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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

More Russian propaganda. Isn’t this amazing? Trumpers are repeating putin’s words.

“In 2008, Putin told a surprised George W. Bush that “Ukraine is not a country””

I'm guessing your IQ matches my shoe size.

Russian Propaganda = Not wanting a first nuclear strike on the table for Ukraine/Russia situation.

Liberal millennials are morons. If this was 2002, Liberals would be up in arms with a first strike nuclear option on the table. What happened to these morons?
Did… you just type that with a straight face?

Is @sirkickyass still around? Id love to get his insights in this situation.
HItler's remains...... skeletal I suppose by now....... are one thing. His ideas, his "kind of people", yah there are some remnants.

Some say the current government of Iran and the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood lhave roots going back to Hitler's regime. People who believe stuff like Hitler did, not exactly like the City of London bankers. Not exactly like Marx.

Soros was a survivor because he used his head and played top noitch games with authorities. He gave away other people's lives to save his own. And he made money doing that. In some ways he was like Hitler in the way he used power and people.
Did… you just type that with a straight face?

Is @sirkickyass still around? Id love to get his insights in this situation.
Kicky is the one with the zombie garb. I bet he's pretty busy, but you can call him in if you need help. His point of view would expectedly be similar to Jon Huntsman's, who knows a lot but is Deep State friendly, meaning a bit jingoistic and rah rah all western style City of London globalist.

I find myself quite annoyed by Mark Levin and other branches of "Patriotic" sorts who see Russia and Putin as "The Devil". He has made himself a "nationalist" Russian more than a globalist, and has his own deals on the table where ever he can get himself a seat.

Russia was an important ally to the US during the Revolution, the War of 1812 (which we started, imagine that, by attacking a fort in Canada), and the Civil War. The Russians stopped the Brits from messing with us on the West Coast and adding some Provinces to Canada.. The French helped us in the Atlantic. The Brits wanted to break our blockade of the South. There was some notion afoot about splitting the US so Britain could just retake Louisiana and the Mississippi. That was why Lincoln thought our only chance was Union.

Of course I said that with a straight face. But I would have made a joke of it if I had thought of it as Hitler rising from the dead, probably as a Dracula apparition.

I do think the Third Reich still has some backers. A bit frazzled, and maybe not exactly the same ideology, but with the same sort of vision of a "better world" under their management.

Might explain Joe Biden's predilection for KKK kingpins like Sen. Byrd as his fav people. Or Hillary's fascination with racist J. William Fulbright.

Pretty sure the best defense against such charges is the accusation of the accusers of the same and worst. Which is our daily fare.
Perfect. Not to mention that Soros is a Holocaust survivor. Why would zombie Hitler and a Holocaust survivor be working together over overthrowing next putin’s puppet in Ukraine and empower a pro western democracy leader?

Also, can we put Soros in charge of our front office? The dude seems to be everywhere nowhere at the same time. He’s so powerful to overthrow government, invent Covid, invent the vaccine for Covid, and rig the 2016 and 2020 elections both for and against republicans. If he had been GM I bet we’d have an athletic 4 to neutralize players like Pushoff P, KD, and Paul George. No way Soros would’ve taken Udoka. There’s just no way.
Damn thriller. Thats a classic post.
Damn thriller. Thats a classic post.
Nobody says Soros is stupid.

Hell, with Satan whispering in his ear and bossing the show, he should be damn smart.

Look, some people think he's evil. A lot of religious people looking at world events and Bible prophecy are trying to pin the AntiChrist label on somebody. Libs in here are essentially saying it's Putin. Not much different to say it's Soros. I'd look for a smiling inscrutable Chinese pretending to be the janitor, maybe.

Hillary and Obama and whoever is filling David Rockefeller's niche. No shortage of people who might be causing all our troubles. Maybe all of us.
Soros evil? Putin Antichrist? Hillary and Obama?

This thread just got really weird. I don’t even know where to begin.
NGL laser-eye Hitler is terrifying.
Isn't Soros like 90+ years old? Emperor Palpatine perhaps?

We've been predicting the endtimes for ages yet it's almost like those prophecies are fictional much like LOTR or Harry Potter.
Isn't Soros like 90+ years old? Emperor Palpatine perhaps?

We've been predicting the endtimes for ages yet it's almost like those prophecies are fictional much like LOTR or Harry Potter.
Or a round earth, amirite?
I'm guessing your IQ matches my shoe size.

Russian Propaganda = Not wanting a first nuclear strike on the table for Ukraine/Russia situation.

