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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Still not seeing why a president would choose to have a crappy economy if they control it.
And lol at him thinking that I said communism is ran by a king. How dumb. I said that if the leader of a country or government of a country controlled the economy then that would like a king OR communism. Two different things. Dude cant read.
Man you are feeding the troll. He's just doing troll things.
Still not seeing why a president would choose to have a crappy economy if they control it.
And lol at him thinking that I said communism is ran by a king. How dumb. I said that if the leader of a country or government of a country controlled the economy then that would like a king OR communism. Two different things. Dude cant read.
"the president controlled it or even controlled most of it then that would mean we had a government ran by a king or communism"

And yes I'll admit I misread. I thought it was "King OF Communism"

Unlike people on this board I can admit I was wrong. My bad. I could say more but I am owning my mistake here.
Can you imagine how often trump would be bringing this up if he were president?
Trump also broke this record and actual employment for minorities and women was a record high. I did bring this up many times, not one of you said a positive thing. Not you, not Thriller. Just another example of your flat our hypocriteness. So excuse me when I think you really don't care because it's obvious you only care when it fits your agenda. I'm all for in for this myself. One of many reasons I liked Trump while you hypocritically hated him. I think it's huge to get minorities to work. I think it's far better than Democrats plan to keep them on welfare, genocide with abortion and fatherless. But according to you this is not Bidens doing like it was with Trumps. Que another hypocrite post. I think Trump deserved credit but you don't think Biden does. So I'll take your word for it... Not really, props to Biden. This is one of maybe 3 good things he's done.

I'm happy to talk PoC employment with you even though as I said you and Thriller only seem to care when it benefits your political affiliation...................... I've tried multiple times to talk about this but none of you cared cared under the past administration. Not one of you.

The short answer

Trump's numbers are right, but it's generally a stretch for presidents to take credit for job creation.

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Man you are feeding the troll. He's just doing troll things.
Like what exactly? I don't want to spam but I feel have a right to point out that I have done no trolling at all. Fish and I may be a little at each other's throats(which to me is fine) but neither of us is trolling. Fish...feel free to chime since you liked his post. I bet you won't/can't.

The only ones trolling are guys like safety and log who add nothing but attacking other posters calling them trolls and obvious facetious one word comments. This is just one of many bully tactics this board uses to silence the opposition. It won't work on me.

I'll leave this here though as I actually talk politics. We are broke but have now spent $900,000,000 this week alone on Democrats and some swamp Republicans push for WW3. Biden be making some arms dealers rich. More than likely getting some kickbacks with his corrupted history. I guess spending A BILLION dollars in a week on other countries has no impact on our economy according the Democrats.

US Prepares to Fast Track $500 Million of Arms for Taiwan​

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No more food for you!
No more food for you!
^^^Lol now this is blatant trolling....Yeah, you got absolutely schooled and put into a corner you couldn't get out of, very fish-esque. I'll see you soon though once you know this is swept under the rug. This is literally the third time this week you've said bye. Sadly I thought we were having honest discourse but you gotta impress log so I get it.

I wish you the best in your extremely bias and one sided endeavors!

I'm a ears for anyone else who didn't care about Trump's record unemployment for Minorities that suddenly care now. Whats the difference? Can you explain why when I boasted about this with Trump this board was silent?

Edit: I forgot to bring this up yesterday as I was actually conversating but we now 100% not questions asked know that Biden and the FBI colluded and rigged the election.

"The New York Post has a new article relating to their very own coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. According to The Post, “the ex-CIA chief who wrote the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials attempting to discredit The Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop told another former to intelligence official that he was drafting it as a “talking point” for Joe Biden to use during a debate with President Donald Trump.”

In the email, Morell was urging Brennan to sign the letter that Morell had written. “Can I add your name to this list?” Morell asked. “Trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on , a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue.”

The email also included a list of people Morell was working to recruit as signees. “Will be adding Leon, Sue Gordon, Jeh Johnson, George, Lisa Monaco, and Mike Rogers (DIRNSA) today. And working on adding Dan Coats, Mike Rogers (HPSCI) and Tom Bossert.”

Brennan replied “Ok, Michael, add my name to the list. Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on.”

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If only that could be literal.
Lol you want me to starve to death? That's hilarious... All because I don't support Biden lol. See the type of trolling/bullying I get fish all while the board plays the victim about me? You guys are faaar more brutal. People "literal"ly want me to die lol. That's some deep hatred right there.

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Fish: We sure have nice weather today.
Jazzy: You hypocrite! You never mentioned how nice the weather was when trump was president!
Fish: you're a troll and a red flag Cultist

Me- isn't this blatant trolling? How is this not trolling? Trying to provoke someone and likening them to another poster who I haven't even noticed here for a bit? lol we both know what you're doing. At least it's not wishing death like log i guess

Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to ‘bait’ people, which means deliberately provoking an argument or emotional reaction. In some cases they say things they don’t even believe, just to cause drama.


Eric Adams Sending Illegal Immigrants To Suburbs After Biden Admin Snubs NYC On Funding To Deal With Crisis​

New York City applied for $350 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to house and care for thousands of illegal immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. On Friday, the Biden administration informed the Big Apple that it would send the city $30 million, POLITICO reported.
“Let us be very clear: This is both disappointing and woefully insufficient for a city that has carried the cost of sheltering, feeding, and supporting more than 60,000 asylum-seekers in the last year,” Mayor Eric Adam’s spokesperson Fabien Levy said in a statement. “New Yorkers have stepped up tremendously throughout this crisis and we look forward to working closely with our congressional delegation to remedy this serious mistake.”
Wow trump sucked! Glad we have capable leadership now. We truly live in good economic times.

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I didn't praise biden for the jobs. That would be stupid. Presidents dont control jobs or the economy. I simply posted an article about jobs and the economy. Didn't even mention biden lol. Just knew that someone would only see the negatives due to who the president is. Which, again, is stupid since the president doesn't control the jobs or the economy.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Literally the biggest most blatant no questions asked hypocrite I have ever witnessed.
I don’t see how it’s controversial at all to say the economy does better under democratic leadership. It’s been that way for literally my entire life. We’ve seen it since George HW Bush. It’s just stating facts. Why does that bother some people so much? There’s a reason why Bush called supply side economics, “voodoo economics.” Why has that been memory holed?
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I really hope someone besides Biden is the democratic nominee for 2024.

The percentage of those approving of Biden’s performance fell to 36%, six points lower than in February and a point off his previous low in early 2022, according to the survey conducted for the news organizations by Langer Research Associates. Some 56% disapproved of his performance, while 68% regarded Biden, at 80, as too old for another term.

On the question of whom voters prefer for 2024, only 44% viewed Trump, 76, as too advanced in years. Participants also rated Trump’s physical health and mental acuity higher, and perceived the former president as having done a better job handling the economy when he was president than Biden has done in his term so far.

When asked who they’d support in 2024, 44% said they would “definitely” or “probably” vote for Trump, more than the 38% who said they’d do the same for Biden.

The poll was conducted April 28-May 3 among a random national sample of 1,006 adults. Overall results had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Please give us a different option. If your approval rating is that low then maybe its even time to simply bow out of the race.