.

Apparently, the fact check that proves he lied doesn't show up unless you click the link. He also blatantly lied about the Debt Relief bill by Republicans hurting vets. What a garbage thing to politicize. Lying to our vets... Typical dirt bag. But I'm all ears where in the bill does it cut spending to Vets? Anyone? Talk about Unity, Biden lies about everything to get his base into a temper tantrum. But hey. They are more worried about pudding snacks. Biden knows the lack of intelligence and how his voters believe anything.
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I have never "got into a temper tantrum" about anything biden has said. Then again im not a part of his base. Then again I have never seen his base get into a temper tantrum about anything biden has said.

Some positives and some negatives in there. I get a mostly positive vibe from this report though. Im sure some will see only negatives due to who the current president is.

Some positives and some negatives in there. I get a mostly positive vibe from this report though. Im sure some will see only negatives due to who the current president is.
Yup. Same article. This is a terrible flex when we are losing jobs and record rates.
Layoffs increased to 1.8m, 248,000 more compared to last month and the highest number since December 2020. The construction industry saw the highest number of layoffs as the housing market has cooled with the rise of interest rates.
Powell, at the Wednesday press conference, said he believes it is more likely than not that the US will avoid a recession, especially since unemployment is still low and the job market is still growing, but he said there is a possibility “that we will have what I hope would be a mild recession”.

I have never "got into a temper tantrum" about anything biden has said. Then again im not a part of his base. Then again I have never seen his base get into a temper tantrum about anything biden has said.
I wasn't talking about you specifically. I was talking about his base as I said. And you should pay attention about the lies like cutting social security the certain poster here lied about and cutting VA spending the Democrats are freaking out about.
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Yep. Still haven't seen bidens base throwing temper tantrums over things he says. Yep I knew that certain folks would only see the negatives in a certain article due to who the president is.
Yep. Still haven't seen bidens base throwing temper tantrums over things he says. Yep I knew that certain folks would only see the negatives in a certain article due to who the president is.
My goodness fish.. You point out one single slight positive in 2 years... and you expect me to bow down and praise him even though the economy is in a massive down spiral and people are losing jobs at record rates? Lol sorry bro. If adding jobs was a good thing I sure missed you praising the last guy you absolutely hate for better numbers and a raging economy. Flat out hypocrite lol. Yay for job numbers but mass inflation that is still a problem after feds had to raise interest rates AGAIN...
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Nope I didn't expect praise. I expected literally the opposite of praise. And I got what I expected just like I knew I would lol. Maybe someone doesn't know what praise means.

I also never once criticized the economy while it was raging. I did say we had a good economy while trump was president though lol. Still doesn't understand what hypocrite means I see.
Nope I didn't expect praise. I expected literally the opposite of praise. And I got what I expected just like I knew I would lol. Maybe someone doesn't know what praise means.

I also never once criticized the economy while it was raging. I did say we had a good economy while trump was president though lol. Still doesn't understand what hypocrite means I see.
Lol tell me exactly what Biden has done to gain these jobs and I'll praise him. Be specific.
This is praiseful. Yay. At least Biden did one thing!!! Let's praise Biden while overlooking real issues. Here's CNN praising Biden who is too dementia ridden to get actually come up with a compromise. He just wants to spend... spend... spend...

White House warns debt default could wipe out 8 million jobs, plunge stock market​

White House economists warned on Wednesday that a protracted debt default would cause the loss of more than 8 million jobs and cut the stock market in half.

The new projections, published in a blog post by the White House Council of Economic Advisers, make clear the enormous stakes behind a potential breach of the debt ceiling.

“A protracted default would likely lead to severe damage to the economy, with job growth swinging from its current pace of robust gains to losses numbering in the millions,” the White House economists said.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the US could default on its debt as soon as June 1 if Congress doesn’t act.

The report estimates the impact under three scenarios: brinksmanship, a short default and a protracted default.

Even a brinksmanship scenario, where a default is avoided, would wipe out 200,000 jobs and knock 0.3 percentage points off annual gross domestic product, according to the Biden administration.

