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express EXACTLY what you mean by this, make it unequivocally clear to everyone
It means exactly what I wrote. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe share a commonality in that all three have raised non-gender-conforming children. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe were the only ones on this board opposing a favorable depiction of the movie when as far as I could tell, not a single one of them had even seen the movie. There did seem to be something that resonated with all three that prompted all three and only those three to jump on the favorable depiction of a movie none of them had seen. This movie with a message against the sexualization of children, and those promoting the movie, seemed to prompt a defensive response. It was a coincidence that I found interesting.
It means exactly what I wrote. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe share a commonality in that all three have raised non-gender-conforming children. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe were the only ones on this board opposing a favorable depiction of the movie when as far as I could tell, not a single one of them had even seen the movie. There did seem to be something that resonated with all three that prompted all three and only those three to jump on the favorable depiction of a movie none of them had seen. This movie with a message against the sexualization of children, and those promoting the movie, seemed to prompt a defensive response. It was a coincidence that I found interesting.
Welcome to the new Jazzfanz.com everyone!
It means exactly what I wrote. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe share a commonality in that all three have raised non-gender-conforming children. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe were the only ones on this board opposing a favorable depiction of the movie when as far as I could tell, not a single one of them had even seen the movie. There did seem to be something that resonated with all three that prompted all three and only those three to jump on the favorable depiction of a movie none of them had seen. This movie with a message against the sexualization of children, and those promoting the movie, seemed to prompt a defensive response. It was a coincidence that I found interesting.
It strikes me as cowardly that you would make an implication that anybody with a brain can see, and then play the plausible deniability card instead of stating clearly what you mean when pressed for clarity.
There is a difference between maintaining the integrity of an Olympic event that could result in a world record ... I think it is fine if college level ...

What you wrote before today was significantly more hard line.

Sports in schools or that are subsidized by any government funds should be focused on teaching kids lessons or encouraging them to live more active healthy lives. ... That should be the primary point of taxpayer funded sports programs

Olympic events and college level sports are both subsidized by government funds.
What you wrote before today was significantly more hard line.

Olympic events and college level sports are both subsidized by government funds.
My point has not changed. Not even a little bit.
It means exactly what I wrote. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe share a commonality in that all three have raised non-gender-conforming children. One Brow, Gameface, and Gandalfe were the only ones on this board opposing a favorable depiction of the movie when as far as I could tell, not a single one of them had even seen the movie. There did seem to be something that resonated with all three that prompted all three and only those three to jump on the favorable depiction of a movie none of them had seen. This movie with a message against the sexualization of children, and those promoting the movie, seemed to prompt a defensive response. It was a coincidence that I found interesting.
You do talk in circles. You got called out and couldn't or wouldn't express it clearly what you are saying. You again made insinuations and expect everyone else to guess what you mean. Now who is imagining stuff?

Spoiler alert, it's you. It's your imagination.

The insinuation still stands, and you refused to be clear about it. If you were in the least sincere about this conversation at all you would explain in no uncertain terms what you mean.

So I'll make it easy. It sounds like you are saying that to you it looks like they are supporting the sexualization of children because 1) they refused to express the exact same opinion you have about a specific movie on the subject and 2) you believe they sexualized their own children purposely thereby causing them to become non-cis individuals.

If that isn't what you are saying, then have the ****ing balls to SAY WHAT EXACTLY THE **** YOU MEAN!!

By the way, for @One Brow , this is textbook trolling from Al. Nothing else. I'm sorry you can't or refuse to see it. If you think he isn't just sitting at his computer laughing at all this and enjoying the chaos he is causing, you're delusional. And believe me I have a hard time saying that about you. And I threw the last part of my comment above in inflammatory terms on purpose, he'll get a bit deflated when he reads this far and realizes he didn't really get my that pissed off. I just find him pathetic.

@Jason , this kind of stuff has no place here. Something needs to be done.
You do talk in circles. You got called out and couldn't or wouldn't express it clearly what you are saying. You again made insinuations and expect everyone else to guess what you mean. Now who is imagining stuff?

Spoiler alert, it's you. It's your imagination.

The insinuation still stands, and you refused to be clear about it. If you were in the least sincere about this conversation at all you would explain in no uncertain terms what you mean.

So I'll make it easy. It sounds like you are saying that to you it looks like they are supporting the sexualization of children because 1) they refused to express the exact same opinion you have about a specific movie on the subject and 2) you believe they sexualized their own children purposely thereby causing them to become non-cis individuals.

If that isn't what you are saying, then have the ****ing balls to SAY WHAT EXACTLY THE **** YOU MEAN!!

By the way, for @One Brow , this is textbook trolling from Al. Nothing else. I'm sorry you can't or refuse to see it. If you think he isn't just sitting at his computer laughing at all this and enjoying the chaos he is causing, you're delusional. And believe me I have a hard time saying that about you. And I threw the last part of my comment above in inflammatory terms on purpose, he'll get a bit deflated when he reads this far and realizes he didn't really get my that pissed off. I just find him pathetic.

