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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

We did have a smart and young president. But he was too black for a large segment of the population.
Not really. I mean he presided over 2 terms. Cant do more than that right?
Not really. I mean he presided over 2 terms. Cant do more than that right?
I didn’t say the majority of the population though. I said for a large segment of the population he was too black. I don’t think we see the hyper culture/race wars and Donald Trump climbing down his escalator to spew white supremacy without Obama. Trump imo was pure white backlash against Obama and seeing a black person in “their White House.” Which is why they decided to “take the country back” with a white d bag who promised to “Make America White errrr Great again.”

And without trump, I don’t think you get Biden.

Had Republicans embraced someone else in 2016 I doubt you get Biden. Had democrats embraced a POC, woman, or a gay person to be their candidate in 2020, I think we’d be looking at a second Trump term.

The younger candidates, candidates of different races, and candidates of different sexual orientation were seen as just too risky.
Wut now, do you seriously think, at this time, Putin gives a flying rat’s *** what Lindsey kuk Graham has to say?
Absolutely Putin does. This gives his propaganda apparatus a week’s worth of material. American senators shouldn’t be giving Russian propaganda free material. To understand this you need to understand how this will be spun in Russia. “Western Nazis demand assassination of our dear leader. See! NATO and the west hate us! They disrespect us! Now let’s stop protesting and rally around the flag to defeat the western Nazis in Ukraine!”
What is interesting is this is probably a very viable tactic. Get the full budgets of NATO involved and offer the entire Russian army citizenship and $150k USD to defect to any NATO state. I bet you get more than a few interested parties.

Offer them all tracts of land in Australia. They can be neighbors with @Rubashov

45 grand wont even buy a car park down here.
Not sure what that link proves. Trump’s most ardent media supporter breaking with him? Also, assassination from within Russia, I’m good with it
Not sure it was intended to prove anything. It's an opinion piece and it was to help you become more educated on the subject.
45 grand wont even buy a car park down here.
No no no, they get the land for free. You know because you Aussies are so generous and want to have Russian soldiers living in your outback.

And not the steak house.
No no no, they get the land for free. You know because you Aussies are so generous and want to have Russian soldiers living in your outback.

And not the steak house.

Think there was definitely a missed opportunity for a 2nd wave of European immigration in 1992, now all we'd get is useless kids and members of the Russian Mafia.

Still we should be welcoming in young women from the Ukraine with open arms...
Think there was definitely a missed opportunity for a 2nd wave of European immigration in 1992, now all we'd get is useless kids and members of the Russian Mafia.

Still we should be welcoming in young women from the Ukraine with open arms...
I just kicked all my kids out of the house. I have an extra bedroom that could accommodate oh 4 young women, say 18-26, because, you know, the room is already set up for that.
Good rebuttal of the same nationalism babe was parroting earlier.

Sorry, but immigration to the United States isn’t the same as what’s happening in Ukraine. It’s not comparable at all.
I never made it an equjivalence. I said the "open border" with Mexico in regards to illegal immigration supports modern slavery and human trafficking. I think I can expand that list. With drug trafficking from Mexico we have a very high death rate with Fetanil in some drugs. I more dangerous fetanil some think is supplied from China. The human smuggling is lucrative dbecause the cartels have sufficient enforcers on the groung throughout the USA that they can collect enormous "debts" "owed" the cartels when the workers get jobs. This is a modern equjivalent of slavery.

I said no one should believe "progressives" from out internal movement really carfe about human life or human liberty so lang as their "cause" endorsed illegal immigration.

It's all about the agenda.

What is the agenda? Most people could easily compile a list from current media endorsements of causes, most of which are believed as some way to "save the world" with increased political power to governments, government programs for all kinds of things. Etc.

Endorsements of absolute government power is, in my view, an endorsement of leaders like Putin, and many others throughout the world.

I saw Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos lose his international support when he declared Martial Law in the Philippines.

