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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Man, he hit this one on the head.

Correct, actually. Well, sort of. Trump perfectly represents a type of masculinity that is outdated, and was poorly-constructed to begin with-- the kind made up almost entirely of bravado, chauvinism and willful ignorance. It's the kind that prefers 'common sense' to education and science, believes 'boys will be boys', and regards women as subservient to men. If that's the definition of masculinity we're referring to, I 100% agree with this genius' assessment that 'the left', and a whole lot of other folks (including me), hate it.
I remember thinking that nothing could top Trump's idiocy when, while abandoning the be Kurds, he asked if they had stormed the beaches at Normandy.

This disinfectant and UV nonsense has catapulted ahead of that. Holy **** is this guy an idiot.
I don't find Trump to be manly at all. YMMV.

I'd like to put some words into the mouths of the Trump supporters:

I, POLITICAL JAZZ FAN/ INSERT YOUR NAME, believe that Donald Trump is a good role model for my SON/ FUTURE SON JOHNNY/ INSERT YOUR SONS' NAME. and I hope he grows up to be like Donald. Because nothing is more important than personal character and living life according to Christian values.

Personally, I could make something close to this statement about Obama, Bush 1 & 2, Reagan, or Carter. Not Clinton or Trump.
His followers feel like he’s manly because they identify with him. If he’s manly then so are they. As we see on this board, his followers refuse to admit he’s wrong because that would admit that they’re wrong. Dear Leader is always right because admitting fault is just too much for their wittle minds to admit.

In reality, masculinity and leadership qualities are far from the qualities he consistently shows; sexism, refusal to be accountable, inability to make Tough decisions, irritability towards those who question him, etc. Honestly, have we ever seen a bigger bitch in the White House than Trump?

But his followers are sold that he’s their leader. He’s their view of what a leader and a manly leader is. And if he isn’t manly then they’re not manly. So that’s why they continue to support him. Those who are tired of democracy and ache for an authoritarian form of government where minorities remain at the bottom and whites remain at the top think Trump’s manly. Teri Kanefield has a great thread on this:

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Man, he hit this one on the head.

This confirms for me my belief that Trump supporters revel in his bullying tactics. They actually feel someone who acts like a tough guy via bullying is “a man”. This has long baffled me, because, in my experience, I have never known a bully personality that was not very insecure when you get beneath their tough guy persona. Insecure and cowardly better describe such a “man”.
His followers feel like he’s manly because they identify with him. If he’s manly then so are they. As we see on this board, his followers refuse to admit he’s wrong because that would admit that they’re wrong. Dear Leader is always right because admitting fault is just too much for their wittle minds to admit.

Trump supporters will never admit they were wrong....


.... No matter how bad things get under Trump, his voters will stand by him rather than admit they were wrong to vote for him in the first place. The psychological experts I spoke with explained that admitting you're wrong is tough for anyone, because it's such a blow to the ego.

But what the past few years have shown us is that the already difficult task of admitting you are wrong is even harder for conservatives, because it will also require recognizing the unthinkable possibility that liberals were right. Just as Trump was warned for months about the coronavirus, conservatives were warned for literally a year and a half in 2015 and 2016 that voting for Trump — a dimwitted reality TV star who is all ego and no brains — would result in disaster. To face reality now would mean giving into the twin humiliations of admitting they were wrong and the liberals were right, a double humiliation that is clearly too painful to bear.
This confirms for me my belief that Trump supporters revel in his bullying tactics. They actually feel someone who acts like a tough guy via bullying is “a man”. This has long baffled me, because, in my experience, I have never known a bully personality that was not very insecure when you get beneath their tough guy persona. Insecure and cowardly better describe such a “man”.

Isn’t that why they elected him? They’ve felt insecure for a while now. They’ve seen a black man become president, women able to take control of their bodies and finally bring justice to powerful men, they’ve seen gays win civil rights... there’s a segment of our population (about 1/3rd) who feel insecure about their place in our social hierarchy. Sure maybe some of it is economic. But most of it is cultural.

They feel insecure and threatened and have now empowered a sledge hammer to hammer down their enemies into their rightful low places while protecting their own high place. The fetish to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” for these people is the dream of bringing back social and cultural norms of the 1950s.

they can’t ever admit that trump is wrong because then it’ll mean that they were wrong and that perhaps their place on top of our hierarchy isn’t warranted.
This confirms for me my belief that Trump supporters revel in his bullying tactics. They actually feel someone who acts like a tough guy via bullying is “a man”. This has long baffled me, because, in my experience, I have never known a bully personality that was not very insecure when you get beneath their tough guy persona. Insecure and cowardly better describe such a “man”.

TBH this tactic works to get immediate tasks done. You bully through and get what you want. The issue is the end game. If you’re goal is to win at all costs, no matter the consequences, with no real plan for exit....you create chaos.

We’re seeing short sighted bullying with no real strategy. Simple minded, short term wins.

Horrible in a real emergency. Thus, the task force conferences. Amateur hour.

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@Political Jazz Fan out there carrying trumps water, just like Breitbart and Fox News . Explaining that trump was misunderstood, misrepresented, taken out of contest. How surely he did not mean to suggest anyone would study injecting a disinfectant.

Then along comes Donnie, saying that is exactly what he said. But he was just kidding. Sarcasm, you know.

He leaves his minions to play the fool. Yet it seems they lack the self awareness to comprehend that they are the fool.

It reminds me of when Clinton lied to his staff to get out and defend him in the Lewinsky affair, and then admit to it shortly thereafter.
Hey I just want to say to y’all who believe everything trump says. Please don’t inject yourselves with Lysol.

I mean, just because you are gullible and blindly follow the guy who is hurting our country, we still don’t want to see you sick or dead.

please don’t inject the Lysol.

And don't try these either....

Pelosi is garbage.

I wonder why they would take this quote out of context? I’m no Nancy fan, but clearly what was going on here was that she was trying to add funding to the bill, not kill it. Fine if you want to argue against that, just stop lying.

“So Chuck Schumer and I, and this all happened on the Senate side, and I congratulate the Senate Democrats, they went to the floor when Mitch McConnell went in for his 250, and they said they objected. And then they said, we have another proposal which opens the door to the underbanked. There’s $60 billion, 10% of what they were asking for to be used for community development, financial institutions [that] know the neighborhood, know the language, know the culture, know the people, know the businesses to enable them to participate in the Paycheck Protection Program.”
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