Liberal millennials are morons. If this was 2002, Liberals would be up in arms with a first strike nuclear option on the table. What happened to these morons?

I’ve never heard anyone call Putin the Antichrist. Has anyone else here?

Soros evil? Putin Antichrist? Hillary and Obama?

This thread just got really weird. I don’t even know where to begin.

But this time it’s true! Just you wait!

Are you so weak, that you cant answer how Millennial Liberals became the warmongers of the 21st century?

I bet your (blank) is like (blank).
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Are you so weak, that you cant answer how Millennial Liberals became the warmongers of the 21st century?

I bet your (blank) is like (blank).
Earlier in this thread the anti=Putin comments of sloberals ranked right up there with Mark Levin's.

You are right that the hate speech of liberals commenting against less indoctrinated sorts, the rhetorical over-reach, is wild. I suspect it's intentional.

And it's reached the war-mongering level. Looks to me like even Biden is calling for Ukraine to just kiss the Russian ring. while the CFR is begging us not to let Ukraine get just rolled. CFR is chock full of militarists.

Biden isn't going to challenge what Russia does. Russia is demonstrating its national position in the region vs. a tail-tucked USA/EU. Looks like multilateralism on the rise to me.

It does have some echo to Chamberlain's "Peace in Our Time".

I turn to a socialist for wisdom here........ Ambrose Bierce, who was fool enough nevertheless to give his life for the Mexican Revolution.

PEACE, n. In international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting.

O, what's the loud uproar assailing
Mine ears without cease?
'Tis the voice of the hopeful, all-hailing
The horrors of peace.

Ah, Peace Universal; they woo it—
Would marry it, too.
If only they knew how to do it
'Twere easy to do.

They're working by night and by day
On their problem, like moles.
Have mercy, O Heaven, I pray,
On their meddlesome souls!

Ro Amil

And, also........

WAR, n. A by-product of the arts of peace. The most menacing political condition is a period of international amity. The student of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may justly boast himself inaccessible to the light. "In time of peace prepare for war" has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means, not merely that all things earthly have an end—that change is the one immutable and eternal law—but that the soil of peace is thickly sown with the seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination and growth. It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his "stately pleasure dome"—when, that is to say, there were peace and fat feasting in Xanadu—that he

heard from afar
Ancestral voices prophesying war.

One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable. Let us have a little less of "hands across the sea," and a little more of that elemental distrust that is the security of nations. War loves to come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide the night.


Putin a True Russian Patriot.

If Trump is a U.S. Patriot then yes, Putin is a Russian Patriot.

Putin rose to power by murdering apartment buildings full of innocent Russians and blaming it on Muslims.

Putin is a criminal not just because of what he has done to the U.S., but also because of what he has done to Russia and the people of Russia.

get off his junk already
This is like those Mad Libs I loved doing as a kid. Those were hilarious especially when you make them super dirty.
If they were anything like mine then this would read "I bet your *** is like fart."
It’s weird how some of you bemoan war and then blame Biden for provoking it. As if he’s the one instigating war by invading Ukraine and Russia is just some innocent and powerless actor. Listen guys, I know the Russian propaganda you consumed in the trump era gave you warm fuzzies about Orange god king. I know the bots you interact with online told you stuff you liked to hear. Feeling like you’re part of a community is important.

But being anti-America and pro Putin isn’t good. If putin can merely proclaim Ukraine part of Russia and any American support of Ukraine’s rightful sovereignty is deemed, “warmongering”, then what’s stopping putin from invading the rest of Eastern Europe?

Putin is arguably the world’s worst dictator. We shouldn’t want him to succeed. Ukraine is a liberal democracy in Eastern Europe who has suffered greatly in the past from Russian atrocity. We should want it to succeed.
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Putin a True Russian Patriot.

If Trump is a U.S. Patriot then yes, Putin is a Russian Patriot.

Putin rose to power by murdering apartment buildings full of innocent Russians and blaming it on Muslims.

Putin is a criminal not just because of what he has done to the U.S., but also because of what he has done to Russia and the people of Russia.

get off his junk already
The Russian apartment building bombings instigated by the FSB is just chilling. Putin was killing off his own citizens to solidify his control over the country. Then he poisoned an FSB officer who told the truth. Putin is just horrible.

I just don’t understand how any warm blooded American could cheer for the guy. Is it because they’re caught up in Russian propaganda? Is it because they think the troll farms they interact with are their real friends? Is it because they’re trying to be intellectual or counter culture by cheering against America and for Russia? I just don’t get it. Putin is awful. We shouldn’t want him to succeed.