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The Stretch 4 Discussion Thread

Let me also be perfectly clear that I love Crowder and very much view him as a piece that will be here for the contention years. He checks off a lot of really important boxes that a player (here) should.

His defense picked up from his time in Cleveland, but his shooting percentages concern me. I'm just not sure he's the guy we want as the stretch 4 solution. Think he is good as a sixth man that provides, toughness, can get hot, and gives us some positional flexibility. He also looks super cool.
His defense picked up from his time in Cleveland, but his shooting percentages concern me. I'm just not sure he's the guy we want as the stretch 4 solution. Think he is good as a sixth man that provides, toughness, can get hot, and gives us some positional flexibility. He also looks super cool.
Yeah, I don't view him as THE solution to the nominal 4 slot, but I do view him as A solution, which I view the pros and cons of his tweenerness as largely one-and-the-same. With his strength, I think he can play some 5 in this league as well.

All that being said, I think he'll be better. He was traded twice in the last year, had some off-court trauma, and his role changed with each trade. I honestly can hardly fathom anything but improvement.
If Favs walks and we use Ekpe in a trade... a backup center I really like and think we could get on a value deal is Salah Mejri. No one likes him... he eats the glass, provides rim protection, will foul the eff out of you, is really dirty... I'm here for all of it.
Yeah, I don't view him as THE solution to the nominal 4 slot, but I do view him as A solution, which I view the pros and cons of his tweenerness as largely one-and-the-same. With his strength, I think he can play some 5 in this league as well.

There are a few guys on this team that I think have more value to us than a team would offer in a trade... DM, Rudy, Joe, Ricky, Royce... I'm not 100% sure Jae is on that list u know. I could see a team valuing him appropriately and us taking the bait if it was something we truly wanted.

That's what I'm getting at...
I think we could get to #11 by doing unguaranteed guys and #21 for Marvin Williams. I think Noah is cooked and I don't think NY will do the deal honestly. The premium to get to top 9 will be high.

Wilson Chandler scares me... he looks great, then disappears and has some health concerns. I don't think they'd do AB for him straight up. They would likely love to get off of his contract so he is very available.

I think a version of the Gortat deal could happen, but I think it might be after the draft and involve their 2019 pick. Just a hunch there.

Phoenix supposedly wants Capela... they would need to clear some space for a max offer... we could do unguaranteeds and #21, for Chandler, 16, 31. I don't see a pressing need to move up, but there is enough value that I would angle for it.

If pre-draft we could pull off these two trades, wow:

Alec Burks and #52 for DeMarre Carroll
Non-guaranteeds (Udoh, Jerekbo and Thabo) and #21 for Tyson Chandler, #16 and #31 http://www.espn.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=yaxqxsjg

Then we look to sign Thabo immediately after he is waived/released by Phoenix.
He is valuable, but I'm not sure he's an amazing value. He only has the 2 years left now. I'm just saying he isn't as stretchy as some may think.

I don't think he's our answer at starting PF. However, for all that he can do off the bench, his value is incredible. Let's not forget that Quin and DL were chasing him for years and finally got him. He ain't gonna get traded.
Can't do that.

I'm fairly certain we can. If a player is traded to another team, and that team decides not to pick up his non-guaranteed contract for the next season, that player becomes an unrestricted free agent available to any team. Remember, Thabo would be traded in the 2017-18 NBA budget year and his non-guaranteed deadline is after the moratorium which is into the next season. I'm pretty sure if he is part of a "pre-draft" trade then is released by that new team, he is free to re-sign with us.
I'm fairly certain we can. If a player is traded to another team, and that team decides not to pick up his non-guaranteed contract for the next season, that player becomes an unrestricted free agent available to any team. Remember, Thabo would be traded in the 2017-18 NBA budget year and his non-guaranteed deadline is after the moratorium which is into the next season. I'm pretty sure if he is part of a "pre-draft" trade then is released by that new team, he is free to re-sign with us.
Interesting. Maybe, but I ain't looking into it further. That would be cool.
I'm fairly certain we can. If a player is traded to another team, and that team decides not to pick up his non-guaranteed contract for the next season, that player becomes an unrestricted free agent available to any team. Remember, Thabo would be traded in the 2017-18 NBA budget year and his non-guaranteed deadline is after the moratorium which is into the next season. I'm pretty sure if he is part of a "pre-draft" trade then is released by that new team, he is free to re-sign with us.

