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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Well, I’m up there, and my mind is still as sharp as a tac! Now, let me see where I left my coffee this time…..
Yep and there are exceptions to everything. There are 70 and 80 year olds that are super sharp and have tons of energy (bernie sanders for example) but they are the exception. Im sure there are 20 year olds that are mature beyond their years and would make a great president but we have a minimum age requirement because 20 year olds being able to a good job as president are the exceptions as well.
I was just riffing on what OB said about still being effective in politics into their 70's. We could as easily amend this to be that they cannot run after age 67, so at 67 is the last time they could run, meaning ending their last term if they get 8 years at 75. Seems somewhat reasonable. Although I agree with you about younger being better for our president. I wouldn't mind if they cut it off at 60, that at 60 is the last time you can run for office, with a single re-election allowed past that if you get elected, and that could go for any politician in the country. Senate or congress, last time to run it at 60 years old, and if your final term takes you past 60, say it ends when you are 61 or something, then that is it, you retire. Done and done.

Then they can become lobbyists for 10 years and add millions to their already hefty wealth. Seems like a win-win to me.
I would vote for this to implemented.
Sure but they will do that anyway with any candidate so I would simply love to have a candidate at the top of their game. Pete is great at taking that kind of heat and handles it extremely well. I would love to see it.
Not to mention that this anti-LGBTQ stuff plays really well with older rural voters, it absolutely doesn't play well with younger voters. Having a gay Presidential candidate will clarify party affiliation for a huge chunk of the population who will presumably be voting for a very long time.
I would vote for this to implemented.
It would have to be a Constitutional amendment.

The founders also specified a process by which the Constitution may be amended, and since its ratification, the Constitution has been amended 27 times. In order to prevent arbitrary changes, the process for making amendments is quite onerous. An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification. In modern times, amendments have traditionally specified a time frame in which this must be accomplished, usually a period of several years. Additionally, the Constitution specifies that no amendment can deny a State equal representation in the Senate without that State’s consent.
I just looked and it seems the average age of a Congress person is declining while the average age of a senator is increasing. I didn't look at age of the president because I think it is clearly increasing, but since it's one person any outl
Im good with that.
Sure but in reality it means it would never happen.
Not to mention that this anti-LGBTQ stuff plays really well with older rural voters, it absolutely doesn't play well with younger voters. Having a gay Presidential candidate will clarify party affiliation for a huge chunk of the population who will presumably be voting for a very long time.
I think this might be a confusing post.

What I mean is that if Buttigieg ran there would be nasty AF anti-gay messages all over the place. That would fire up gram gram and gramps and the nasty crowd that gets off on hate, but the younger voters would be disgusted and likely decide that they want to be part of the opposition to that kind of rhetoric, where they may have not really cared before.

I read something recently that showed that most people who leave their religion do so because they don't believe it's true, followed by they don't like the way their church/religion treats the LGBTQ community.

So counting out people who simply don't believe anymore the leading cause of people leaving their religion is how their religious community and authority figures therein treat gay, bi, and trans people. Being anti-LGBTQ is going to be a long-term loser for conservatives and that negative effect could be accelerated by a gay Presidential candidate, especially one as smart, articulate and personable as Pete Buttigieg.

That said I think Pete would likely lose because boomers are still the largest voting block. Largely because they vote most often.
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I think this might be a confusing post.

What I mean is that if Buttigieg ran there would be nasty AF anti-gay messages all over the place. That would fire up gram gram and gramps and the nasty crowd that gets off on hate, but the younger voters would be disgusted and likely decide that they want to be part of the opposition to that kind of rhetoric, where they may have not really cared before.

I read something recently that showed that most people who leave their religion do so because they don't believe it's true, followed by they don't like the way their church/religion treats the LGBTQ community.

So counting out people who simply don't believe anymore the leading cause of people leaving their religion is how their religious community and authority figures therein treat gay, bi, and trans people. Being anti-LGBTQ is going to be a long-term loser for conservatives and that negative effect could be accelerated by a gay Presidential candidate, especially one as smart, articulate and personable as Pete Buttigieg.

That said I think Pete would likely lose because boomers are still the largest voting block. Largely because they vote most often.
Good post. I’d love for Pete to run again. And I agree, he’d definitely help the youth turnout. However, it would be one ugly campaign against him because he’s a married gay man. I wouldn’t want to see that. And I don’t believe key electoral college states would vote for a gay man. If the president were elected by a popular vote? Than by all means. But since the election is determined by more conservative and generally older states, I don’t think he stands a chance right now.

