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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

World leaders are so sophisticated in their handling of Donnie. They know that by stroking his fragile ego they can manipulate him to do what they want. Then they walk away laughing at how easy he is to play.

maybe our governors should just do the same to save the lives of their citizens.

funny thing is that he thinks these guys adore him and he is their besties. But I think trump has had the NY elites laughing at him behind his back for so long that maybe in his heart of hearts he knows that they know he is the ignorant rich snob born with a silver spoon.

when this bozo is out of office we’ll hear some awesome stories. He has positional power today so stories are suppressed because he holds onto too many levels of power of the office.

once he is an average joe with a forever tarnished brand, dwindling wealth, and a long queue of lawsuits, we’ll hear some awesome stories,
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World leaders are so sophisticated in their handling of Donnie. They know that by stroking his fragile ego they can manipulate him to do what they want. Then they walk away laughing at how easy he is to play.

maybe our governors should just do the same to save the lives of their citizens.

funny thing is that he thinks these guys adore him and he is their besties. But I think trump has had the NY elites laughing at him behind his back for so long that maybe in his heart of hearts he knows that they know he is the ignorant rich snob born with a silver spoon.

when this bozo is out of office we’ll hear some awesome stories. He has positional power today so stories are suppressed because he holds onto too many levels of power of the office.

once he is an average joe with a forever tarnished brand, dwindling wealth, and a long queue of lawsuits, we’ll hear some awesome stories,

how many trillions will have been squandered, how many millions will be dead, and how strong will our country be when that happens? He’s literally killing this country. If any other world leader had done half the **** he’s done, we would’ve already forced regime change.
Our federal government is bidding against states, who are bidding against each other, to get medical supplies.

could the lack of leadership from the White House be any more obvious?

The free enterprise system has limits. Federalize this, mandate production and price, allocate and distribute to the places in highest need.

this isn’t effin rocket science. Freakin keystone cops. This is leading to unnecessary deaths.

MAGA indeed. Winning indeed.
I would happily impeach Trump (even though I didn't like him to begin with so not really a sacrifice) if it would kick all the liberals out of Utah.

You guys just ****ing come over from more expensive, *****ly ran states like California because the cost of living is here is good and the conservative laws has attracted many companies to come here. But then you try to force your ****** policies that got you in the mess rhat you're running away from in the first place.
You guys just ****ing come over from more expensive, *****ly ran states like California because the cost of living is here is good and the conservative laws has attracted many companies to come here. But then you try to force your ****** policies that got you in the mess rhat you're running away from in the first place.

California industry was booming before COVID19, and real estate was priced so high partly because so many people wanted to live there.
I would happily impeach Trump (even though I didn't like him to begin with so not really a sacrifice) if it would kick all the liberals out of Utah.

You guys just ****ing come over from more expensive, *****ly ran states like California because the cost of living is here is good and the conservative laws has attracted many companies to come here. But then you try to force your ****** policies that got you in the mess rhat you're running away from in the first place.
Quite a generalization

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I would happily impeach Trump (even though I didn't like him to begin with so not really a sacrifice) if it would kick all the liberals out of Utah.

You guys just ****ing come over from more expensive, *****ly ran states like California because the cost of living is here is good and the conservative laws has attracted many companies to come here. But then you try to force your ****** policies that got you in the mess rhat you're running away from in the first place.
I am from Utah. This is MY ****ing state just as much as it is your state. So get over yourself. You don't own Utah. You're going to have to deal with us.


This was the opening sentence in the New York Times article that Trump "quoted":

"President Trump is a ratings hit, and some journalists and public health experts say that could be a dangerous thing. Since reviving the daily White House briefing – a practice abandoned last year by an administration that bristles at outside scrutiny – Mr. Trump and his coronavirus updates have attracted an average audience of 8.5 million on cable news ..."

And this is how Trump rendered that quote:

“President Trump is a ratings hit. Since reviving the daily White House briefing Mr. Trump and his coronavirus updates have attracted an average audience of 8.5 million on cable news ..."

Not exactly word for word!

"But Trump did not accurately quote the article and failed to mention the central point of the piece, which was that news networks were debating whether to air the conferences because the president has consistently provided the public with false or misleading information about the COVID-19 outbreak."(https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...-tv-ratings-coronavirus-briefings/2936761001/)

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What's your opinions on Biden being accused of rape? Funny(actually it's disgusting) how you only care about rape when someone affiliated with Trump is the one accused yet in a few months you're voting for the very same thing you once hated.

You sure believe Dr. Ford
Yet you love Biden

Tell me more how bad Trump is while you use the actual rape of women as a political tool but only when it fits your agenda.
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What's your opinions on Biden being accused of rape? Funny(actually it's disgusting) how you only care about rape when someone affiliated with Trump is the one accused yet in a few months you're voting for the very same thing you once hated.

You sure believe Dr. Ford
Yet you love Biden

Tell me more how bad Trump is while you use the actual rape of women as a political tool but only when it fits your agenda.

If proven in court, Biden should be held liable just like any other citizen. Easy enough.

‘Actual rape’ is for the courts. I don’t typically like any allegation that comes out 30 years after the fact be it D or R.
If proven in court, Biden should be held liable just like any other citizen. Easy enough.

‘Actual rape’ is for the courts. I don’t typically like any allegation that comes out 30 years after the fact be it D or R.
Damn it Avery, everyone has been doing so good not feeding the troll lately.

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