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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

You're welcome to review these documents and provide some substance to back up your claim that it is pseudoscience. Incidentally, what are your credentials to be so authoritative in your declaration that it is pseudoscience. It is also pseudoscience to say NSAIDs are the best thing you can take on a regular basis for pain and yet many MDs subscribe to this, or that high cholesterol is bad for you without examining the make up of the cholesterol and prescribing statins for the high number.




One of your articles is titled “
BREAKING: Leaked Google Documents Link Holocaust Denial, Vatican-Alien Conspiracy, Etc. with Vaccine Safety Questions”

And you wonder why we are calling it pseudoscience?


Being, or parroting, anti-vax is stupid. Stop it.
One of your articles is titled “
BREAKING: Leaked Google Documents Link Holocaust Denial, Vatican-Alien Conspiracy, Etc. with Vaccine Safety Questions”

And you wonder why we are calling it pseudoscience?


Being, or parroting, anti-vax is stupid. Stop it.
Read the article instead of commenting on the headline. The point is that Google is equating Vaccine Safety Questions with those ridiculous beliefs -- Get it? Or are you too stoked to understand?
Read the article instead of commenting on the headline. The point is that Google is equating Vaccine Safety Questions with those ridiculous beliefs -- Get it? Or are you too stoked to understand?

Yes, even google is mocking questions about “vaccine safety”.

Stop it. You are not enlightening anyone. You are not helping anyone. This opinion is not worth respecting.

You. Are. Wrong.

There’s nothing really left to say.
Read the article instead of commenting on the headline. The point is that Google is equating Vaccine Safety Questions with those ridiculous beliefs -- Get it? Or are you too stoked to understand?
Yes, even google is mocking questions about “vaccine safety”.

Stop it. You are not enlightening anyone. You are not helping anyone. This opinion is not worth respecting.

You. Are. Wrong.

There’s nothing really left to say.
You didn't read the article. You are totally misunderstanding this. You're really being an idiot by commenting upon something you haven't read. That's the ****ing point. They are both ridiculing it and not allowing substantive information about it. Did you go to the website with actual studies on the subject? No, because you're so ****ing arrogant you think you know it all. You're the one who is being duped. If you read my other posts, I explained I'm not anti-vax, I'm against certain vaccinations about whose safety is being questioned (and I think against is too strong a word, but I am questioning them and think people should proceed with caution about them). That's a big difference with being anti-vaxx. But apparently you're too thick to discriminate between those points of view.
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He loves authoritarians.

If given the chance, does anyone doubt that he wouldn’t “crack down” on his own citizenry?

Yes, I doubt he would "crack down" on his own citizenry, you nutbag.

Trump can afford to be politically savvy with Xi Jinping, knowing that Hong Kong is a no-win scenario for the communist government, and that senior senators and representatives in his own party are being outspoken in support of the Hong Kong protesters.

Yes, I doubt he would "crack down" on his own citizenry, you nutbag.

Trump can afford to be politically savvy with Xi Jinping, knowing that Hong Kong is a no-win scenario for the communist government, and that senior senators and representatives in his own party are being outspoken in support of the Hong Kong protesters.


Right. It’s not like he chants almost daily about locking up political opponents or deporting them. It’s not like he’s ever expressed a desire to act as an autocrat. Trump is clearly an advocate for democracy...
Yes, I doubt he would "crack down" on his own citizenry, you nutbag.

Trump can afford to be politically savvy with Xi Jinping, knowing that Hong Kong is a no-win scenario for the communist government, and that senior senators and representatives in his own party are being outspoken in support of the Hong Kong protesters.


********, he'd definitely love to crack down. He muses about killing millions. Nothing in his character shows he has empathy for any living thing. And using Trump and politically savvy together shows you (something).
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This reminded me of your attempts to impeach Trump.
Read the article instead of commenting on the headline. The point is that Google is equating Vaccine Safety Questions with those ridiculous beliefs -- Get it? Or are you too stoked to understand?