I didn't praise biden for the jobs. That would be stupid. Presidents dont control jobs or the economy. I simply posted an article about jobs and the economy. Didn't even mention biden lol. Just knew that someone would only see the negatives due to who the president is. Which, again, is stupid since the president doesn't control the jobs or the economy.
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Some crazy stuff is rumored to be happening in the banking sector. The government is supposedly preparing to stop all short selling on bank stocks.
I didn't praise biden for the jobs. That would be stupid. Presidents dont control jobs or the economy. I simply posted an article about jobs and the economy. Didn't even mention biden lol. Just knew that someone would only see the negatives due to who the president is. Which, again, is stupid since the president doesn't control the jobs or the economy.
LMFAO. They sure as hell do. They may not completely control it but they most definitely have a say and impact. Holy hell dude lol.
So we agree that presidents dont control jobs or the economy. Supply and demand and capitalism controls it. If the president controlled it or even controlled most of it then that would mean we had a government ran by a king or communism.
Plus if the president controlled jobs and the economy then everyone who wanted a job would have one at all times and the economy would be awesome at all times. Presidents, for whatever reason, seem to like being president and want to be re-elected. So it wouldn't make sense for a president to make the economy poor since that would hurt their chances of getting re elected. If presidents controlled the economy then the economy wouldn't go up and down. It would stay up at all times. Every president wishes the economy was fantastic while they were president so it would help their approval ratings and help their chances for re-election. I mean, duh.
Do they have a say? Do they have an impact. Sure, a very minor say and very minor impact. Which is why its stupid to give credit for the economy to the president like many people stupidly do.
So we agree that presidents dont control jobs or the economy. Supply and demand and capitalism controls it. If the president controlled it or even controlled most of it then that would mean we had a government ran by a king or communism.
Plus if the president controlled jobs and the economy then everyone who wanted a job would have one at all times and the economy would be awesome at all times. Presidents, for whatever reason, seem to like being president and want to be re-elected. So it wouldn't make sense for a president to make the economy poor since that would hurt their chances of getting re elected. If presidents controlled the economy then the economy wouldn't go up and down. It would stay up at all times. Every president wishes the economy was fantastic while they were president so it would help their approval ratings and help their chances for re-election. I mean, duh.
Do they have a say? Do they have an impact. Sure, a very minor say and very minor impact. Which is why its stupid to give credit for the economy to the president like many people stupidly do.
President policy and visions have a tremendous amount to do with the way the country goes. Things like Biden attacking oil and laying off 10,000 people on his first day had an impact on oil prices which impacts everything. Him continuing to keep places closed and mandates on workers and his attack on supply chains crushed the economy and was a direct impact on inflation. Trump signing his crap stimulus hurt us badly but Biden continued to spend TRILLIONS when what we needed was to open the economy not flood the market with trillions of dollars when he also mandated people to not work. That is a direct impact on him. Bidens green policies and closing down drilling in areas that we know have oil like the Gulf also have a direct impact. Then he brags about how many permits there are but his uneducated minions have no clue the process of actually finding oil on that land THEN they have to go through his crushing loopholes he created that make drilling in these areas a very high risk with very little reward. Him giving hundreds of billions and allowing a war had an impact. Putin did not invade until Biden upened up the Nord pipeline and saw what a weak *** president he is. His complete failure, one of the biggest if not THE biggest failures in our history in Afghanistan has led to nothing but more turmoil throughout the entire world. Nobody fears this brain dead moron. Him opening the border and allowing anywhere from 3-5 million migrants in undocumented are not only crushing Southern states but now that Republicans are sending them to Sanctuary Cities like New York and they are struggling to stay afloat. Hell New York is begging for help and Washington DC is declaring National Emergencies. Don't get me started on him lifting Article 42, then sending thousands of troops to the border. That is not anti-immigrant that is pointing out that we might not even be able to pay the bills next month and we need to raise the debt ceiling. Now the idiot wants to spend hundreds of billions on paying for college dropouts. Where does that money come from Fish? Him attacking the energy sector for his Green New Deal that has prices of energy rising at record rates, mass layoffs, and people hesitant to buy anything energy related including vehicles. I could go on... and on.... and on... but it's pointless because you do not have the ability to understand high school economics.

You mock me... but you understand so little dude. Like very little. You think a president is just guy on a stick or something and has no influence though he has a tremendous amount of say. These are HIS policies that HE ran on. Not the Senates... Not the Houses... Do they truthfully not teach this stuff in middle school. And lmfao you do not even understand what Communism is lol. Communism is not being run by a king lol my goodness. It's quite the opposite... I recommend you and all your other friends here who seem to not understand Marxism and Communism to read a book. I'm not sure if it's indoctrination or what.
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Still not seeing why a president would choose to have a crappy economy if they control it.
And lol at him thinking that I said communism is ran by a king. How dumb. I said that if the leader of a country or government of a country controlled the economy then that would like a king OR communism. Two different things. Dude cant read.