In my opinion, he got too sure of himself, much like Putin. His crimes against humanity never got the Press, exactly. I never talked to Marcos personally. I talked to key supporters like people who handled his political organization, his opponents in politics, and even the commies who controlled some areas. There were some, in my opinion, operatives who did some stunts, which Marcos declared justified his order suspending normal law and declaring Martial Law.

Putin for over two decades decried NATO expansion for reasons of treaties and political promises that were being broken. He distrusted some Western businesses wanting to open up Russian businesses, and subjected them to some kind of "loyalty" examination, and lot of them he simply denied access to Russia.

In 2014 he began to say the UN was not a new world order at all, but simply a gang of thugs. He was already on the list of people who needed to be taken out to pave the way for the New World Order.

In world history, some think both WWI and WWII were instigated in some "conspiratorial" manner which of course means very little fact to back the claim. The idea of a modern "Silk Road" or MagLev railroad capable of moving goods, raw materials and finished products, across the Central Asian land mass. A credible economic blow to the shipping interests established by Western European business..... "The City of London".

Putin's cooperation with Xi on the Belt and Road initiative might be one factor, the immense oil and gas and other resources controlled by Russia might be another. But I think his potential disruption of UN or global initiatives is the central issue why the West is willing to villify him but not Xi, or any number of other real thugs around the world.

I think Putin made a huge "mistake" from any rational analysis, probably final miscalculated decision. I am not well-informed on essential civil or human rights in Belarus or Russia. I believe he has real opposition, and opposition within Russia. I have read some reports in places like "Foreign Affairs" that credibly instruct any rational student that "our" Establishment has bribed enough people inside Russia and built a network that can take over favorably for globalist leaders when he is gone.

I am not a big hater of anyone. I have a few sources close to most significant world leaders who have been in place for over 20 years, even our own Bush Dynasty. I am against exploitative wars or any undemocratic "regime change" operations.

Some people who have talked to me include Iranian people who wanted to get US help or backing to overthrow their government. Sorry, I told them it was a bad idea. Our government has a record of letting fools and dupes and idealists of every kind, hot with Liberty Fever, just extend themselves and then die in their unsupported fight.

It would have been my idea to live up to our diplomatic assurances and hope Putin, or Xi, could just relax a little about dissidents and idealists, and maybe treat them better.

But the cause of actual human rights throughout the world, and limited government power, is definitely a challenged position to take anywhere, even in JFC.
I predict a bunch of Americans are suddenly going to care about a WNBA player:

You could call an "open border" a few different things and mean the same thing. You could call it a "free border," or a "liberty border" or a "laissez-faire border."

This is one of the major issues that has stopped me from identifying as a libertarian. National borders, nationalism are anti-liberty, anti-libertarian things, yet these are big passionate issues for most of the people who call themselves libertarians.

An open boarder doesn't cause anything. An open boarder simply allows people to move freely as they choose.

babe is directly contradicting himself and his supposed love of human rights when he claims that restrictive borders are part of that ideology. It's absolutely idiotic.
I predict a bunch of Americans are suddenly going to care about a WNBA player:

Wow, how incredibly stupid of her. First to go to Russia right now when the U.S. has imposed harsh sanctions on them and second to go there with a reason for them to arrest her. Did she not think that Russia would be on high alert regarding foreign nationals from NATO countries?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Wow, how incredibly stupid of her. First to go to Russia right now when the U.S. has imposed harsh sanctions on them and second to go there with a reason for them to arrest her. Did she not think that Russia would be on high alert regarding foreign nationals from NATO countries?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
I would bet she, like many WNBA players, was playing for a foreign basketball team (I see from her Wikipedia page she has played for both Chinese and Russian teams, altho it's not clear if she is currently playing overseas, it wouldn't be surprising). So it was her, you know, job.

I got the impression that what she had was just CBD oil, which is so legal in the US you can buy it in the grocery store.