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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread


GOP Rep. Mike Turner said Sunday that Russian propaganda has taken hold among some of his House Republican colleagues and is even "being uttered on the House floor."

"We see directly coming from Russia ... communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor," Turner, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said in an interview on CNN's "State of the Union."

I dunno what he’s talking about, let’s ask MTG one of the biggest leaders in MAGA what she thinks.


View: https://x.com/accountablegop/status/1777363785142964668?s=46

I dunno Biden and the Dems are really old and stuff… right? Inflation and egg prices or something. I just think we should keep the house in the hands of the gop. They’re really responsible good leaders.
The Biden Administration has flipped and is now protecting Russia. For those who haven't been following the situation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has found a highly effective weapon that Russia seems unable to stop, and it has been doing real damage to Russia. It is Biden to the rescue and the US military has just informed the Ukrainians that they will stop using their newly effective weapon against Russia.

They are long range drones that are taking out Russian oil refineries in Russia. Putin's regime is funding everything through oil sales. The Ukrainians came up with a way to hamper those sales using drones that were developed entirely in Ukraine. There was one day three weeks ago where Ukraine took out 10% of Russia's refinery capacity nationwide in a single night. Either Russia doesn't have any air defense around the refineries or Russian air defense is so bad that it doesn't work against the drones.

This news is pretty new so I'm not sure what Ukraine will do. It would be different if the US Military were threatening to withhold weapons or offering to send weapons if the Ukrainians comply with the new demands to stop attacking Russia, but the US isn't sending anything either way. The Biden Administration is just making the demand that Ukraine stop attacking Russia.

The Biden Administration has flipped and is now protecting Russia. For those who haven't been following the situation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has found a highly effective weapon that Russia seems unable to stop, and it has been doing real damage to Russia. It is Biden to the rescue and the US military has just informed the Ukrainians that they will stop using their newly effective weapon against Russia.

They are long range drones that are taking out Russian oil refineries in Russia. Putin's regime is funding everything through oil sales. The Ukrainians came up with a way to hamper those sales using drones that were developed entirely in Ukraine. There was one day three weeks ago where Ukraine took out 10% of Russia's refinery capacity nationwide in a single night. Either Russia doesn't have any air defense around the refineries or Russian air defense is so bad that it doesn't work against the drones.

This news is pretty new so I'm not sure what Ukraine will do. It would be different if the US Military were threatening to withhold weapons or offering to send weapons if the Ukrainians comply with the new demands to stop attacking Russia, but the US isn't sending anything either way. The Biden Administration is just making the demand that Ukraine stop attacking Russia.

Interesting. I think that’s a great strategy for Ukraine.

“Those attacks could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation,” Austin told the Senate Armed Services committee Tuesday. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight.”

I would think those refineries would be considered “tactical” and “operational” targets.
Biden administration didn't make the demand that Ukraine stop attacking Russia.
A statement like that would only be posted by a partisan troll and any one who believes a statement like that is an idiot.

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Interesting. I think that’s a great strategy for Ukraine.

“Those attacks could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation,” Austin told the Senate Armed Services committee Tuesday. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight.”

I would think those refineries would be considered “tactical” and “operational” targets.
It's also been pretty standard tactical warfare for centuries. Take out the enemy's supply lines. Means for energy production and funding qualifies. Those are great targets frankly. If they have this drone capability they should be going after electricity generation and oil refinery as well as the oil fields directly.
Interesting. I think that’s a great strategy for Ukraine.

“Those attacks could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation,” Austin told the Senate Armed Services committee Tuesday. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight.”

I would think those refineries would be considered “tactical” and “operational” targets.
Refineries were certainly considered tactical and operational targets by the US military in prior wars. The main strategy against Rommel in Africa was to run him out of fuel. The cracking of the Enigma code by the allies was foremost used to intercept fuel shipments.

The Biden administration is terrified of the reappearance of those little "I did that" stickers of Biden pointing on gas pumps. He is refusing to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for fear it will spike gas prices, and he's bullying Ukraine into stopping their effective strategy for the same reason.

