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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread


“The order appointing me special counsel authorized us to investigate actions that could obstruct the investigation,” Mueller said. “We conducted that investigation, and we kept the office of the Acting Attorney General apprised of the progress of our work. As set forth in our report, after that investigation, if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.” (What it does say is “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

After stating that he and his colleagues couldn’t clear Trump, Mueller reiterated that they also didn’t make any determination “as to whether the President did commit a crime.” Then he explained the reasoning behind this omission. Under a long-standing Department of Justice policy, “a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office,” he said. “That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that, too, is prohibited. The special counsel’s office is part of the Department of Justice, and, by regulation, it was bound by that department policy. Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.”

learn to ****ing read @JazzyFresh
Unfair would be to use a completely false document, paid for by Hillary to weaponize the FBI to illegally spy on a Presidents advisor. Proceeded by a 3 year investigation by the same FBI that swore to do everything in it's power to keep Trump out of office.

I agree such a thing a would be unfair, so it's a good thing that never happened.
And he found Trump did nothing worth an indictment. Why don't you agree with him rather than **** on him?
That is a false narrative. In the report Mueller specifically states he could not exonerate Trump. That is Congress' job to impeach the president. He lays out several obstruction scenarios and he also mentions how the Trump administration did not fully cooperate and some witnesses he wanted to interview were not available. He said he didn't find any coordination (never used the word collusion) between the Russians and Trump group, however he mentioned how they sought information and benefitted from it. Personally, The fact that Manafort gave polling data to the Russians in key states is coordination but I am not a lawyer so perhaps it does for the criteria for breaking a law but it certainly was unethical.
No when she tore that speech up, that what she was tearing up. She was tearing up the gratitude he gave those folks. You may have enjoyed it but what she did was wrong.

If you can't understand what the message behind that tweet was you are plainly ignorant.
I see you memorize the talking points from Fox news. Your comment is simply your spin on it. Pelosi said she torn it up because she is sick of the president lying. Tearing it up had nothing to do with Pelosi being disrespectful to the people who were being honored. Trump acted unprofessionally when he refused to shake her hand. His speech was filled with misinformation and down right lies. Before the speech Trump was calling democrats, Pelosi names like one does when they are in middle school. Trump has disrespected anyone who has disagreed or gotten in his way including military people who have served this country honorable and you republicans are playing the victims crying about being disrespectful.. Give me a break.
They'll throw the word socialist out at all of them. They've done it to every Dem candidate for decades. Maybe it wouldn't stick to Bloomberg because he's basically a Republican.
what the democrats never do is explain to the GOP that there is already socialism here in America. Public schools, the military - VA hospital, GI bill, police/fire department, Social security and Medicare/Medicaid, National Parks and Prisons. I wouldn't mind a ticket of Bloomberg/Kloburcher.
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what the democrats never do is explain to the GOP that there is already socialism here in America. Public schools, the military - VA hospital, GI bill, police/fire department, Social security and Medicare/Medicaid, National Parks and Prisons. I wouldn't mind a ticket of Bloomberg/Kloburcher.
Lol how naive to think that socialism aka the complete redistribution of wealth and power is such a simple concept. How amazingly stupid.
I see you memorize the talking points from Fox news. Your comment is simply your spin on it. Pelosi said she torn it up because she is sick of the president lying. Tearing it up had nothing to do with Pelosi being disrespectful to the people who were being honored. Trump acted unprofessionally when he refused to shake her hand. His speech was filled with misinformation and down right lies. Before the speech Trump was calling democrats, Pelosi names like one does when they are in middle school. Trump has disrespected anyone who has disagreed or gotten in his way including military people who have served this country honorable and you republicans are playing the victims crying about being disrespectful.. Give me a break.
Trump honored those people... She ripped it up for her own personal gain. Those people were included in that speech and just like you she took a **** right on them by not only ripping up the papers but by sitting.
When it happened I thought Pelosi's speech tearing was a weak lame gesture, but JazzyFresh's posts about it have made me reconsider.
She's the crying about people calling her out. Funny how you openly agree it was lame. Then you don't even have the audacity to stick by your opinion.