Interesting. Maybe, but I ain't looking into it further. That would be cool.
Not sure if the new CBA changed it, but I thought that you have to wait a year after the date of the trade?

"A team cannot reacquire a player they traded away during that season (a season being July 1 - June 30). If he is waived by his new team, then he cannot re-sign with his original team until the one-year anniversary of the trade, or until the July 1 following the end of his contract, whichever comes first. However, if a team trades a player's draft rights, they can reacquire the player during the same season."
The more I think about it, the more I get on board with bringing Favs back. Mostly because I don’t think bringing back Favors as the starting 4, stops us from acquiring the stretch 4 that this team badly needs.

The bottom line is this: While Favs does not provide us what we need as a stretch 4, he’s invaluable in the sense that he can slide over to the 5 and eat up some high quality minutes behind Gobert. This is something that shouldn’t be underplayed considering that we’ve seen Rudy have some health issues and missed games.

Resign Favs on a reasonable 2-3 year deal. Move Burks for cap relief, sign/trade for a young stretch 4 that has maybe underperformed a little bit but could thrive in this Jazz system. With a trio of Gobert/Favs/Stretch 4 in place, there’s enough minutes to go around in the rotation, it frees Quin up to play match-up line-ups, and should we lose Rudy for any significant amount of time, sliding Favs over to the starting 5 is a huge luxury for us.
Another thing I've gone and reviewed in my mind... Are we sure Jae Crowder is good? He brings toughness which I appreciate, but his shooting numbers are pretty bad. Honestly he's had one good three point shooting year. He's a good defender, but not amazing.

I can remember off the top of my head; twice the Jazz going stone cold in these playoffs. Thought it might start to look like an embarrassment game due to minutes of missed shots, turnovers, then bam, Jae put a stop to that.
I hope the Jae we saw in the playoffs is the real Jae. I am afraid the Jae we saw during the regular season is the real Jae. If he is going to jack up shots outside of the offense he damn well better hit a few of them.
I can remember off the top of my head; twice the Jazz going stone cold in these playoffs. Thought it might start to look like an embarrassment game due to minutes of missed shots, turnovers, then bam, Jae put a stop to that.

He runs hot and cold which is a good thing I think... when guys have good games we win cuz our defense is balls... we can survive a guy going cold. What we can’t have is a cold guy shooting like he’s on fire... we saw that a couple times. I don’t want to be too critical of him though... the last game we had no Ricky, no Exum, so there weren’t a lot of bullets in the chamber.
Jae looks fat to me. It seems like he could hit the gym and lay off the burgers, pizza and beer in the off season.

I thought he moved well. He had a rough off season... I think we get an improved version this year.

His mom passed this summer and he was traded (the same day iirc) he had things other than basketball he was worried about.
I hope the Jae we saw in the playoffs is the real Jae.

The Jae Crowder who can't jump and shoots awful has replaced Favors in Snyders lineup and Jazz are NOT a better team.
I don't like the UNathletic team(Crowder,O'Neale,Ingles,Rubio,Neto) the Jazz have going right now ,they looked outclassed physically to Houston who isn't very athletic themselves.
Crowder and O'Neale need to be bench guys ,Ingles and Rubio need some athletic players to join them around Mitchell and Gobert.
The more I think about it, the more I get on board with bringing Favs back. Mostly because I don’t think bringing back Favors as the starting 4, stops us from acquiring the stretch 4 that this team badly needs.

The bottom line is this: While Favs does not provide us what we need as a stretch 4, he’s invaluable in the sense that he can slide over to the 5 and eat up some high quality minutes behind Gobert. This is something that shouldn’t be underplayed considering that we’ve seen Rudy have some health issues and missed games.

Resign Favs on a reasonable 2-3 year deal. Move Burks for cap relief, sign/trade for a young stretch 4 that has maybe underperformed a little bit but could thrive in this Jazz system. With a trio of Gobert/Favs/Stretch 4 in place, there’s enough minutes to go around in the rotation, it frees Quin up to play match-up line-ups, and should we lose Rudy for any significant amount of time, sliding Favs over to the starting 5 is a huge luxury for us.

Doubt it happens, it's really going against the grain. The top 4 teams left all roll out stretch PFs , 3 of the 4 roll out stretch centers as well.

Houston: PF Tucker (stretch)
GS: C Green (stretch) PF Durant (stretch)
Cleveland: C Love (stretch) PF James (stretch)
Boston: C Horford (stretch) PF Tatum (stretch)