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Maybe Trump should drop out? Republicans have a month. Maybe they should replace him with Nikki Haley? Is the country ready for a woman president? He’s too old. His brain has been rotted out. Too many felonies. Too racist. Too extreme. Biden is mounting a comeback. I’m guessing that the more the nation is exposed to Trump the lower his numbers will go and the higher Biden’s will be.

View: https://x.com/billscher/status/1803558974165508323?s=46

Maybe Trump should drop out? Republicans have a month. Maybe they should replace him with Nikki Haley? Is the country ready for a woman president? He’s too old. His brain has been rotted out. Too many felonies. Too racist. Too extreme. Biden is mounting a comeback. I’m guessing that the more the nation is exposed to Trump the lower his numbers will go and the higher Biden’s will be.

View: https://x.com/billscher/status/1803558974165508323?s=46

Trump should definitely drop out and they should replace him with Nikki Hailey. I mean if the Republican party wants to win this election anyway.

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But of course:

“Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!," the former president wrote in a post on his social media website, Truth Social.

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A Republican legislator issued an apology to her Democratic colleague in front of the Vermont House of Representatives after a hidden camera caught her pouring glasses of water into his bag on several occasions over five months.

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But of course:

“Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!," the former president wrote in a post on his social media website, Truth Social.

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Up until about five minutes ago, weren’t Republicans supportive of the “free market?” Now you can lose your business if you’re insufficient loyal to dear leader. This is ridiculously authoritarian. “Support the boss or else…” it speaks volumes to how shallow our business community is if they support this mobster. The alternative is a guy that has led our country to a sub 4 percent unemployment rate, record stock market, and unprecedented economic success. So it’s not like it’s Trump vs sharia law abortionist communism. It’s Trump vs a regular Democrat whose administration has been extremely business friendly.

Part of me sort of wishes that these losers get what they want. They get the authoritarianism, the crony capitalism, the economic stagnation, etc that always follows dictators, like Trump. But I also know history and know that it can take years to recover from such a blow. I’d rather just continue with the status quo economically. It’s working great for me and my family.

A Republican legislator issued an apology to her Democratic colleague in front of the Vermont House of Representatives after a hidden camera caught her pouring glasses of water into his bag on several occasions over five months.

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Why? What did that accomplish?

Interesting how one shallow leader can inspire countless in the same party to act in the same immature belligerent way. I’m sold that part of the attraction to Trump is that he gives people permission to act out their own worst instincts. Pathetic. I wish voters would send that person packing and find an actual adult to represent them. Unfortunately, they too are probably like MTG and think this stunt was cool.
This seem to check out with my own observations. My neighborhood is beaming with new yards, new vehicles, new toys, Amazon packages being delivered all the time, etc. Anyone drive down redwood road in Saratoga springs? The stores and restaurants are packed! People are spending money eating out. People are out and enjoying themselves. This next month, how many Utahns will blow hundreds if not thousands on fireworks? Is that a sign that we’re in a recession? Other than boredom and bad media vibes that tell people to be angry at the economy, why would you want to change anything? Chances are you’re wealthier and spending far more money on recreation now than in 2020. We truly live in really good times.

View: https://x.com/carlquintanilla/status/1803760062395011280?s=46

I didn’t hear any polling stats in this video.

RFK is a spoiler. No third party candidate has won the presidency. It’s also pretty obvious what he’s doing in focusing on getting on the ballots in key swing states first. Almost like he’s trying to spoil Biden’s chances of winning. Wonder if his top donor who also happens to be a top Trump donor has anything to do with that?

I also am tired of hearing people whine about the debt. They never bring up solutions. They whine about the debt and usually talk about cutting programs that they personally don’t like. Programs that would end up hurting people, costing jobs, etc. and if you dare even suggest taxing rich people, they’ll finance a campaign against you. The whole “I’m concerned with debt” is a red herring, a way to shut down conversation. Most use it as a heat shield for someone unserious to sound serious about politics. If we want to get serious about debt then we’re gonna have to raise taxes fairly drastically on the rich. They won’t like that. Most likely raise them on the poor, they won’t like that. Adjust Medicare benefits, which the old won’t like.

Honestly, I should’ve just stopped watching when he said, “like most people my age, I get my news from memes…”

I’ve identified a major problem right there.
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I didn’t hear any polling stats in this video.

