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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

The people I've been listening to have been saying that Bachmut is strategically insignificant for many months now. They've been saying that Ukraine denying complete capture has been a way to focus Russian efforts here while Ukraine prepares for a counteroffensive elsewhere. The casualties are extraordinarily lop-sided in favor of Ukraine, but for Ukraine's sake they have to be. Russia has more soldiers to feed into the grinder than Ukraine does. That said, Russia has been disgusting in how they've wasted human lives in meat wave attacks that have been thwarted time and time again. The Wagner boss Prigozhin has had a feud with the Russian military over supplies, especially ammo, and his source of prisoners forced to fight has been shut off. His rhetoric against the Russian military and veiled shots at Putin that he has posted publicly have me wondering when he's either going to fall out of a hotel window or somehow eat radioactive material.

Bakhmut has cost Russia a lot. I'm not sure if it will ultimately be worth it to them. They essentially leveled the entire city in order to capture it.
Appreciate your response.
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I had a bunch of other stuff written up but I don't really know what I can say so I will just not go there. I'm not special. I don't have any extra special knowledge. This just isn't the place to say what I have seen in regard to hypersonic targets.
I wouldn’t advise divulging test results but there is a long history demonstrating how hard it is to intercept these types of targets, and how poorly our systems have been at the job.

Back in 1950’s we supposedly were able to do it and Kelly Johnson, the same guy who later designed the SR-71, made a target drone that could hit Mach 4.3 called the AQM-60 Kingfisher. All of the interceptor technology we had failed to hit it. Ever. The government cancelled Lockheed’s Kingfisher production contract because it was embarrassing the weapon systems that were supposed to make people feel safe.


Then in the 1980’s there was SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative, better known as Star Wars. We were on the cusp of making the United States invulnerable to any Soviet ICBMs using a layered combination of land, sea, and satellite based interceptor technology. There were computer animations showing how everything worked, except that it didn’t.

One of the interesting interceptor ideas was the Boeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser. It was a giant laser housed in a Boeing 747 with an aiming mirror/lens at the nose which could kill targets at the speed of light. It worked great on paper. The problem is the water in our atmosphere distorts and diffuses any laser beam to the point that after 5-10km it no longer had the energy to do any real damage.


The Patriot Missile Defense System, like all the other products before it, came with fantastic claims the real world test data didn’t support. We do have a long list of falling short but we do get better with every generation and we are certainly better than anyone else in the world. It is just a hard problem to solve, and I do think the Patriot system of today is very impressive even if it isn’t quite as good as the American government would have us believe.
Because Ukraine claims it still possesses part of the "city." Ukraine has only held a few blocks worth of the city for months now and it has taken Russia half a year to go a kilometer or two at the cost of 100,000 casualties according to the U.S. and massive tank losses. Backhmut was a important place for Russia to smash themselves against. This is not a win for Russia.
I have heard from a couple of sources that Ukraine is gaining in the area surrounding Bakmut. It could be that their forces wind up encircled.
It’s interesting how some posters only engage in this thread when there appears to be bad news for Ukraine. Just an observation.
It’s interesting how some posters only engage in this thread when there appears to be bad news for Ukraine. Just an observation.
troll-make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them:
What’s the good news coming from Ukraine? The whole situation is bad news.
Exactly.... Thing is, I fully 100% believe this war would've never happened under Trump who had one of the most peaceful presidencies in many decades. I personally want nothing to do with this needless and pointless war. I couldn't care less about historically racist and corrupt Ukraine and I couldn't care even less for the garbage authoritarian POS country of Russia.

This war is helping nobody and only hurting economies like ours. I personally have been against this war Biden help create since day one. It's crazy to me how Democrats who used to rally and protest war are now 100% pro war. Anything to maintain partisanship I guess. I don't often speak of it, because it doesn't get me off like others. I despise war. Especially one that has nothing to do with us outside of lining the pockets of the global elite weapons manufactures and it's constituents. Yet Thriller is ignorantly crying about the NRA whole supporting bombs.

Russia gaining a victory as I pointed out in the post you bumped is only going to prolong this **** war. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence understands the importance in that. Thrillers point is ridiculously stupid per usual. I'm rooting against this ever lasting war. Russia gaining momentum completely destroys that. Thriller wants blood shed, I don't.
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Meanwhile uneducated folk don't understand basic ****. They don't understand that their president is funding this war from all angles . The Obama(Biden) Cartel amongst a slew swamp Republican are making a killing off of of this war.

"Iran has solidified its role as Russia’s wartime arms supplier as Russian forces, facing battlefield losses, intensify their attacks on Ukraine’s civilian population and infrastructure
On Oct. 18, Tehran upped its involvement by agreeing to provide Moscow with surface-to-surface missiles and many additional cheap drones, Reuters reported.

Two days later, the United States disclosed that it had evidence that Iran sent personnel to Crimea to assist Russian forces in launching attacks on Ukraine. “Tehran is now directly engaged on the ground,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters."

Latest Biden Admin Sanctions Waiver Allows $500 Million Payment for Iran, Tehran Says

The Biden administration is reportedly conducting indirect negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran for the release of U.S. hostages. In exchange for the prisoners, Washington may free Iranian nationals detained in America and release up to $7 billion in Iranian funds, held in South Korean banks, that are frozen due to U.S. terrorism sanctions. Qatar may facilitate the monetary transfer. The proposed exchange comes as protests resurge throughout Iran and the rial hits an historic low against the U.S. dollar.

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Exactly.... Thing is, I fully 100% believe this war would've never happened under Trump who had one of the most peaceful presidencies in many decades. I personally want nothing to do with this needless and pointless war. I couldn't care less about historically racist and corrupt Ukraine and I couldn't care even less for the garbage authoritarian POS country of Russia.