@Jason , this kind of stuff has no place here. Something needs to be done.
Because Al is trying to be cute about this publicly (despite being cruel and harmful) and I’m sick of these trolls, I’ll disclose what he wrote me privately so it’s crystal clear what he means. Perhaps this will help fellow posters understand what he really means by his cryptic texts? I’m sure refuting him line by line over the next several pages will change his mind too…


I feel bad for Gandalfe's kid, and for Gameface's kid, and for One Brow's kid, and for your kid. Galdalfe's and Gameface's kids are biologically male with a wired-in drive to provide, but neither will ever build a family to provide for and neither has developed the life skills to even provide for themselves as they exist almost entirely inside a protective bubble provided by their parents. There is a disturbingly high chance, althought it may be decades from now after their parents have gone from this place, that both Gandalfe's kid and Gameface's kid will pull the plug on themselves because of cancers unintentionally fostered in their childhood.

One Brow's kid is a different story. She won't pull the plug on herself but statistically speaking will get to her 50's or maybe 60's before loneliness becomes all-consuming. Of course it is possible AI tools will be good enough that she can live out a fake construction but for now that is what her future holds. That is the future for a lot of childless women who are never visited after they reach retirement age.

As for your kid and the cancers that you seem set to unintentionally foster...

Good luck Thriller. I hope your kid is physically healthy.
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I have no idea where I ever advocated for participation trophies. That's such a used up cliché anyway.

The participation trophy complaint is so stupid and misguided.
Im in my late 40’s. I played rec basketball pretty much every year of my childhood. I got a trophy literally every year that i played basketball whether my team was good or bad. We have been handing out participation trophies for nearly 50 years. Minimum. It isnt some new thing.
Careful boys, you whip your head around in the same fashion you've 180'd on "The Sound of Freedom" you'll give yourself whiplash.

If anyone made derogatory statements about people in the community, it's been how you all have demonized Tim Ballard. You might as well ban Fish, derogatory statements about someone who is known in the community hunting down child traffickers.
If you were in the least sincere about this conversation at all you would explain in no uncertain terms what you mean.
There is not a single uncertain term in anything I wrote. Not one. Names are named and concerns are specifically spelled out. If you want corroborating evidence then you can read what I wrote to The Thriller in response to one of his DMs before this accusation of my not saying what I mean. It wasn't meant to be shared, and he only shared the second half that he thought would sting Gameface and Gandalfe, but it should answer your question. I have been saying what I mean, and what I mean isn't that I think Gameface, Gandalfe, or One Brow ever molested anyone or were pro-sexual trafficking of children. That is not a thing I ever said. It is not a thing I believe. I believe Gameface and Gandalfe are bad parents who neglected their responsibility to make sure their kids had the life skills needed to be happy, productive members of society. One Brow's story is a bit different and I only included him in the 'coincidental-3' because of his being one of the three who were against the advocacy of a movie none of them had seen.
I’ll disclose what he wrote me privately so it’s crystal clear what he means.
Posting my response to one of your DMs was unnecessarily cruel to Gameface, Gandalfe, and One Brow, but I did write it and although it wasn't meant for the board I do stand by those opinions. However I notice you only posted the part that would hurt Gameface, Gandalfe, and One Brow.

For those curious, here is the whole message:

We simply disagree. I think that biological sex is real with actual differences down to the gametes and chromosomes, but race is a social construction with nearly everyone at this point having a wonderful mixed ancestry. That is the ideology I'm raising my kid with. You believe the opposite where biology is fake but at the same time one drop binds individuals to events that happened centuries ago to people they didn't even know. I don't think you are an intelligent person, not even enough to see the contradiction in the way you see the world.

I feel bad for Gandalfe's kid, and for Gameface's kid, and for One Brow's kid, and for your kid. Galdalfe's and Gameface's kids are biologically male with a wired-in drive to provide, but neither will ever build a family to provide for and neither has developed the life skills to even provide for themselves as they exist almost entirely inside a protective bubble provided by their parents. There is a disturbingly high chance, although it may be decades from now after their parents have gone from this place, that both Gandalfe's kid and Gameface's kid will pull the plug on themselves because of cancers unintentionally fostered in their childhood.

One Brow's kid is a different story. She won't pull the plug on herself but statistically speaking will get to her 50's or maybe 60's before loneliness becomes all-consuming. Of course it is possible AI tools will be good enough that she can live out a fake construction but for now that is what her future holds. That is the future for a lot of childless women who are never visited after they reach retirement age.

As for your kid and the cancers that you seem set to unintentionally foster...

Good luck Thriller. I hope your kid is physically healthy.
Posting my response to one of your DMs was unnecessarily cruel to Gameface, Gandalfe, and One Brow, but I did write it and although it wasn't meant for the board I do stand by those opinions. However I notice you only posted the part that would hurt Gameface, Gandalfe, and One Brow.