Biden administration didn't make the demand that Ukraine stop attacking Russia.
A statement like that would only be posted by a partisan troll and any one who believes a statement like that is an idiot.
Yes, the Biden administration did demand that Ukraine stop attacking Russia. Early in the war he authorized the transfer of weapons, but said they were not to be used against targets on Russian soil. The weapons that were sent were the shorter range versions that generally could not reach Russia proper.

Later, Ukraine was supplying some Russian dissidents who were attacking Belgorod in Russia. The US military told them they had to stop, and the US military stopped providing intelligence to Ukraine until Ukraine pulled them back from Russian territory.

Now the Biden administration has demanded the cessation of drone attacks against oil infrastructure in Russia. It was fine when the drones were tiny little things that did no real damage but the moment the Ukrainians figured out how to do damage then the Biden administration stepped in to stop it.

The Biden administration is allowing Ukraine to attack Russians, but not Russia. Sorry if that ruins the image you have of Biden.
Again, The Biden administration is not telling Ukraine to stop attacking Russia. This is partisan hack trolling only.

I'm gonna need a link with a statement from the Biden administration with the exact words "Ukraine, you better not attack attack Russia or their military".

Not "dont attack these specific things in this specific way or don't use these specific weapons we are providing you in this way"

Needs to say that the US has told Ukraine to leave Russia and Russian military alone completely and entirely.
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Again, The Biden administration is not telling Ukraine to stop attacking Russia. This is partisan hack trolling only.

I'm gonna need a link with a statement from the Biden administration with the exact words "Ukraine, you better not attack attack Russia or their military".

Not "dont attack these specific things in this specific way or don't use these specific weapons we are providing you in this way"

Needs to say that the US has told Ukraine to leave Russia and Russian military alone completely and entirely.
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Nice attempt at moving the goalposts by roping in prohibitions against attacking the Russian military, which is something I never said or even implied. Ukraine is allowed to attack Russians in Ukraine, and that includes members of the Russian military. It is Russia, the territory of the state of Russia, that the Biden administration has taken action to protect, and I have provided specifics into what those actions are with links to articles with direct statements made by members of the Biden administration. There is no connecting of dots needed. You can believe the words of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin or you can shut your eyes, plug your ears, and sing la-la-la while pretending the Biden administration hasn't taken action to protect Russian territory.
If I get punched then I'm going to ATTACK back. Which is what Ukraine is and has been doing. ATTACKING back.

Does the US want Ukraine to invade Russia and conquer them? Attack them in an offensive manner? Nope but that would be some goal post moving if the original statement was that Biden is telling Ukraine not to attack Russia. I have seen plenty of video evidence of Ukraine attacking Russia in self defense. The Biden administration actually encourages this. Hence the money and weapons that have been given to ukraine to defend themselves (attack) against Russia

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Likely is a political calculation by Biden, certainly in part at least. For the November election. I wonder who Zelensky and Ukraine are rooting for, Biden or Trump? I wonder which one would abandon Ukraine altogether? No, I don’t wonder. Tough one though.

Biden wants to be re-elected. On the other hand, Zelensky does not want Trump, and I’m sure Zelensky understands political calculations. Not ideal, though. And it’s Trump and MAGA that are actually chumming up to Putin, so these things are relative to the entire equation. If Ukraine can hold on, and Trump 2.0 is the reality in Jan. 2025, that’s a much worse situation for Ukraine. If they get that far.

Likely is a political calculation by Biden, certainly in part at least. For the November election. I wonder who Zelensky and Ukraine are rooting for, Biden or Trump? I wonder which one would abandon Ukraine altogether? No, I don’t wonder. Tough one though.
To think as you do requires total amnesia of Trump’s record of international political achievements while he was in office. Trump’s time in office was the ONLY stretch in the last two decades where Russia didn’t invade a neighbor.

You act as if Zelensky wants war. You act as if seeing their young men drafted and killed is what makes Ukraine happy. Zelensky can’t publicly say he wants an offramp but I guarantee you that he does. If big daddy USA steps in to impose an end to the war with conditions that don’t make Ukraine whole, it gives Zelensky the cover to complain loudly that he wanted to fight until every inch of Ukraine was restored but he had no choice but to live with the awful deal. It gives Zelensky and Ukraine someone to blame while stopping the meat grinder.

