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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

Hear me out (since you heard fish out).

Protecting our allies is one thing. Being the world's police force is another.
Ukraine is weak - but why? They have people, they have resources. Why aren't they stronger militarily, especially with a neighbor like Russia?
Taiwan... well, that's just rough.

We need to get Russia and China really hating each other. Fighting each other would be ideal. Get the two bullies in the neighborhood to pay attention to each other.
Hear me out. What would happen negatively to the US if russia invaded ukraine and china invaded taiwan and the US just stayed out of it and let it happen?
Then the next US President inherits a much more complicated world.

There would be both economic and military shocks if China were to take Taiwan but it has a feeling of inevitability.

I don't see Russia taking the Ukraine. It is possible they may take a chunk near the border but even that isn't super likely. If Russia did roll in, expect things to get really tense between the US and Germany. Russia has an economy that is smaller than Italy and relies heavily on the export of natural gas to finance their government. They supply 30% of all the natural gas used in Europe. Germany is Russia's biggest customer and Russia built a pipeline directly to them called Nord Stream 2. Germany needs the gas and Russia needs to sell the gas. The United States forced Germany to put in writing in the treaty allowing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that the pipeline would be shut down if Russia invaded Ukraine. I doubt the invasion would be more than 5 minutes old before we were on the phone to Germany to force them to make good on their promise even though they desperately would not want to do so.
Hear me out (since you heard fish out).

Protecting our allies is one thing. Being the world's police force is another.
Ukraine is weak - but why? They have people, they have resources. Why aren't they stronger militarily, especially with a neighbor like Russia?
Taiwan... well, that's just rough.

We need to get Russia and China really hating each other. Fighting each other would be ideal. Get the two bullies in the neighborhood to pay attention to each other.
There was a treaty between the US and Russia that the Ukraine would be neutral and non-military, and no a member of NATO. Russia would not have agreed to that except they figured the Ukraine would (wink wink) be in their pocket. We got the nukes removed, and that's the price we paid. Ukraine has had pro-Russian governance generally until 2013. When we stood by and let some European thugs aligned with the remnants of Hitler, under George Soros' financing, do the coup in U kraine, we effectively broke that promise. It became the obvious goal to get Ukraine into NATO. We broke our promise to Russia.

I had some hope for real independence in Ukraine, but Joe Biden stopped the reform movement and allowed corrupt interests to go unprosecuted. Trump needed Zelensky's help, and would have helped that dreform under non-aligned Zelensky, a political outsider with sincere
We would do well to honor our word to the Russians, nix the Ukraine NATO deal, and help with the reform politics that's trying
Then the next US President inherits a much more complicated world.

There would be both economic and military shocks if China were to take Taiwan but it has a feeling of inevitability.

I don't see Russia taking the Ukraine. It is possible they may take a chunk near the border but even that isn't super likely. If Russia did roll in, expect things to get really tense between the US and Germany. Russia has an economy that is smaller than Italy and relies heavily on the export of natural gas to finance their government. They supply 30% of all the natural gas used in Europe. Germany is Russia's biggest customer and Russia built a pipeline directly to them called Nord Stream 2. Germany needs the gas and Russia needs to sell the gas. The United States forced Germany to put in writing in the treaty allowing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that the pipeline would be shut down if Russia invaded Ukraine. I doubt the invasion would be more than 5 minutes old before we were on the phone to Germany to force them to make good on their promise even though they desperately would not want to do so.
you seem to know more about this than I do.

If we are very worried about China, we should build better relations with Russia. Putin lived for years in Germany, and I see German-Russian alliance as something they will have. Pretty damn sure Germany isn't gonna shut down that pipeline no matter what.
As if we need more proof that half of the R's are traitors.
I disagree with your idea that if an American doesn't support international interventionism then that American is a traitor. I'm not pacifist, but since when did it become traitorous to not yearn for a war in a far off land that we can involve ourselves in?
I disagree with your idea that if an American doesn't support international interventionism then that American is a traitor. I'm not pacifist, but since when did it become traitorous to not yearn for a war in a far off land that we can involve ourselves in?

Ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters in the world. It's the second largest country in Europe, behind Russia. It's also a sovereign country whose populace(41 million) overthrew the pro-Putin government in 2014. There are many reasons it's vital not to hand over Ukraine to Putin. Those who support Tucker and his ilk are traitorous on many merits, including propping up Putin. Putin knows that because of Trump supporters he can probably get away with the most important land grab of the last 100+ years.
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No one is talking about direct military intervention by the U.S. in Ukraine. It's like someone in this thread has no idea of the context of the posts they are responding to.
Ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters in the world. It's the second largest country in Europe, behind Russia. It's also a sovereign country whose populace(41 million) overthrew the pro-Putin government in 2014. There are many reasons it's vital not to hand over Ukraine to Putin. Those who support Tucker and his ilk are traitorous on many merits, including propping up Putin. Putin knows that because of Trump supporters he can probably get away with the most important land grab of the last 100+ years.
Trump isn't the US President. If Putin is sensing an opportunity stemming from American weakness, his gaze is likely centered on a figure a bit higher and more current. That said, I think you are completely wrong in believing Putin is going to take over Ukraine. As I said earlier, there is an outside chance he takes a chunk of borderlands where there are a large population of ethnic Russians, but 80% of Ukraine is not ethnically Russian. Putin is very aware that Russia is not strong enough to quell that many Ukrainians. Putin isn't a moron. He knows if he did that the boys at the CIA would be jumping for joy as they figured out how to get weapons to Ukrainian freedom fighters. Russia isn't going to take Ukraine because it would be the end of Russia.
Trump isn't the US President. If Putin is sensing an opportunity stemming from American weakness, his gaze is likely centered on a figure a bit higher and more current. That said, I think you are completely wrong in believing Putin is going to take over Ukraine. As I said earlier, there is an outside chance he takes a chunk of borderlands where there are a large population of ethnic Russians, but 80% of Ukraine is not ethnically Russian. Putin is very aware that Russia is not strong enough to quell that many Ukrainians. Putin isn't a moron. He knows if he did that the boys at the CIA would be jumping for joy as they figured out how to get weapons to Ukrainian freedom fighters. Russia isn't going to take Ukraine because it would be the end of Russia.

Anyone calling people who don't support Ukraine traitors to the USA are just wildly off the farm.

If Putin aimed to reorganize the USSR he would likely do it by building popular support in the non-Russian former members of the USSR, say something like organizing revolutionary cells and contriving to divide the Ukrainians while he stands by and smiles and offers some help to settle things down.

Trump supported Ukraine independence and supplied better military defensive materiel than Obama did. Trump would not have given the Russian pipeline the green light. Germany is more and more isolated from the rest of NATO and more and more pro-Russian.
I love how we talk about this as if putin and Russia have zero responsibility in this. We treat the world’s worst dictator like a spoiled child. Does he ever change and act more responsibly? We cave to his every whim and he becomes more emboldened. He’s a dictator who takes advantage of all the patience the west affords. It’s infuriating.
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Tucker and Fox News spewing Russia propaganda is just so *chef’s kiss* they did it throughout the mueller probe, impeachment and the 2020 campaign. So why wouldn’t they do it now?

I can’t wait to hear years from now that Russian oligarchs had been bankrolling Tucker and the Murdoch family for years. Just so so so on brand. Pretend to be populists, air white grievance, all while enjoying the money of rich elites in your elitist east coast neighborhoods far far far away from the dirty dumpy people that you pretend to care about. Just so on brand.

Seriously though, the right’s obsession with Hungary and Russia stems from this weird fetish with dictators who they think instill white Christian supremacy in their country. It comes from this desire to remake America into a homogeneous and patriarchal and straight society once again. It’s gross and ultimately will fail.

I found this a good read years ago. Holds true more today than when it was first written:

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Trump supported Ukraine independence and supplied better military defensive materiel than Obama did.
I can’t believe the amount of times I’ve seen this exact same thing quoted on ksl, Dnews, and twitter. Is there like a one stop shop where I can find talking points too?!

This is hilarious given the context of the situation.

Congress passed measures to help bolster Ukraine’s defense. Trump withheld that aid and demanded Ukraine’s president start an investigation of Biden and his son. “I’d like you to do a favor though.” Trump begrudgingly let the aid through once they couldn’t withhold it any longer. Why? Because it was politically untenable to withhold the aid and a whistleblower complaint had been filed. Which took us to the first impeachment. Remember???

Cmon folks. We’re not all as stupid as you are. Many of us remember 2019 still.

Sometimes, it takes a comedian to show how obviously corrupt and immoral trump was. And how stupid some of you our country have become. Trump broke your brains or maybe your brains were already broken so that’s why you liked Trump:
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I love how we talk about this as if putin and Russia have zero responsibility in this. We treat the world’s worst dictator like a spoiled child. Does he ever change and act more responsibly? We cave to his every whim and he becomes more emboldened. He’s a dictator who takes advantage of all the patience the west affords. It’s infuriating.
don't be an idiot who tries to claim Putin should not have Russian values or Russian national interests at least in the back of his head whatever he may say publicly. I understand a little Russian, I can at least listen to Russian language news (propaganda?) and know what he is saying. And know when our news (propaganda?) takes a spin with it.

Pretty undeniable what's going on with the Ukraine and Russia........ and that we are meddling there bigtime, and our news is extremely slanted.