For those curious, here is the whole message:

We simply disagree. I think that biological sex is real with actual differences down to the gametes and chromosomes, but race is a social construction with nearly everyone at this point having a wonderful mixed ancestry. That is the ideology I'm raising my kid with. You believe the opposite where biology is fake but at the same time one drop binds individuals to events that happened centuries ago to people they didn't even know. I don't think you are an intelligent person, not even enough to see the contradiction in the way you see the world.

I feel bad for Gandalfe's kid, and for Gameface's kid, and for One Brow's kid, and for your kid. Galdalfe's and Gameface's kids are biologically male with a wired-in drive to provide, but neither will ever build a family to provide for and neither has developed the life skills to even provide for themselves as they exist almost entirely inside a protective bubble provided by their parents. There is a disturbingly high chance, although it may be decades from now after their parents have gone from this place, that both Gandalfe's kid and Gameface's kid will pull the plug on themselves because of cancers unintentionally fostered in their childhood.

One Brow's kid is a different story. She won't pull the plug on herself but statistically speaking will get to her 50's or maybe 60's before loneliness becomes all-consuming. Of course it is possible AI tools will be good enough that she can live out a fake construction but for now that is what her future holds. That is the future for a lot of childless women who are never visited after they reach retirement age.

As for your kid and the cancers that you seem set to unintentionally foster...

Good luck Thriller. I hope your kid is physically healthy.
I hadn’t even read the garbage above about what you view is biological or not until now. It’s nothing different or new from what you’ve posted many times before (and which one other poster has gone pages upon pages to refute). What stood out to me in this DM and what most likely strikes out to everyone else is the rest of your message. And why you sent me such a long diatribe is beyond me. We don’t have a relationship.

You’re a piece of ****. What’s cruel is the game you’re playing about these posters and their children. Just come out and say what you mean. Which is what I just helped you with. Now mods and other posters can keep this in mind when determining their decisions; whether to keep you on their site, whether to interact with you, etc. Hurtful it might be, but at least everyone sees what you really mean. Now you can’t hide behind your cryptic messages or “just asking questions” schtick.
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Careful boys, you whip your head around in the same fashion you've 180'd on "The Sound of Freedom" you'll give yourself whiplash.

If anyone made derogatory statements about people in the community, it's been how you all have demonized Tim Ballard. You might as well ban Fish, derogatory statements about someone who is known in the community hunting down child traffickers.
Lol. I have never mentioned Tim Ballard or the sound of freedom. Who did I post derogatory statements about who is known in the community hunting down child traffickers? Another swing, another miss.
Lol. I have never mentioned Tim Ballard or the sound of freedom. Who did I post derogatory statements about who is known in the community hunting down child traffickers? Another swing, another miss.
So, just to be clear, none of us who they accused of supporting child traffic actually said anything about the movie that they said proves we support it. Futhermore, loving and supporting your child is seen as abuse by them. Got it.
My apologies for the delay in getting to the awful comments in this thread in a timely manner. This is on me.

More sincere apologies to those on the forum (public and private) accused of poor parenting based on their child’s gender and/or sexual orientation.

Let’s be better.
So, just to be clear, none of us who they accused of supporting child traffic actually said anything about the movie that they said proves we support it. Futhermore, loving and supporting your child is seen as abuse by them. Got it.
What are parents supposed to do if their child comes out as LGBT? Shun them? Tell them they’re going to hell? Have some pastor or weirdo church group zap their balls and abuse them? Threaten them with a loss of privileges or inheritance? Disown them?

The older I get and the uglier stuff I see posted on the internet, I truly wonder what the solutions are to these real life issues that many on social media dismiss as bad parenting/perversions? It shouldn’t take having a gay son or a lesbian daughter to be tolerant and/or loving if a marginalized community.

I just don’t get what the realistic alternative solution would be if put in your shoes (or GF’s)? Cuz nothing would be better than what it appears you are already doing; loving and supporting your children. At the end of the day, isn’t that what the backbone of what parenting actually is?

EDIT: And sadly, that’s me taking these trolls as good faith actors. The truth might be more simplistic. The gross stuff we see on the internet and social media is mostly just trolls doing their thing. Now I see Hack and Al have been banned. So at least for the time being we won’t be spammed by pieces of **** merely trying to get a reaction out of people.
The participation trophy complaint is so stupid and misguided.
Im in my late 40’s. I played rec basketball pretty much every year of my childhood. I got a trophy literally every year that i played basketball whether my team was good or bad. We have been handing out participation trophies for nearly 50 years. Minimum. It isnt some new thing.
Yep, kids 4-10 playing in rec sports get acknowledgement that they did the thing. The winning team(s) got the real trophies. They were proud of their winner trophies and the rest of us probably held onto our cheap "participation" trophies for a bit and then tossed them. The entire concept that this is ruining society is silly.
Lol. I have never mentioned Tim Ballard or the sound of freedom. Who did I post derogatory statements about who is known in the community hunting down child traffickers? Another swing, another miss.
But he tries so so hard to be irritating. Maybe he needs a participation trophy.