I don’t see Pete winning in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, states that actually determine the election. We’d be essentially handing the keys to the White House back to Trump.

I could be wrong. Maybe Pete gets enough of the youth and LGBT vote out in those states to win. But I think it’s a risk. Wish the president was elected by the popular vote. It’d force candidates to appeal to the younger and more mainstream electorate rather than ponder to the old white conservative farts living decades in the past in swing states.
“bUt SoCiAlIsM!”
As a military vet I can tell you that the U.S. military operates pretty much every single service to service members like a socialist collective. It works really well because there is strong group cohesion and a unifying identity. Without socialism there would be no U.S. military as we know it today.

EDIT: One day I was at the Navy commissary (a socialist grocery store for the military) in San Diego at 32nd Street and I was looking at some yellow onions. They were like $0.32/lb. There was a young low level officer (in uniform, that's how I knew) also looking at the onions. This was around 2004 I would guess. He asked me if that was a good price. I guess he wasn't the regular grocery shopper in his household. I told him they are almost $1/lb at the Albertsons up the street. He was surprised. After I did my grocery shopping I went over to the package store and bought a bottle of whisky, the special exclusive brand at Navy liquor stores called "All Hands", for half what that quality whiskey would cost at retail. Then I went to the NEX (Navy Exchange) the department store for the Navy and bought some clothes for about 30% less than they would have cost in town.

But yeah, **** socialism.
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Yep and there are exceptions to everything. There are 70 and 80 year olds that are super sharp and have tons of energy (bernie sanders for example) but they are the exception. Im sure there are 20 year olds that are mature beyond their years and would make a great president but we have a minimum age requirement because 20 year olds being able to a good job as president are the exceptions as well.
Of course, you might not know it, but I’m really an “any excuse for a joke” guy, and you gave me one…
When does this become a real point of discussion?

She should’ve been dropped a long time ago and I don’t understand why. She could resign today and tomorrow a Dem governor could appoint her successor. It’s not like senate Dems would lose any ground. She’s clearly unwell and it’s hurting our country. It’s really inexcusable and if the country’s democracy weren’t at stake, I’d hope Dems would pay a political price for it.

But also, why didn’t anyone primary here?

We do have term limits. But if no one does a damn thing in party primaries, then we can’t bitch when the outcomes are terrible. Primaries aren’t supposed to be rubber stamps. Just look at how elected Repubs literally right now are scared to death over angering MAGAs and being primaried.
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When does this become a real point of discussion?

Ya this type of stuff is pretty commin for senior citizens. I have wanted age limits for a long long time. I mean when i was young i remember my grandparents falling asleep at family get togethers often. Now my dad does. Getting old is hard. Lots of things start to go south and deteriorate.
Again, ideally the most important people in government would be in their primes or as close to it as possible. But for the most part it seems like the very tops of our government are all ancient dinosaurs. Pelosi was speaker. 3rd in line for president iirc. She is super old. Biden. Trump. Mcconnell. The woman just discussed. They shoukd all be at home enjoying the last years of their lives rather than making decisions for the entire country and embarrassing us and themselves.
Ya this type of stuff is pretty commin for senior citizens. I have wanted age limits for a long long time. I mean when i was young i remember my grandparents falling asleep at family get togethers often. Now my dad does. Getting old is hard. Lots of things start to go south and deteriorate.
Again, ideally the most important people in government would be in their primes or as close to it as possible. But for the most part it seems like the very tops of our government are all ancient dinosaurs. Pelosi was speaker. 3rd in line for president iirc. She is super old. Biden. Trump. Mcconnell. The woman just discussed. They shoukd all be at home enjoying the last years of their lives rather than making decisions for the entire country and embarrassing us and themselves.
I already fall asleep during family things and I’m not even 40…
I already fall asleep during family things and I’m not even 40…
Ya i have urination issues, back issues, a bad shoulder, wrist issues, minor memory issues, and i too get sleepy more often. im on the wrong side of 45 years old. Go back like 6 years and I have none of those issues. Getting old sucks.
Couple of jokes I heard:
How many trumpers does it take to change a lightbulb? None.
If trump says it’s fixed, they sit in the dark and applaud.

Voting is like driving.
To go backwards, choose R.
To go forwards, choose D.
Couple of jokes I heard:
How many trumpers does it take to change a lightbulb? None.
If trump says it’s fixed, they sit in the dark and applaud.

Voting is like driving.
To go backwards, choose R.
To go forwards, choose D.
Every time Trump talks
a prosecutor gets their wings