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You have the inclusion backwards. Nationalism is a subset of patriotism, which includes the elevation of your country above others. You can be patriotic without downplaying/dismissing other countries.

You can be a nationalist without doing that either. How often do we hear white nationalists talking about how they don't think/care that they're superior to anyone else, they're all about love and pride in their culture? Very often
Nationalism and patriotism being the same thing is a really strange hill to die on.

Not that strange. I still remember liberals in the early 2000s mocking Bush and all his talk about "patriotism". News junkies forget. I mean, that's what? 5 millions articles ago?
Words don't have an inherent meaning outside of human definitions.
And we collect those human definitions into a book and we call that book a dictionary.

Have a nice life, man.
Not that strange. I still remember liberals in the early 2000s mocking Bush and all his talk about "patriotism". News junkies forget. I mean, that's what? 5 millions articles ago?
I remember them mocking things like 'freedom fries' not patriotism as an ideal, but sure.
You asked what the difference was; the dictionary clearly explained it.

Since I'm using a dictionary from our time to describe how I'm using words today, I don't see that problem as applicable.

When I asked about the difference, I meant the difference as you understood it. Not the pointless response you gave. I'm arguing about the philosophical similarities of the concepts. Not how people thoughtlessly use them.
You can be a nationalist without doing that either. How often do we hear white nationalists talking about how they don't think/care that they're superior to anyone else, they're all about love and pride in their culture? Very often

Yeah, and it's always a lie.
When I asked about the difference, I meant the difference as you understood it. Not the pointless response you gave. I'm arguing about the philosophical similarities of the concepts. Not how people thoughtlessly use them.

Why would I deliberately use the words for other than what they actually mean?

Yes, there are similarities, in that nationalism is one toxic form form of patriotism.
Im adopting six refugees, which is one too many, how many yall takin in? Room for 1 more anyone!
Oh God I forgot Trump called himself a nationalist recently. This conversation makes so much more sense now.

Yep. He declared himself a nationalist.

Then we had a series of trump-inspired terrorist acts. And his followers still continue to defend nationalism.

Connecting the dots shouldn’t be nearly as hard as some people are making this out to be.

Trump claims he wants to end citizenship by birth. That’s part of the constitution and he wants to end it by executive order.

Now, he can’t.

But it will be interesting to see how many Rs support this despite the horribly dangerous premise it sets.
And these definitions change as our culture and understanding evolve.
Who's arguing that?

Nationalism has a much more specific meaning than patriotism. According to the dictionary AND the way humans use it, right now.

What kind of game are you trying to play here?