RFK is a spoiler. No third party candidate has won the presidency. It’s also pretty obvious what he’s doing in focusing on getting on the ballots in key swing states first. Almost like he’s trying to spoil Biden’s chances of winning. Wonder if his top donor who also happens to be a top Trump donor has anything to do with that?

I also am tired of hearing people whine about the debt. They never bring up solutions. They whine about the debt and usually talk about cutting programs that they personally don’t like. Programs that would end up hurting people, costing jobs, etc. and if you dare even suggest taxing rich people, they’ll finance a campaign against you. The whole “I’m concerned with debt” is a red herring, a way to shut down conversation. Most use it as a heat shield for someone unserious to sound serious about politics. If we want to get serious about debt then we’re gonna have to raise taxes fairly drastically on the rich. They won’t like that. Most likely raise them on the poor, they won’t like that. Adjust Medicare benefits, which the old won’t like.

Honestly, I should’ve just stopped watching when he said, “like most people my age, I get my news from memes…”

I’ve identified a major problem right there.
Also, the best a 3rd party candidate has done in an election in my lifetime (I'm pretty old) was Ross Perot. He got like 18 million votes iirc!
You know how many electoral votes he got? ZERO

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I didn’t hear any polling stats in this video.

RFK is a spoiler. No third party candidate has won the presidency. It’s also pretty obvious what he’s doing in focusing on getting on the ballots in key swing states first. Almost like he’s trying to spoil Biden’s chances of winning. Wonder if his top donor who also happens to be a top Trump donor has anything to do with that?

I also am tired of hearing people whine about the debt. They never bring up solutions. They whine about the debt and usually talk about cutting programs that they personally don’t like. Programs that would end up hurting people, costing jobs, etc. and if you dare even suggest taxing rich people, they’ll finance a campaign against you. The whole “I’m concerned with debt” is a red herring, a way to shut down conversation. Most use it as a heat shield for someone unserious to sound serious about politics. If we want to get serious about debt then we’re gonna have to raise taxes fairly drastically on the rich. They won’t like that. Most likely raise them on the poor, they won’t like that. Adjust Medicare benefits, which the old won’t like.

Honestly, I should’ve just stopped watching when he said, “like most people my age, I get my news from memes…”

I’ve identified a major problem right there.

He did talk about polling numbers for a while in the video.
I didn’t hear any polling stats in this video.

RFK is a spoiler. No third party candidate has won the presidency. It’s also pretty obvious what he’s doing in focusing on getting on the ballots in key swing states first. Almost like he’s trying to spoil Biden’s chances of winning. Wonder if his top donor who also happens to be a top Trump donor has anything to do with that?

I also am tired of hearing people whine about the debt. They never bring up solutions. They whine about the debt and usually talk about cutting programs that they personally don’t like. Programs that would end up hurting people, costing jobs, etc. and if you dare even suggest taxing rich people, they’ll finance a campaign against you. The whole “I’m concerned with debt” is a red herring, a way to shut down conversation. Most use it as a heat shield for someone unserious to sound serious about politics. If we want to get serious about debt then we’re gonna have to raise taxes fairly drastically on the rich. They won’t like that. Most likely raise them on the poor, they won’t like that. Adjust Medicare benefits, which the old won’t like.

Honestly, I should’ve just stopped watching when he said, “like most people my age, I get my news from memes…”

I’ve identified a major problem right there.

According to the poll he talked about he's more of a spoiler for Biden than Trump which is all the more reason that Biden needs to step down. Even anti-Trump voters are afraid to vote for Biden. As RFK said the DNC are dumb as can be for sticking with Biden.
According to the poll he talked about he's more of a spoiler for Biden than Trump which is all the more reason that Biden needs to step down. Even anti-Trump voters are afraid to vote for Biden. As RFK said the DNC are dumb as can be for sticking with Biden.
Hmmm. I’ve seen polls show RFK hurting either candidate. It depends on the poll. One of Trump’s top donors is also financing RFK’s Campaign. Trump also has more of a loyal base, as 35 percent of the voting electorate (probably higher in swing states) will vote for him no matter what. So I get that there’s an argument to be made that he might hurt Trump. But I’m more inclined to believe that he hurts Biden since a lot more Biden friendly voters are persuadable to vote RFK than Trump friendly voters.