Google is equating vaccine denial with these ridiculous beliefs because vaccine denial is a ridiculous belief. In fact, it's even worse, because it puts kids in danger by spreading nonsense and scaring parents. If attempted manslaughter were a thing, the pediatricians who practice or indulge in this anti-vax nonsense should be charged with it. In all of our long history, this anti-vax thing is the worst part about you. You help people get sick. Doesn't that bother you at all?
Trump can afford to be politically savvy with Xi Jinping, knowing that Hong Kong is a no-win scenario for the communist government, and that senior senators and representatives in his own party are being outspoken in support of the Hong Kong protesters.

Why is this politically savvy?
You're welcome to review these documents and provide some substance to back up your claim that it is pseudoscience. Incidentally, what are your credentials to be so authoritative in your declaration that it is pseudoscience. It is also pseudoscience to say NSAIDs are the best thing you can take on a regular basis for pain and yet many MDs subscribe to this, or that high cholesterol is bad for you without examining the make up of the cholesterol and prescribing statins for the high number.




This has been debunked by many studies and metastudies. Fortunately there are fewer and fewer people who believe this nonsense. There is no link between vaccines and autism. If vaccines caused autism the data would scream this out. You don't need to be an expert to believe the conclusion of scientific research over Jenny McCarthy and Sayer Ji.


t is also pseudoscience to say NSAIDs are the best thing you can take on a regular basis for pain and yet many MDs subscribe to this, or that high cholesterol is bad for you without examining the make up of the cholesterol and prescribing statins for the high number.

Focus, focus....... fo - cus...... autism, vaccines. You are welcome.
You didn't read the article. You are totally misunderstanding this. You're really being an idiot by commenting upon something you haven't read. That's the ****ing point. They are both ridiculing it and not allowing substantive information about it. Did you go to the website with actual studies on the subject? No, because you're so ****ing arrogant you think you know it all. You're the one who is being duped. If you read my other posts, I explained I'm not anti-vax, I'm against certain vaccinations about whose safety is being questioned (and I think against is too strong a word, but I am questioning them and think people should proceed with caution about them). That's a big difference with being anti-vaxx. But apparently you're too thick to discriminate between those points of view.

I can swear as well. You’re ****ing gullible and easily misled. You’re advancing a stupid and dangerous idea. One that has no ****ing basis in science or medicine. I did get your ****ing point. But as the norm on this subject, it’s a dumb point. You should be ashamed of yourself. But you’re to ****ing delusional to see that.

Did I do it right?
Why is this politically savvy?

Because he's trying to build and maintain a rapport with Xi and keep trade discussions constructive. He's the "good cop" in this scenario. He doesn't need to push Xi on Hong Kong, and his doing so would likely play into China's hands. They're trying to blame the U.S. for stirring up the protests rather than blaming themselves.
Because he's trying to build and maintain a rapport with Xi and keep trade discussions constructive. He's the "good cop" in this scenario. He doesn't need to push Xi on Hong Kong, and his doing so would likely play into China's hands. They're trying to blame the U.S. for stirring up the protests rather than blaming themselves.

So, you meant 'diplomatically savvy', not "politically savvy".

I'm fairly sure Xi is smart enough to realize that Trump and his tam are single-handedly raising the tariffs on Chinese goods. Raising them again undercuts Trump's "good cop" status far more that being silent on Hong Kong could ever raise it. Meanwhile, Trump is again failing to stand up for human rights in the world. I see it as less savvy than you.
This has been debunked by many studies and metastudies. Fortunately there are fewer and fewer people who believe this nonsense. There is no link between vaccines and autism. If vaccines caused autism the data would scream this out. You don't need to be an expert to believe the conclusion of scientific research over Jenny McCarthy and Sayer Ji.



Instead of reading what others have written about him, for which there is huge bias because of the funding for and disinformation from Big Pharma lobbyists, why don't you read some of the studies that I linked you to. Guess you don't have time so you give up your intellectual freedom to someone else. This is a huge problem in our society and even more so with the Internet because we let others think for us. What are you afraid to read the studies because it might challenge your belief system?