This war is helping nobody and only hurting economies like ours. I personally have been against this war Biden help create since day one. It's crazy to me how Democrats who used to rally and protest war are now 100% pro war. Anything to maintain partisanship I guess. I don't often speak of it, because it doesn't get me off like others. I despise war. Especially one that has nothing to do with us outside of lining the pockets of the global elite weapons manufactures and it's constituents. Yet Thriller is ignorantly crying about the NRA whole supporting bombs.

Populist, isolationist, appeasement ********. Good to see support for fascism is alive and well in America. Seems that not everybody has learned the lessons of history. Wars for oil good, wars for democracy bad. Fantastic narrative from US far right, isolationist, crack pots.
Populist, isolationist, appeasement ********. Good to see support for fascism is alive and well in America. Seems that not everybody has learned the lessons of history. Wars for oil good, wars for democracy bad. Fantastic narrative from US far right, isolationist, crack pots.
What part of my anti war post is fascism Karen? Be specific. Why can't none of you ever actually discuss without going ballistic and childish trigger words that you can't even define? Just make calling, nothing intelligent, just hate. I never wanted this war and if not for Biden being a brainless dementia failure if a president this war would've never happened.

And please don't come at me with your uneducated "democracy" trigger word you alt lefts use. You wanna talk Democracy how about not be a raging Karen hypocrite? Study Ukraine for 5 seconds. Again I don't want this war like the blood thirsty alt-left. There would've been no war if the alt-left would've voted like me. There would be no invasion if not for Democrats victim playing over mean tweets. Blaming me for YOUR war.... Ukraine has historically been as fascist as it comes. And that's not pro Russia either. Russia is also a true fascist authoritarian regime. Neither country is worth what this war could lead to. Do you crave for WW3? It seems like it. Amazing how bloodthirsty the once hippies have become.

A Flawed Democracy​

The Economist Intelligence Unit assesses nations' democratic status in its annual Democracy Index. The 2021 index concluded that Ukraine was a "flawed democracy" and also described it as a "hybrid regime."

The Freedom House Freedom in the World report said that "corruption remains endemic, and initiatives to combat it are only partially implemented. Attacks against journalists, civil society activists, and members of minority groups are frequent, and police responses are often inadequate."

Transparency International ranked Ukraine as the third most corrupt country in Europe in 2021, behind Russia and Azerbaijan.
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What part of my anti war post is fascism Karen? Be specific. Why can't none of you ever actually discuss without going ballistic and childish trigger words that you can't even define? Just make calling, nothing intelligent, just hate.
He didn’t call your post fascist. He said people who are populists and isolationists when it comes to Russia invasion of Ukraine are supporters of Fascism.
Since you believe this war is needless or pointless, you support Fascism.
He didn’t call your post fascist. He said people who are populists and isolationists when it comes to Russia invasion of Ukraine are supporters of Fascism.
Since you believe this war is needless or pointless, you support Fascism.
So supporting Ukraine who is a well established fascist country is what? Ukraine is literally one of the most fascist countries in Europe. Am I wrong?

They have historically been as corrupt as any nation out there... Now we are sending 100s on billions to them....

There's extremest killing innocent people all over the globe and while it's terrible should we intervene? There's needless wars going on in Sudan, Israel and Palestine are constantly provoking each other, wars in Libya.

These are not our wars.
I agree war is always bad news, but sometimes the bad news in this war is for Russia instead of for Ukraine.
Again what’s the good news coming out of Ukraine? They were promised F16’s? What else is there to post on? Just follow pro Ukraine twitter feeds. The only positive postings coming from them is:

View: https://twitter.com/kyivindependent/status/1660556653534629889?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Followed by:

View: https://twitter.com/kyivindependent/status/1660560249034612739?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://twitter.com/kyivindependent/status/1660578291982499843?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Again what’s the good news?
So supporting Ukraine who is a well established fascist country is what? Ukraine is literally one of the most fascist countries in Europe. Am I wrong?

They have historically been as corrupt as any nation out there... Now we are sending 100s on billions to them....

There's extremest killing innocent people all over the globe and while it's terrible should we intervene? There's needless wars going on in Sudan, Israel and Palestine are constantly provoking each other, wars in Libya.

These are not our wars.
Honestly, it really doesn’t matter what you post. You will be called a fascist, Nazi, racist or some other word because you don’t believe in what they do. It’s easier for them to call you a name than actually debate you.
I mean... We just got over a 20 year war that accomplished very little besides 2500+ American soldiers dead, hundreds of thousands of deaths, trillions wasted, all for what?

This Russia Ukraine war is not going end any time soon. Hell if China finally decides to join forces or if they attack Taiwan its a full blown WW3. We are on the verge of a default, our oil reserves depleted, the country on the verge of a civil war ourselves (I'm being slightly dramatic there). And because I don't support either of these corrupt *** countries I'm supporting fascism? I call bs.

Again crazy how it's gone from protesting and gathering against Vietnam to openly advocating for war. The once liberal party of love and peace is now the alt-right warmongering death cult.

I don't want war with China either. I don't want war between China and Taiwan. Apparently to the party of blood thirst and war that makes me fascist.
Conflict with China is inevitable unless the U.S. changes course, Beijing's new foreign minister warns

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In an unjust war I favor the side that didn't start the unnecessary and unjust war. I reject the side that initiated aggression.

And are you allowed to still be realistic when posting about what’s actually happening in the unjust war, even if it’s not in favor of the side you support? Or do need to be an outspoken cheerleader for that side, so you’re not seen as supporting the aggressor?