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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

What this article fails to mention is that a good chunk of the money being spent, that has to be spent when any president travels, is going into Trump owned businesses.

Other than that, I agree. It's a petty thing to squabble over.
This. I would prefer Trump spend every day as president golfing, the problem is only that he is lining his own pockets while doing so.
Definitely not racist, I mean a black guy is supporting him, right?

I watch Trump rallies at times because I think it's one of the best ways to observe him at his most unfiltered and free wheeling "best". And I could not help but notice the black dude with the signs in the background, seemingly at every rally. Somebody must have profiled him somewhere, because eventually I was able to learn he was "Michael the Black Guy", and I found his webpage. Plenty of info about the guy if one googles his name. His brother convicted of murder, but Michael was acquitted, even after his brother actually described Michael's involvement. And here is a view inside the mind of Michael the Black Guy through his website:

Now if they’d just give these alt right groups the same treatment.

Are they? Honest question.

Well, this link, and others, were available in the quote I pasted from the article:


You mean, are they arresting them after working side-by-side with them to arrest left-wingers?

That was, and remains, my concern. I don't want to make statements that are simplistic, when nuanced might reveal otherwise, but while Antifa violence is certainly not the way of Gandhi, it bothers me, a great deal, that at least some law enforcement seems to feel a philosophical affinity with right wing groups that also promulgate violence. And actually side with them. I recall one of the dueling rallies where members of right wing groups were seen exchanging high fives with the police lines separating the competing groups.
His signature literally says get educated. Hes always boasting about college education.. and how everyone else who isn't is basically an inbred redneck. (not a direct quote)

I can't speak for @The Thriller, but one idea associated with Thomas Jefferson, and I believe James Madison, is that a properly functioning electorate depended on an educated electorate. I do not believe they were referring to a college education. Rather, they seemed to have in mind an electorate well versed(educated) in civics, in understanding their own government, their responsibilities as citizens, and yes, how to recognize cynical demagogues if and when they appeared in the future. I believe this latter possibility was a real concern to those original leaders. And that is how I interpret ""get educated" in @The Thriller's signature. Not, go to college, but have a well grounded understanding of civics and your responsibilities as a citizen, which includes recognizing how office seekers can manipulate the electorate.

Such an education does not require attending college.
Well, this link, and others, were available in the quote I pasted from the article:


I find this article to be very poor. It’s lacking basic follow ups to important points, makes vague statements designed to lead people down particular thoughts...

For example, why did police let him keep the knife?

Did the man he hit, press charges? Was that man part of the “scrum” this court case was about?

Being armed is not proof of wrong doing. Very poor attempt to place blame.

Did the alleged witnesses make written statements? Did they testify?

No ones been convicted yet, and if this article is completely factual, I have doubts, they should be found innocent. Based on no one being able to identify them specifically.

The black activist clearly seems to have been stabbed. But could he identify the attacker, were there witnesses? This article has nothing on that. Neither does the one linked.

It alleges that the police used his social media posts to bring charges. Such as him posting the black power sign. If true that is pretty concerning.

This article even mentioned a case against a right winger and says it’s unclear if any right wingers have charges from this rally

Extremely article biased to me.
Also, policies work with criminals all the time. Working with someone who broke a law does not absolve others from laws they may have broken.

I wonder how much of this stems from each sides willingness to work with law enforcement. I see “pigs” and “**** the police” (for examples) routinely yelled by one side not the other. Is, would, the broad antifa groups working with police? I’ve seen no indication? If they are trying are the police rejecting them? If so why not trumpet that?
I find this article to be very poor. It’s lacking basic follow ups to important points, makes vague statements designed to lead people down particular thoughts...

Extremely article biased to me.

Well, perhaps that's the case. When I googled the subject yesterday, of right wing extremism in the US, and left wing extremism in the US, I believe there were a number of returns which dealt with police bias toward right wing extremists at competing rallies. So one could simply research it further. And I did witness police exchanging high fives with right wing extremists. Right now, I'm too lazy for more google searches, although I suppose I owe you that much.
Well, perhaps that's the case. When I googled the subject yesterday, of right wing extremism in the US, and left wing extremism in the US, I believe there were a number of returns which dealt with police bias toward right wing extremists at competing rallies. So one could simply research it further. And I did witness police exchanging high fives with right wing extremists. Right now, I'm too lazy for more google searches, although I suppose I owe you that much.

Why would you owe me that? I know how the internet works. I could go down that rabbit hole if I wanted.

I’ve seen the high five video.

I still have severe questions. Not saying it isn’t happening go some degree but I’m unmoved by this vast police bias. But I’m not really posting about it other than in response to you.

If the left wing protestors want that to change they have several options they could pursue.

But whatever.
Why would you owe me that? I know how the internet works. I could go down that rabbit hole if I wanted.

I’ve seen the high five video.

I still have severe questions. Not saying it isn’t happening go some degree but I’m unmoved by this vast police bias. But I’m not really posting about it other than in response to you.

If the left wing protestors want that to change they have several options they could pursue.

But whatever.

Well, I simply meant that if I posted a very poorly reasoned article, I should be responsible for correcting such an error. So that's all I was thinking when I said "owe you". Or anyone else reading it, if it was that poorly reasoned. If I recall, I just grabbed the first thing that looked appropriate at the time.

These are older articles. If this has now been "corrected", I will post as much, or someone else can post an update...



A more recent piece. This is not specific to the circumstances involved in the competing rallies that turned violent at times in Portland, but rather the subject of extremism in general here in the United States:

Thanks Obama!

You realize this is completely different to what’s happening right now, right?

1. In 2013-2014 we saw a surge in UNACCOMPANIED children who came to the border. They were placed in these detention facilities until proper homes and families could be found.

2. Trump is purposely SEPARATING families into detention centers and increasing their wait time in them to discourage people from seeking asylum.

If your critical thinking skills are so limited that you don’t see the difference then you’re a complete imbecile.
You realize this is completely different to what’s happening right now, right?

1. In 2013-2014 we saw a surge in UNACCOMPANIED children who came to the border. They were placed in these detention facilities until proper homes and families could be found.

2. Trump is purposely SEPARATING families into detention centers and increasing their wait time in them to discourage people from seeking asylum.

If your critical thinking skills are so limited that you don’t see the difference then you’re a complete imbecile.
Again, more bad faith arguments from the usual suspects. They can't grapple with the idea that Trump's policies are creating nightmarish conditions, so all they can do is point to Obama, who was less terrible but still pretty bad on immigration.

Somehow this makes what Trump is doing OK, or something.
Again, more bad faith arguments from the usual suspects. They can't grapple with the idea that Trump's policies are creating nightmarish conditions, so all they can do is point to Obama, who was less terrible but still pretty bad on immigration.

Somehow this makes what Trump is doing OK, or something.

What is he supposed to do with the influx of people flowing to the borders? What is the great fix to stop what literally the last 4 presidents have called a border crisis?