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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread


A week in presidential authoritarianism:
1) Says predecessor committed “treason”
2) Says former national security adviser should “go to jail” over book...
3) ... which reported president corruptly uses foreign policy to benefit campaign…
4) … and that president said journalists should be jailed or executed
5) DOJ tried to pulp book, and leaked that it might prosecute the author.
6) New head of VOA purged chiefs of four US-funded news outlets, replaced bipartisan oversight board with Trump political appointees.
7) WH may intervene to stop promotion of Army officer who testified at impeachment hearing.
8) Trump threatened protestors who might show up at rally...
9) ...and asks why opposition party "allowed to make" "fake and fraudulent ads."
10) Fired prosecutor overseeing investigations of presidential associates, tried to replace with unqualified crony.
11) President’s son does social media post in support of pro-regime conspiracy theorists
12) Trump: mail-in ballots will result in “RIGGED ELECTION”
13) As state TV warns of attack on "Western civilization"...
14) ...president retweets race-war posts...
15) ...and calls for 10-year prison terms for vandalism of statues.


A week in presidential authoritarianism:
1) Says predecessor committed “treason”
2) Says former national security adviser should “go to jail” over book...
3) ... which reported president corruptly uses foreign policy to benefit campaign…
4) … and that president said journalists should be jailed or executed
5) DOJ tried to pulp book, and leaked that it might prosecute the author.
6) New head of VOA purged chiefs of four US-funded news outlets, replaced bipartisan oversight board with Trump political appointees.
7) WH may intervene to stop promotion of Army officer who testified at impeachment hearing.
8) Trump threatened protestors who might show up at rally...
9) ...and asks why opposition party "allowed to make" "fake and fraudulent ads."
10) Fired prosecutor overseeing investigations of presidential associates, tried to replace with unqualified crony.
11) President’s son does social media post in support of pro-regime conspiracy theorists
12) Trump: mail-in ballots will result in “RIGGED ELECTION”
13) As state TV warns of attack on "Western civilization"...
14) ...president retweets race-war posts...
15) ...and calls for 10-year prison terms for vandalism of statues.

yeah I know he’s not the most conventional guy... but mah judges and tax cuts!
Biden isn't a cunning linguist himself, but Trump literally speaks in word salad. Everything is a good job or the best or we have the best or something's no good but it's still great or some form of nonsense.

Thank God he doesn't eat Grey Poupon or wear a tan suit.
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That seems like a single edged sword to me. But I don't have narcissistic personality disorder.

We’ll never see the 25th amendment applied in the case of Donald Trump. Even if were invoked, it requires 2/3 of each house of Congress if Trump refused being judged unfit for any reason, but, this argument that he continues to reenforce, that there should be less testing, may present the most justifiable reason for applying it.

The Trump Doctrine. Every president wants a doctrine named after him, in the history books forever. This is his: It is better to have lower official case numbers, with more actual spread of disease, than higher official case numbers, with less actual spread of disease.

Edit: I’m doing Trump an injustice. There are quite a few Trump Doctrines, every one a cluster**** in some way or another.

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This is what happens to a justice system when it’s packed with unqualified and corrupt political cronies.

We become more like Russia with each passing day.
The GOP bill wasn't really police reform, it was tweaking a few things here and there. It basically gave additional guidelines on use of force and no knock warrants, making lynching a federal crime (yeah, it's not already) and not using chokeholds. None of that addresses the deeper root cause.

Senators need to work across party lines and actually put together something worthwhile. I'm sick of Washington infighting and politicians on both sides acting instead of doing. Term limits for everyone please.