The Biden administration is happy to run the meat grinder “as long as it takes” to accomplish a thing they won’t define, won’t provide the necessary tools to accomplish, and will even interfere to make Ukraine’s own homegrown efforts less effective. Biden isn’t a friend of Ukraine. He’s a friend of war.
I wish Biden wouldn't have invaded Ukraine in the first place but he loves a meat grinder so he sent our military out to invade Ukraine. Then decided that wasn't enough meat so he sent American troops to attack Israeli citizens and so he could then send in our military to kill Palestinians.

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To think as you do requires total amnesia of Trump’s record of international political achievements while he was in office. Trump’s time in office was the ONLY stretch in the last two decades where Russia didn’t invade a neighbor.

You act as if Zelensky wants war. You act as if seeing their young men drafted and killed is what makes Ukraine happy. Zelensky can’t publicly say he wants an offramp but I guarantee you that he does. If big daddy USA steps in to impose an end to the war with conditions that don’t make Ukraine whole, it gives Zelensky the cover to complain loudly that he wanted to fight until every inch of Ukraine was restored but he had no choice but to live with the awful deal. It gives Zelensky and Ukraine someone to blame while stopping the meat grinder.

The Biden administration is happy to run the meat grinder “as long as it takes” to accomplish a thing they won’t define, won’t provide the necessary tools to accomplish, and will even interfere to make Ukraine’s own homegrown efforts less effective. Biden isn’t a friend of Ukraine. He’s a friend of war.
You failed to mention any achievement by Trump in regard to international politics. You pointed out a weak coincidence...
You failed to mention any achievement by Trump in regard to international politics. You pointed out a weak coincidence...
At least trump called the president of Ukraine and tried to blackmail him into investigating Trump's political opponent.

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You failed to mention any achievement by Trump in regard to international politics. You pointed out a weak coincidence...
Trump simultaneously kept Russia in their box, kept Iran in their box, and brought the Abraham Accords into existence. For as many faults as Trump has, and he does have many, he had the best record on foreign policy achievements of any US President since the end of the cold war.
I wish Biden wouldn't have invaded Ukraine in the first place but he loves a meat grinder so he sent our military out to invade Ukraine. Then decided that wasn't enough meat so he sent American troops to attack Israeli citizens and so he could then send in our military to kill Palestinians.
No need to send in American troops. Biden encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine by making a public announcement that was interpreted by many that Russia would suffer no consequences beyond imposed sanctions for anything deemed a "minor incursion.". With Iran, he relaxed sanctions and removed Iranian proxy groups from designated terror lists. Make no mistake, Ukrainians and Palestinian civilians are dying today because of Joe Biden. He is a friend of war.
At least trump called the president of Ukraine and tried to blackmail him into investigating Trump's political opponent.

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What Zelenskyy needs is the sort of degrading video footage of Trump that Putin and the FSB have. One can only wonder what it is...

I wish some on here could make up their minds:
1. Is Biden a dementia ridden dove?
2. Or angry war mongerer?
He cannot be both.

The same game was played against Clinton and Obama, both were incompetent, weak, and stupid while being ingenious, corrupt, and leading a globalist deep state against the poor defenseless pure republicans, the true Americans of the world.

If Biden is so weak and Trump is so smart and strong, why did Biden kick his *** in the 2020 election?

And I love it when people talk about Trump’s foreign policy accomplishments. If Putin fears Trump, why would he potentially be looking to raise oil prices to hurt Biden’s reelection chances? Trolls on here kinda let the cat out of the bag unintentionally.

When asked specifics about Trump’s foreign policy, Are we talking about ripping up the Iranian deal which has forced them to develop a nuclear weapon faster? The time he was clearly whipped by Putin in Helsinki and sided with him over our own CIA? Or the time that he let Russia hack our systems and then blamed Russia?

It’s easy to claim that Russia wasn’t invading other countries while Trump was president. Why would Putin invade anybody when he was getting what he wanted through the Trump administration anyway? Trump was so weak and limp, he was like a pathetic scared child when threatened over lunch money. Why would a bully need to beat up the child if the child willingly gave the bully everything he wanted?
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