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The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

Monty's firing baffles me the most. Their issue was basically a lack of depth (gee, who would have thunk), a disinterested starting Big on a huge contract, and Paul's health. I guess I can see them trying to pin Ayton's "motivation" on him, but Ayton just did not want to be there at all. It's difficult to motivate anyone when there's no eff's left to give. Their situation isn't unsolvable. Just flip two issues to solve another and call it good as Ayton and Paul probably still have some modicum of value. As usual, the Suns ownership is going to screw the ship. Guess his firing was for the best. Dude in Detroit may be a killer hire.
Lmao It’s being reported that Ja is suspended by the Memphis grizzlies for another Instagram video with him, brandishing a gun. I guess two weeks isn’t enough to change your Life practices, who would’ve thought. Lol.
COY means you exceeded expectations which then becomes the expectations. When unable to match, you've underperformed which leads to firing.
I think it's more the fact that they have very little avenues to change the team so a new coach is the biggest way for the new owner to shake things up.
Ja Morant has to be the dumbest person ever. I enjoyed his first season in the NBA quite a bit. At this point, wouldn’t be surprised if he was out of the league in 2-3 years. He needs a change in scenery, only chance would be a successful team with veteran leadership. Needs new friends/lifestyle cut and dry. Doubt he will make any of those changes unfortunately
Is Ja not allowed to own a gun or something? I get discipling for having it in a inappropriate spot (like drunk in a club), but is he not allowed to carry in his vehicle?
Forreal. Politicians are brandishing guns with their entire families packing heat and that gets them votes.

There is a massive disparity in this country in how we see black men with guns and white men with guns. In one case it seems like it is automatically assumed something illegal and nefarious is going on, in the other it's just normal behavior and/or just standing up for their 2A rights.
Is Ja not allowed to own a gun or something? I get discipling for having it in an inappropriate spot (like drunk in a club), but is he not allowed to carry in his vehicle?
I’m confused too… the big issue with the other video is he had a gun on the road… which means he also likely took it to the game and having a gun at an nba game is a year long suspension dating back to the Gil incident.

It’s still probably not a great look of course and the guy would do well to lay low for a while.
I will say… if brandishing a gun just cost me 50M (likely makes an all nba team and gets his contract bumped to a super max)… I think I’d chill making dumb Insta video where I’m brandishing a gun for a while but whatevs.
Forreal. Politicians are brandishing guns with their entire families packing heat and that gets them votes.

There is a massive disparity in this country in how we see black men with guns and white men with guns. In one case it seems like it is automatically assumed something illegal and nefarious is going on, in the other it's just normal behavior and/or just standing up for their 2A rights.
You might be right, personally I think gun culture is dumb in both black and white communities.

To be honest, I'm seeing Ja get pretty equal treatment as the white politicians with guns from the accounts I follow.
watching the video, it’s not like he is doing anything egregious. With his occupation and within the confines of NBA conduct, not a good look. Although I don’t think he is doing anything wrong in the video per say, I personally disagree with the idea it’s ok that sidearms should just be carried out and about, waved around, while you are driving and listening to music but that’s just me. With current gun culture and him being a role model, I disagree that it is ok for him to publicize that to social media. I’m not anti-gun.
Did Ja Morant get suspended for pulling a gun on someone again? I thought I heard that today. Anyone know anything?