Western-based political activists with Western financial backing...... some say Hitler remnants in Eastern Europe with Soros backing, successfully overturned a pro-Russian Ukrainian government in 2013-4. Some say this "fascist" government began a genocidal program in the Donbass where there is a large local Russian ethnic population. Some say Russia "invaded" to counter that, some say Russia, alarmed with a new hostile Ukraine government so near it's naval and other vital military posts in the border area on the east of Ukraine, went "ballistic", and took part of Ukraine, a part with a large Russian ethnicity. Whether the Russian ethnic people of the Donbass are defending themselves against Ukrainian genocide is something debatable, but it's actually secondary.

We had a treaty with Russia, essentially a vital agreement underlying the START treaty under which Russia decommissioned its nukes in Ukraine, that the Ukraine would not become part of NATO nor a part of a new "USSR:". We turned a blind eye to the western involvement in the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and installing a new Ukrainian government that was wanting to become part of NATO.

It is my impression that the present government is not entirely under that Soros-backed fascist movement. The people voted the fascists out, in part. Zelensky was an "outsider" who wanted reform against the corruption that was/is running much of the government.

That corruption is closely allied/entwined with our own, quite largely connected with corporate interests that run both ways...... to us, to various western interests, and to Russian interests. Welcome to globalism, folks. Worldwide corruption.

Thrillers little dem schill comedian has some pretty good stuff, for laughs. But we also have Biden on his CFR speech, which doubtless cost some CFR member his membership, where he openly bragged about threatening to withhold US $1B if anyone tried to touch his son Hunter's gig with the gas company. Trump was a small time player if that compared to both Hillary and Biden . The schill comedian ignored about 100X that could be juxtaposed to make Hillary or Biden look bad. But the real baddie is Obama, still. His work at "community organization" in unparalleled, and whoever else we could know about is likely, even now, taking hints from The Master. If so, still, Obama is an idiot, really.

We violated our agreement and treaty with Russia. Putin on the occasion took a nationalist view that the UN was not fit to be the world government, saying it was more like "no law" than "new law" because treaties apparently meant nothing when Western thugs wanted their way. Since then the nuke treaty has gone by the wayside, and Russia has demonstrated a new supersonic missile capable of getting nukes anywhere on a first strike basis, and now China has essentially the same nuke capacity.

I don't think the CFR folks understand what has happened. And if Obama is still a player in any of this, I don't think he understands either. But it has happened because they are drunk with arrogance and corrupt as hell.

It means our hegemony on the new globalism is fatally flawed. Our corporate interests don't know yet what has happened.

Neither Russia nor China believes anymore in Karl Marx, except as a sort of toolbox for manipulating people. They know our highest ranks don't believe it either. They are fundamentally looking at their own interests and opportunities. They will break ranks with Western-controlled "globalism" and either take it over entirely, or break it up. American weakness will be their green light. They may be more masterful at their corruption, or at least may not be as vulnerable if exposed........;. but they have no delusions deranging their expansive ideals of world governance, as western "globalists" do.

But, hell, who knows. Maybe this is all just part of the new multilateral world order where we are a third world rathole where the immigration Pied Piper is bringing all the world's poorest people for some kind of extermination event, like a massive nuke strike on our "sanctuary cities".

Can't rule out something like that running in the head of a top dog sociopath, as crazy as that is.

In the last analysis, the US Constituion is all that could possibly prevent such insanity blowing up this damn world. Perhaps you may argue that's it's possible for representative government responsive to their people just might still manage to do that, but I argue that a few, or a single really powerful unhinged sociopath, the only kind of mentality that could ever really become that powererful, or come close to it, almost certainly will be that deranged.

Nice talk about social justice, "green" world, and all that. But socialism always comes out with sociopath top dog management. No way to stop that, except private property, personal rights, protection against overbearing governance. If you want to be nice, just do it yourself. You treat your neighbors good. You keep your place clean and safe. Maybe some deranged people will still blow up their garage somehow, but at least they can't blow up the whole world unless they can get a government they can think is their own.
. some say Hitler remnants in Eastern Europe with Soros backing, successfully overturned a pro-Russian Ukrainian government in 2013-4.
Did… you just type that with a straight face?

Is @sirkickyass still around? Id love to get his insights in this situation.
Did… you just type that with a straight face?

Is @sirkickyass still around? Id love to get his insights in this situation.
Remnants of someone have the ability to do stuff? So like ashes of my dead grandpa could throw the ball around with me in the yard again? Cool
Remnants of someone have the ability to do stuff? So like ashes of my dead grandpa could throw the ball around with me in the yard again? Cool
Perfect. Not to mention that Soros is a Holocaust survivor. Why would zombie Hitler and a Holocaust survivor be working together over overthrowing next putin’s puppet in Ukraine and empower a pro western democracy leader?

Also, can we put Soros in charge of our front office? The dude seems to be everywhere nowhere at the same time. He’s so powerful to overthrow government, invent Covid, invent the vaccine for Covid, and rig the 2016 and 2020 elections both for and against republicans. If he had been GM I bet we’d have an athletic 4 to neutralize players like Pushoff P, KD, and Paul George. No way Soros would’ve taken Udoka. There’s just no way.