I think we should look at this and ask ourselves, “why are trumpers trying so hard to prop RFK up?”

The real issue I have with RFK is that he’s a nutcake.

Oh and people getting their news from memes. That’s a major problem we have today. People getting their news from weirdo podcasts, social media, junk websites, and vibes. We have an abundance of media out there and most of it is junk. That definitely includes cable tv news, which is some of the worst clickbait of them all. CNN and Fox News are almost indistinguishable now.

The fundraising pitch from Donald Trump was neither accurate nor subtle.


The message blasted out to his supporters was a reference to the former president’s sentencing scheduled for July 11, when he faces fines or possible jail time after being convicted on 34 charges of business fraud in connection with hush money paid to an adult-film star. A death sentence is not under consideration in the case. Neither is a “GUILLOTINE,” as another fundraising pitch suggested last week.

“I think those are clearly an escalation over and above some incredibly heated rhetoric and some irresponsible rhetoric we’ve seen over time,” said Matthew Hindman, a professor at George Washington University who studies digital emails. “The fact that those messages continue to be sent out tell us about something. The rhetoric has been driven by user response and user donations. If this extreme rhetoric continues to generate funds, it’s going to be rewarded with an even more extreme response next time.”

Some recent pitches have raised eyebrows even among longtime Trump observers and advisers. Emails falsely claimed that the FBI wanted to shoot Trump during a court-authorized search of his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida

Trump’s warning of “ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!” resembles his tweet calling for his supporters to come to a rally Jan. 6, 2021 — “Be there, will be wild!” — that helped inspire violent extremist groups to buy weapons and make attack plans. Former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon said on the eve of the rally that “all hell is going to break loose tomorrow,” and the rally turned into a deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol.

More recently, Trump has used terms such as “bedlam” or a “bloodbath” to describe possible outcomes if he loses the November election. “If we don’t win, you know, it depends,” he said when asked directly about the possibility of violence in an April interview with Time magazine.

Hindman said the campaign is unlikely to dial back its rhetoric as long as the money was flowing. On a recent afternoon at Mar-a-Lago, Trump gave two wrestling stars signed hats and photos of his mug shot.

One of the wrestlers, podcaster Logan Paul, laughed and called him a “gangster.”

“No way! No way!” Paul said, holding up the mug shot.

“Isn’t it crazy, though?” Trump responded. “And it sells.”

The fundraising pitch from Donald Trump was neither accurate nor subtle.


The message blasted out to his supporters was a reference to the former president’s sentencing scheduled for July 11, when he faces fines or possible jail time after being convicted on 34 charges of business fraud in connection with hush money paid to an adult-film star. A death sentence is not under consideration in the case. Neither is a “GUILLOTINE,” as another fundraising pitch suggested last week.

“I think those are clearly an escalation over and above some incredibly heated rhetoric and some irresponsible rhetoric we’ve seen over time,” said Matthew Hindman, a professor at George Washington University who studies digital emails. “The fact that those messages continue to be sent out tell us about something. The rhetoric has been driven by user response and user donations. If this extreme rhetoric continues to generate funds, it’s going to be rewarded with an even more extreme response next time.”

Some recent pitches have raised eyebrows even among longtime Trump observers and advisers. Emails falsely claimed that the FBI wanted to shoot Trump during a court-authorized search of his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida

Trump’s warning of “ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!” resembles his tweet calling for his supporters to come to a rally Jan. 6, 2021 — “Be there, will be wild!” — that helped inspire violent extremist groups to buy weapons and make attack plans. Former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon said on the eve of the rally that “all hell is going to break loose tomorrow,” and the rally turned into a deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol.

More recently, Trump has used terms such as “bedlam” or a “bloodbath” to describe possible outcomes if he loses the November election. “If we don’t win, you know, it depends,” he said when asked directly about the possibility of violence in an April interview with Time magazine.

Hindman said the campaign is unlikely to dial back its rhetoric as long as the money was flowing. On a recent afternoon at Mar-a-Lago, Trump gave two wrestling stars signed hats and photos of his mug shot.

One of the wrestlers, podcaster Logan Paul, laughed and called him a “gangster.”

“No way! No way!” Paul said, holding up the mug shot.

“Isn’t it crazy, though?” Trump responded. “And it sells.”
The final phrase tells us all we need to know. Dude is a piece of ****. As is the company he keeps.